Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 25, 1919, Image 1

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    £asimt Ûllarkamaa f o n
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13, N umber 1
A representative meeting- of
the county met at Oregon City
Monday night, to determine the
question of bonding the county
for $1,700,000 for roads, or to
provide a program for an annual
tax levy of five mills for ten
years under the pay-as-you-go
plan. The delegation from Es­
tacada and vicinity consisted of
J. W. Reed, E. W. Bartlett, H.
C. Stevens, R. C. Deming, Earl
Day, H. E. Wooster, F. E. Kirk,
J. E. Shibley, T. P. McCauley,
L. S. Tenny, F. Madden and
Peter Erickson.
The matter* was ,thoroughly
discussed land threshed out and
when the vote was taken it was
found that about 140 were in
favor of bonds with . only about
thirteen against.
It is not likely the question
can be submitted to the people
till late fall or spring, and irt the
meantime a good deal of mission­
ary educational work should be
done, because as the editor of
the Enterprise remarked in his
Sunday’s issue, that he had
“watched the votes of the vo­
ters of Clackamas on road bond
issues for many year§ and in
every instance the people have
declined to sanction bond issues. ’’
And h.e does not believe the sen­
timent has changed.
Cutting the H. C. L.
The saving of nearly $100,000,
^ 000 in seven months is concrete
proof that the Governments
thrift campaign is checking ex­
travagant expenditure, which is
a most efficient remedy for high
prices. The saving of $100,000,
000 simply means cutting down
demand by that amount, and
turning the money to much need­
ed production of necessities.
Christian Church
Edward Wright of Portland,
will preach both morning and
evening, on Sunday, Sept. 28th.
SundajySchool is at 10 a. m.
E stacada , O regon T hursday S eptember 25. 1919
Community Club Meets
on Friday Evening
The regular monthly meeting
cf the Eastern Clackamas Com­
munity Club, will be held in the
lobby of the Estacada, Friday
evening, commencing at 8. As
the prune picking is in full blast,
this may effect outside attend­
ance, but all in town should turn
out. The road bonding question
will be discussed among other
live topics. Remember, those
who are striving to make this
club a success should receive
every encouragement, for they
are looking after and pushing
the interests of the community.
Those who hang back will no
doubt be delighted if their prop­
erty should increase in value, by
^the efforts of* this club. But
what kind of men are they to be
willing to reap where they have
not helped? There are more
kinds of hoboes than one.
Road Petition
Numerously Signed
Two gentlemen, a Mr. Frank
Robinson of Portland and Mr. J.
E. Munpower of Baker’s Bridge,
were in town yesterday, circula­
ting a petition to have the pro­
jected Hood River Loop road run
from Barton on the* north side
of the river. It was numerously
signed and Mr. Robinson in­
formed us that no man who had
been seen from Baker’s Bridge
to Estacada was in favor of any
other route. Mr. Robinson is
owner of 240 acres on the lower
Information Wanted
My brother John Fields, who
is an ex-soldier and was staying
with me last summer, has been
missing since June 17. He is
30 years old, about 5 feet 7 in.
in height, weight 150 lbs., dark
brown hair, blue eyes and light
complexion. Hhs a scar behind
left ear. Was last seen trying
to catch the train for Estacada
at Miller’s spur. Any informa­
tion will be thankfully received.
\Vrite or phone,
Mrs. George Walter,
40-16 Estacada, Ore. Rt. 1»
Supt. Burns entered upon his
duties Monday morning and
teachers and students alike were
glad to welcome him. Work is
now underway and the outlook
is promising for a year of effi­
cient school work. Some handi­
caps in getting started has re­
sulted from the difficulty our
dealer has experienced in getting
books from the Portland house,
but the work has been so plann­
ed that progress is possible in
spite of the delay.
The high school enrollment
has reached seventy-eight, with
some yet to come. The fresh­
man class now numbers twenty-
seven. A new junior enrobed
this week is Henry Cossmann, a
brother of Mr. Cossmann, of the
Several pupils, both from the
grades and the high school, at­
tended the state fair on Wed­
By defeating the Alumni to
the tune of 7 to 6 on last Friday,
the Estacada High School team
scored its first victory of the
present season. The defeat of
the Alumni was due more to
good luck than to good playing
on the part of the High School
team, however. Fumbling of
the hail by both sides was fre­
quent throughout the game.
Anderson, playing full for the
High and Straughn playing quar­
ter for the Alumni, were the
most consistent players at the
game. The High School boys
were badly outweighed, but
showed the fight that wtfl carry
them on to more victories in the
Electricians Enjoy Quting
A number of representative
electricians of the northwest, ar­
rived Friday on a special train
to enjoy a sumptuous dinner at
the Estacada Hotel and other­
wise amuse themselves. In the
afternoon they played a game of
baseball on the school diamond
and returned to Portland at 4:45
p. m.
Friday afternoon, Estacada
High School vs. Camas. Admis­
sion 15 and 20 cents.
$1.50 P er Y ear
A meeting was held in the
Family Theatre, Saturday after­
noon for the purpose of discuss­
ing the increased telephone
switching rates. Dr. H. V. Adix
president of the Estacada T. & T.
Co. came over from Gresham to
present the company’s side of
the matter, and look after its
interests. A good sized delega­
tion of the outside lines was
present. The meeting was a.
lenghthy one, as both sides pre­
sented their respective cases very
thoroughly. At length a sort of
compromise was reached. It was
agreed that the old rate of 25
cents should continue for( six
months longer, and that the com­
pany would improve its service
and extend the hours from 6
a. m. to 10 p. m and that at the
end of six months a full detailed
report would be rendered, show­
ing exactly the financial situa­
tion, and then the increase
would be allowed if this report
showed that it was warranted.
Late Cherries
Our thanks are <»ue to Mr. Joel
B. Bowman for a box of fine
Duke cherries. They are of the
late variety and are of a
handsome scarlet color, rather
sour in flavor as they art1 a pie
cherry. They were grown on
Mr. Bowman’s ranch in Upper
Almost a Miracle
At the road meeting of about
200 citizens of Clackamas County
at Oregon Gity the other eve­
ning, the chairman called upon a
prominent citizen of the county
seat, to address the fleeting in
favor of or against a bond issue.
He declined.
. M. E. Church
There will be service» both morning
evening next Sunday »t 11:00 . rn.
H p. m. Sunday School at 10.110
a. m., Young People’« Meeting at 6:80
p. rn.
Everyone cordially invited to
attend these services.
J. F. Dunlop, Pastor.