Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 16, 1919, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Mr. Bracken burg returned to
Dover after several days visit in
R. C. Frace was visiting
Claude Yomd and family Sun­
The wedding bells are tinkling
in Dover. P>oys, get your cow
bells and tin cans ready.
The DeShazer family and Mr.
anil Mrs. Walter Kitzmiller at­
tended church in Estacada Sun­
day. *
Edward Wolf and family of
Sandy visited Mr. and Mrs.
Schminky Sunday evening.
Geo. Kitzmiller, while logging
for the Victory Mill Co., had the
misfortune to have his horses
p illed into the mill pond. One
horse came near drowning.
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and
their families are invited to at­
tend a kid parry at the Odd Fel­
lows Hall, Wednesday, October
22nd at 8:30 p. m. Please dress
in costume and act as you look.
Prizes will be given for the best
representation of a kid.
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior, U.
S. Land office at Portland,
Oregon, September 20, l£fl9.
Notice is hereby given that
Frank E. Clark, of Cherrvville,
Oregon, who, on June 27, 1918,
made Homestead Entry. No.
.05108, for Lots 1, 2 and E Vi
NW!4. Section 31, Township 2
South, Range 0 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of in ­
tention to make three-year Proof,
to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Reg­
ister and Receiver of the United
States Land Office, at Portland,
Oregon, on the 1 1th day ol Nov­
ember, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Parnell Averill, William G. Web­
ber, Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Wil­
liam S. Runyan, ail of Cherry-
ville, Clackamas Co. Oregon.
Proof made under the acts of
June 6, 1912 and June 9, 1910.
Alexander Sweek,
9-25 10-23
Catarrh Cannot He Cured
w ith LO CA L A P P L IC A T IO N S . ns th e y
cannot reach th e »cHt of the illscaa«.
C a ta rrh la a local ills, t-i . g re a tly In­
fluenced by co n stitu tio n a l conditions, am i
In o rd er to cu re It you n .>t tak e an
In tern al rem edy. H all's C a ta rrh M edi­
cine Is tak en in tern ally and a c ts th ru
th e bh>..d on th e m ucous su rfaces of th e
sy stem H a ll's C a ta rrh M edicine w as
p rescrib ed by one of th e best p h y sician s
In th is co u n try for y ears It Is com*
posed of som e of th e best tonics know n,
com bined v lth som e o f th e best blood
purtfb rs The p erfect com bination o f
th e Inirred e n ts In H a ll's C a ta rrh M edi­
cine t« wl nt p ro d uces s ! w onderful
re su lts In c a ta rrh a l co nditions Send fo r
testim o n ials tree.
F J CH U N K V fk CO.. Tri ps.. Toledo. O.
All Pruirirtat*. TV*
H a ll’s I
' p u ts fo r co n stip atio n
Thursday, October *6. 1919
Killing a Town
An exchange prints the fol­ Undertaker and Embalmer
lowing receipt for kil'inga town:
Gresham - Oregon
‘«‘Underate every present and
prospecsive enterprise, speak ill
Warren McWillis
of the churches and schools; en­
Local Agent for Estacada
large the vices of thé' people,
withold patronage from your + * + + + + + + + + * * *
—can be obtained by listing
merchants and tradesmen, and
buy your goods and groceries at
The Hog Special nakes
some other place; never sub­
trips to Portland.
scribe or support your local pa­ +
. ♦
Ship your furn i t u r e b y
pers, and if you are in business,
is quicker, t a ke n
never speud a penny for adver­
from door to door, a t l ess
Any one having anything
Leo Rath and Ed. Scheel took
whatsoever in Portland for
some hogs to Portland last week,
transportation to Estacada,
leave word or the goods
for which they received a good
at 169 Front St.
Mrs. Robert Miller called on + + + + + + + + + + ,l' + <i +
F. C. Bartholomew
Mrs. C, Rawlins at Esfaeada,
one tlay last week.
Insurance .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paulsen London Fire
Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
anti children of Portland, visited
American Fire Ins. Co.
their sister and brother, Mr. and
Keep your policy in
Mrs. Julius Paulsen of George
our fire proof vault
Saturday night and Sunday.
free of charge.
Mrs. Forsythe of Gresham,
Estacada State B a n k
visited her sister Mrs. P. Ruhl
in the Heme Company
last Monday.
and through the Home Agent
Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Harders
The buyer lor the Henry
visited relatives and friends at
Plant of Portland, did j
Estacada last Sunday.
a big business Monday in cull
C. Johnson was transacting 1 apples,
Agent for
bought a hundred
business in Portland last Friday. or more having
tons at $10 a ton. This j The Pacific States
Mrs, Warwick visited Mrs. H. means a good
deal as heretofore
Joyner last Friday.
• cull apples were unsalable..
! Fire Insurance Company
Notice of Final Account
: J. K. Ely & Son :
I Odd Fellows
* Building
Fire Insurance
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of
Mattie E. Boswell, Deceased. No.
Notice is hereby given that Buell C.
Boswell, executor of the estate of
Mattie E. Boswell, decease 1, has filed
in the above entitled Court his tinal ac­
count and report as such executor, and
the said court has, by an order duly
made and tmtered this 30th day of Sep­
tember, 1919, appointed Monday the 3rd
day of November, 1919, at the hour of
2 p. m. of sail! day in the court room
of said Court in the City of Oregon
City, County of Clackamas and State
of Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing of all objections to the said
final account, if any there be, and for
tinal settlement anil distribution of said
Dated at Gresham, Oregon, this 30th
day of September 1919.
First publication, October 2nd, 1919.
Last publication, October 30th, 1919.
Buell O. Boswell,
Milo 0. King.
Attorney for Executor,
Gresham. Oregon.
Roosevelt’s birthday, Oet. 27,
will be generally celebrated over
the state. In almost every ham­
let, town and city in the state.
Roosevelt memorial meetings
will be held. Citizens of all de­
nom inations political parties, and
social classes are cooperating in
arranging these meetings.
Leave it to the
specialist •
I of years the Standard
Oil Company, through its
Board of Lubrication En­
gineers, has given valu­
able service in lubrication
—-on land, on sea and in
the air. Thousands of
m otorists are availing
themselves of this service.
By exhaustive study and
actual tests the Standard
Oil Company Board of
Lubrication Engineers has
determined the correct
consistency of Zerolene
for your make of automo­
bile. Their recommenda­
tions are available for you
in the Zerolene Correct
Lubrication Charts. There
is a chart for each make
of car.
Get a Correct Lubrica­
tion Chart for your car.
At your dealer’s or our
nearest station.
S i grade 1er each type ofengine
J* L* LACEY, Special Agent, Park Place, Oregon.