Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 09, 1919, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Rural Carrier Examination
The United States Civil Ser­
vice Commission has announced
an examination for the County
o f Clackamas, Oregon, to he
held at Portland on October 25,
1919, to fill the position o f rural
carrier at Boring and Estacada
and vacancies that may later oc­
cur on rural routes from other
post offices in the above mention­
ed county.
The examination
will be open only to citizens who
are actually domiciled in the ter­
ritory ol a post office in the coun­
ty and who ’ meet tin* other re­
quirements set forth in Form No.
1977. This form and application
blanks may be obtained from the
offices mentioned above or from
the United Ssates Civil Service
Commission at Washington, P.
C. Applications should be for­
warded to tne commission at
Washington at the earliest prac­
ticable date.
Admission of women to this
examination will be limited to
the widows of U. S. soldiers,
sailors or marines, and to the
wives of U. S. soldiers, sailors,
or marines who are physically
disqualified for examination, by
reason o f injuries received in the
line of duty.
Notice For Publication
Department o f the Interior, U.
S. Land office at Portland,
Oregon, September 20, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Frank E. Clark, of Cherry ville,
Oregon, who, on June 27, 101S,
made Homestead Entry. No.
(151 OS, for Lots 1, 2 and Ehi
N W V Section 31. Township 2
South. Range f> East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of in­
tention to make three-year Proof,
to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Reg­
ister and Receiver of the Unite I
States Land Office, at Portland,
Oregon, on the 14th day of Nov­
ember. 1919.
Claimant names as .witnesses:
Parnell A cerili. William C. W eb­
ber. Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Wil­
liam S. Runyan, all o f (Sherry-
ville, Clackamas Co. Oregon.
Proof made under the acts o f
June (5. 1912 and .lune 9, 1919.
Alexander Sweek.
9-25 10-23
C atarrh C annot Be Cured
With L O C A I. A P P L I C A T I O N S , . is th e y
c a n n o t rea ch the seat o f the disease.
C a ta r r h is a loca l d is e a s e , » ¡r e a lly tn-
Uu« n ce .l hy c o n stitu tio n a l con ditions, and
In o r d e r 10 cur* It you I I I
I la k e .ill
Internal r e m e d y .
H a ll's C a ta r r h M e d i­
cin e Is taken in ternally and a c t s thru
th e blo.ul on th e m u co u s surt u e a o f the
s y s te m
H a ll's C a ta rrh
M. h em ,
ire at rl bed by on e Of the best t'hvaician*
n this co u n try fo r y e a r «
It is c o m ­
p o se d o f son ic o f the best ton ics k n ow n ,
c o m b i n e d \, tth s o m e o f the best b lood
p u rifiers
T he p e r f e c t , conihm itlon o f
the I n c i ' d i nts In H a i r s C atarrh M ed i­
c in e 1» wl it p ro d u ce s such w m derfu l
re s u lts In
itnrrhal co n d itio n s Send f o r
t e s t lm o n it '
fr e e
F .1 C H U N K Y A- C O . P r o p s , Toledo, O
All I >rr
in ,
H a l l's I retty PIHs fo r con stip a tion .
Thursday, October 9, 1919
Notice For Publication
Undertaker and Embalmer
Department o f the Interior, U.
S. Land Office at Portland,
Gresham - Oregon
Oregon, September 3, 1919,
Warren Me Willis
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur Henry Perry, o f Estaca­
Local Agent for Estacada
da, Oregon, Route. 1, who, on
June 28, 1918, made Homestead
* + + * * * + + + + + * +
Entry, No. 05047, for EA SE>i,
Section 27, Township 3 South,
Range 4 East, Willamette Meri- j
dian, has filed notice o f intention
to make three-year Proof, to es­
tablish claim to the land above
described, before the Register
and Receiver of the United
States Land Office at Portland,
Oregon, on the 15th day c f Octo- j +
' her. 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
E ST A C A D A ,
J. J. Davis, Gideon Quigbaum, i
William Pink ley, P. F. Wagner,
+ + + + + + + * + +
all-of Estacada, Oregon.
