Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 23, 1919, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 5
On Sunday the clocks will all
be turned back one hour and we
will revert to actual time accord-
ins: to the sun. Thus ends the
experiment in daylight savin#,
f j r t h e law has been repealed,
it found favor in manufacturing
circles and it is astonishing the
amount in dollars and cents, it
is claimed, was saved thereby.
But the farmers and some oth­
ers were dead against it and so
it has been repealed. The other
countries which adopted it, show
no disposition to repeal it, ¿o
s »me substantial advantage must
be derived from it. Better turn
the clock back when going to
bed Saturday night.
School Entertainment
“ Laughing with the Dough­
boy in Europe,” is the attractive
title of a lecture to be given in
the High School auditorium Mon­
day evening at 8 o’clock, under
the auspices of the High School.
The lecturer is Gordon J. Taylor
who spent rine months enter­
taining soldiers in France and
Germany. He worked in every
division in the Army of Occupa­
tion, and will tell of his impres­
sions and inspirations. Admis­
sion 25 cents.
Lecture at M. E. Church
Dr. Madison Swadener, noted
^hatauquer lecturer, will speak
n the M. E. Church, Tuesday
»vening at 8 o’clock. His sub-
ect will be “ American Ideals
md World Prohibition.”
jwadener is very highly reeom-
nended as an orator and thinker
md comes under the auspices of
he Anti-Saloon League.
nission is free.
At Newberg, Ore., Wednes­
day, Oct. 15, 1919, Mrs. Eda
Woods to Mr. C. R. Lovell of
The N ews joins with their
many friends in wishing them
long life and happiness.
E stacada , O regon T hursday O ctober 23. 1919
Monday night, Octoober 27th,
Mr. Taylor will give an entertain­
ment at the high school auditor­
ium. Mr. Taylor is well known
in Estacada and the announce­
ment of his coming is received
with joy by his many friends!
Admission prices of 25 and 35
cents will be charged.
The freshmen class has raised
it’s number by two: Walter And­
erson and Irvin Cadaneau. And­
erson is going out for football,
and it is hoped that he will devel­
op into a good man for line work.
The Freshie’s have sent away
for their class pennant and are
very proud of the fact. The col­
ors are to be purple and white.
The Sophs claim this year’s class
is the greenest bunch yet, but
just the same they have the good
old E. H. S. spirit having three
representatives on the football
The E. H. S. squad scheduled
a game with Gresham last Friday
but they backed out therefore
forfeiting the game to our boys.
Saturday our men traveled to
Salem and got beat to the tune of
45 to 15. Vernon Hassel, who
was driving one of the cars, had
a smash up in Oregon City but
none of the passengers were hurt
another car was hired and they
relayed on into Salem. The coach
wants a game Friday, on the
home field and claims we are go­
ing to win. From what we know
now of our coach we are sure that
our boys will win for what he
says he means. He is getting out
in a uniform himself and helping
the “scrhbs” rough up the first
line men. The other night he re­
ceived a bum eye as a result of
the scrimmage but this only made
him play better, he’s game fel­
lows he’s game!
We are sure of at least two
more games this season. Hood
River H. S. at Hood River Nov.
11., and Oregon City H. S. at Es­
tacada Nov. 22nd. There is also
some talk of “ walking all over
Salem just to get even with
them .”
Sept. 29 Hill Military Acade­
my 13, E. H. S. 7,
Oct. 3- Camas H. S. 7, E. H.
On Thursday morning October
16th, Alexander Baker while
shingling the Ed Burnett house,
was taken with a sudden attack
of heart failure, death oceuring
almost immediately.
Alonzo Alexander Baker was
born in Bakersville, Pennsylva­
nia, December 5, 1875. In 1878
with his parents he moved to
Portland, Oregon. In 1891 he
moved to Eagle Creek, where he
had since resided. On May 13,
1903, he was united in marriage
to Rosa Dell Douglass. Besides
his widow hd leaves two sons,
George A. aged 12 years, and
Carl Oliver, aged 7 months.
Two brothers, Henry Baker of
Sycamore, Oregon, and Louis
Baker of Eagle Creek, besides a
host of friends also mourn his
loss. He was a good, kind hus­
band and loving father.
funeral services were held Sat­
urday October 18, in the Eagle
Creek Church, at 1 p. m., the
Rev. J, F. Dunlop of Estacada,
officiating. The interment was
in the Forrester cemetery, and
the floral offerings many and
Go To Church Sunday
Next Sunday, by special re­
quest of the Governor of the
state, everybody is requested to
attend church or Sunday School.
There will be a special obser­
vance of the day at the M. E.
church in the morning, begin­
ning with graduation exercises
of the Sunday school and ending
with a rally service.
At the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. an d Mrs. H. H.
Udell in Eagle Creek, October
22nd. 1919. Miss Ivy May Udell
to* Mr. John Mark of Pc rtland
the Rev. J. F. Dunlop of Esta­
cada officiating.
S. 47.
O c t. 17 Gresham forfeits
game to E. II. S.
Oct. 18 Salem H. S. 45, E. H.
S. 15.
From now on you can expect
to see a weekly report of the
teams in these columns.
$1.50 P er Y ear
At the meeting called last Mon­
day night to consider the steps
to be taken in view of the Tele­
phone company having applied to
the public service commission
for authority to increase its rates
it was voted to file a protest with
the commission and demand a
public hearing.
The general
public is not disposed to pay in­
creased rates at present, owing
to the poorness of service and
equipment. There is however,
no desire to bankrupt the com­
pany, and if it can prove that it
is impossible to do business and
earn a reasonable return at pres­
ent rates, maintain and keep up
its equipment and render ade­
quate service, it is probable that
the public will acquiesce with
good grace. But they first have
to be shown
The Commission
will announce the date of hear­
ing later, and opportunity will be
given all those Interested to ai-
The E. C. C. C.
The regular meeting of the
Community Club will be held
Friday evening of next week at
George, in conformity with the
plan recently adopted of holding
occasional meetings in the out­
side districts. A good program
is being arranged and the hospi­
tality of the George people is so
well known that a good time is
assured. All who wish to go
should notify Mr. Stephens or
Mr. Deming, and all who can go
with automobiles are especially
urged to notify them, in order
that transportation may be ar­
ranged for all.
Special C lu b Offer
Our special club offer of the
Evening Telegram and N ews
for$l. 75 expired last month, but
we are able to combine the two
during this month for $5.00.
'Pus effects a saving of $1.50 on
both papers, and applies to old
as well as well as new sub­
scribers. Better take the offer
up while it is goo»).