Running water at the tap and electric lights now possible for every home, no matter where Paul Antomatic Water No More Hard Work Where PRESSURE HESE Modèrn W ater Systems are for Homes, Com­ mercial Buildings, Garages and all places where w ater is needed. T do away with all the hard labor on the farm—and they are a big asset to any agriculturist no matter how big or small his farm may be. They are simple in construction and operation. They operate noise­ lessly from any type of electric lighting system. They may be placed in a basement or separate Universal Light Plants building. The modern farmer knows that furnish Power as well as light. Power for churning, washing, an abundance of water for his live pumping, running the cream sepa­ stock is absolutely neces s a r y. rators and milking machines, oper­ “ PAU L ’ systems meet the needs * ating vacuum cleaners, etc.— perfectly. They soon pay for current for heating electric irons, themselves in increased production stoves, toasters, etc. Think what of milk and in the better health of this means in time and labor saved. Think of the “city” conveniences all live stock. and comforts placed in your home — then you’ll see that instead of being a luxury it is a necessity. Not an assembled job but completely built; motor, generator and all c o m p o n e n t parts, with the exception . o f b atteries, by / oneof the oldest m a k e r s of Unit Light­ ing Plants in Amer- îca It makes no difference whether your sup­ ply of water comes from a cistern, a shallow well or from a deep well, nor does it matter whether the well is in your basement, near the house or a considerable distance away. There is a PAUL system suitable for any condition you may have to meet and are capable ot supplying any amount of water you may need for the house as well as the barns and outbuildings. Ask for prices and further information. I will SYSTEMS You would rather light your home by electricity than by oil. Of course you would—its safer, cleaner, easier and gives you bet­ ter light. Probably the only reas­ on you haven’t thrown out the old, smoky, smell, dangerous oil lamps is one of fancied economy. If that’s the case, the quicker you make the change the better, for instead of being more expen­ sive, UN IVERSAL LIGHT is many times cheaper than oil lamps for the same amount of light. M otor auto- maticallystops when b a i t e r y charged. Light and pow er Irom e ith e r b a t t e r i e s or generator. Highest t y p e equipment throughout. More than 1.400 in U. S. service. be glad to give all details of the PAUL AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM and FARM LIGHTING PLAN TS-and the UNIVERSAL you will be under no obligations to buy. J. W. SHAFFORD With S. E. Wooster, Estacada, Oregon