Proof made under the Acts of
Fire Insurance
June (>, 1912 and June 9, 191(5.
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
Alexander Sweek, Register.
Great American Fire Ins. Co.
9-11 10-9
^ Keep your policy in
our fire proof vault
Notice of Final Account
free o f charge.
— can be obtained by listing
with E S T A C A D A FE ED CO.
J. K. Ely & Son
The Hog Special
daily trips to Portland.
Ship your f u r n i t u r e b y
truck, it is quicker, t a k e n
from door to door, a t l e s s
Odd fellows
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County o f Clackamas.
In the matter o f the
Estate of
Mattie E. Boswell,
Deceased. No. .
Notioe is hereby given Jhat Buell C.
Boswell, executor of the estate of
Mattie E. Boswell, deceased, has filed
in the above entitled Court his final ae- j
count and report as such executor, and
the said court has, by an order duly
made and etitered this 30th day of Sep­
tember, 1010, appointed Monday the 3rd
day of November, 1010, at the hour of
2 p. m. of said day in the court room
of said Court in the City of Oregon
City, County of Clackamas and State
of Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing of all objections to the said
final account, if any there he, and for
final settlement and distribution
Dated at Gresham, Oregon, this 30th
• day of September 1919.
First publication, October 2nd, 1919.
Last publication, October 30th, 1919.
Buell O. Boswell,
Milo C. King.
Attorney for Executor,
Gresham. Oregon.
F. C. Bartholomew
W F Si
Fire Insurance
in the Home Company
and through the Home Agent
ÌIA I.A /.1
"B u ild ln c The We- I"
Established ¡310 Ko: the devclopine.it ot
W estern incili tries.
a1 urt, niiu.ng, oil, ar.d
iiv n .r a t tr > on.
O f i-tcr e st to the W eslci n
investor, f. rmer and siichtseer. Printed on high
grade pape, with copper half-tone illustrations,
te a r. $2 ; co y, 23c. Sam ple, 10c. 3 back num­
bers for 2bc. Send now. T ie New West Malta­
rino, 1211 Wnikcr Bank Bldg., Salt Lake C ty,
U ta h ; 1004 W hite B ld g . Seattle, W a sh .; 730
W oodw ard Ave., Detroit, Mich. Address near­
est o ffic e , or place your subscription through
this newspaper.
Agent for
The Pacific
Fire Insurance Company
Correctly refined
• D O V E R IT E M S
Born October 2, a boy to Mr.
’ ami Mrs. Hugh Develin.
Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie enter­
tained friends from Portland
Roy Trvmark attended servic­
es in Sandy Sunday.
W. P. Roberts bought a new
gasoline w o o d saw and a Cupper
fanning mill during the past
James Akin spent several days
in Portland last week.
Miss Snider left Friday for
Portland to visit her foiks. re­
turning Sunday evening.
Mrs. Develin o f Eagle Creek
| is spending a few days with her
son and family o f Dover.
Any one having anything
whatsoever in Portland for
transportation to Estacada,
can leave word or the goods
themselves, at Hi9 Front St.
Estacada State Bank
V 1 1 1«: N F W
Z erolene is co rrectly refined from selected
C alifornia crude oil. I t is the product of the
com bined resources, experience and equipm ent
* of the S tan d ard Oil C om pany.
By exhaustive stu d y and actual tests the
-» S tandard Oil C om pany Board of L ubrication
E ngineers has determ ined the correct consis­
tency of Z erolene for y o u r m ake of autom obile.
T h eir recom m endations are available for you
in the Z erolene C orrect L ubrication C harts.
T h ere is a sep arate c h a rt for each m ake of car.
G et one for y o u r car. A t y o u r dealer’s or oi*'
n earest statio n .
^4 g ra d e for each typ e of engine
L . L A C E Y , Special Agpnt, Park Place, Oregon.