GEORGE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. P. Rath and daughter Edith, Mrs. Mart Dory- land and Mr. and Mrs. T. Har­ ders attended the show at Esta- cada last Saturday evening. The George school started last Monday with Miss Sarah How­ ard of George, teacher. .Joe .Wiederhold motored to Portland last Saturday. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Theo Harders and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen were visiting friends in Canby and Aurora last Sunday. Mrs. Marie Klinker who has been visiting relatives in Port­ land, for the past two weeks, re­ turned home last Sunday. The first day of the Clackamas County Fair, will feature old fashioned horse races. Horses which are owned in the county will do the racing. N<>. 125 K ki ’ o k t O k T h k C o n d i t i o n O f ESTACADA STATE BANK nt Estacudu, in the* State of Oregon, at the clone of business, Sept. 12, 1919. « RESOURCES Loans and discount# ....................$ I 36 ,9 7 4 . IP Ovsrdrafts secured and unsecured ... 9.65 Bonds and warrants . ... 2 7 ,7 1 7 .7 8 Stocks securities, judgements. etc. 2 ,2 8 0 .0 3 Banking house ......... .............. 3,4(0.00 Furniture and fixtures ... 2 ,3 0 8 .7 0 Other Real Estate owned ...... ....... 2 ,1 1 4 .2 5 Due from am roved reserve hanks......... 2 8 .9 5 3 .0 7 Check# and other cash Ite m s ................ 3 6 2 .4 2 Cash on h ind 10.801 2 1 Other Resources Including Liberty Loan «■fvancos .. 3 ,5 9 7 .0 0 Total $21 8,5 6 8 29 LIABILITIES Cat Ital stock t aid In ........... ; .......... $15 0 0 0 .0 0 Surplus tund ....... ............... 2 0 0 0 .0 0 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes i aid 5671.42 Postal savings hank deposits...................... 9 5 8 .5 9 Individual feposits subject to ch«ck ....... I 54 3 9 4 .0 7 Demand certificates of deposit ............. 3 1 2 .4 2 Cashier checks outstanding 8 0 7 .1 2 Tim e and Savings Deposits 39 2 8 2 .3 6 Other lla! Ihtles ........ I -1. 3 1 T otal $ 2 18 5 6 3 .2 9 St.Un ni ( in-gott, t'om itv of Claokmnns, ss: I, II. Stephens, Vice President of tin* nItovi* mimed hank, do solemnly swear that the ahoye statement is trite to the tient of my knowledge ami belief. •II. (\ Stephens, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of September, 1919. (Seal) S. K. Wooster, Notary Public. My commission t xpires March 12, 1928. Correct Attest: Leroy D. Walker, Thomas Yocum, II. C. Stephens. 1 lireetors. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, burns County, ss. Kranlt ,| Cheney ntnUea onth that he I" senior partner of the Ihm of K. J. Cheney A Co , doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, •nd that aatd firm will pay the sutn of U N L H U N D R E D D o b L A R S rot each and every caae of Catarrh that inn. t lie use pf H A L L S C a t u t l t l l M E D IC IN E F R A N K J CHKNKY Kw-orti to before me d I in •V M l « and «‘ . t u n aubscrlt'i m ' n t l i ' « VI I my presence, title St It day da of I>. ember A ■ I , — — — * -- A ■ W ... .. GLEASON. Notary Public Publii _ II,til * C u ' n r r h M edic ine Is ta. . -, i in- n­ ternally un! a> ts through th Ml. od on the M Itemi S II fa. < S of the Sv».e.II Send f Thursday, Septem ber iS, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two F. J. C H U N K Y A CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by all drtiRgleta. 75c Hall's Family Pilla for conatlpallon. Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, September 3, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Arthur Henry Perry, of Estaca­ da, Oregon, Route 1, who, on June 28, 1918; madtl Homestead Entry, No. 05047, for E G SE '{, Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meri­ dian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to es­ tablish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on the 15th day cf Octo­ ber. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: J. J. Davis, Gideon Quigbaum, William Pinkley, P. F. Wagner, all of Estacada, Oregon. Proof made under the Acts of June (>, 1912 and June 9, 191(5. Alexander Sweek, Register. 9-11 10-9 Notice of Final Accoiint In the County Court of the State of Oregon for » the County of Clackamas. In the m atter of the E state of Mattie E. Boswell, Deceased. No. 1795. Notice is hereby given that Buell O. Boswell, executor of the estate of Mat­ tie E. Boswell, deceased, has tiled in the above entitled Court his final ac­ count and report as such executor, and the said court has, by an order duly made and entered this 21st day of August, 1919, appointed Monday the 22nd day of Septem ber b*19, at the hour of 9:80 tt. m. of said day in the court room of said Court in the City of Oregon City, County of C lackam a^ntl State of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of all objections to the said final account, if any there be, and for final settlem ent and distribution of said estate. » Dated at Gresham, Oregon, this 21st, day of August 1919. First publication, August 28th. 1919. Last publication, September ISth. 1919. Buell O. Boswell, Executor. Milo C. King. Attorney for Executor. Gresham, Oregon. Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada H IGHEST PRICES AT A LL TIM ES! —can be obtained by listing with ESTACADA FEED CO. The Hog Special rtakes daily trips to ,y0rtlatui. Ship your furnit.u r e b y truck, it is quicker, t a k e n from door to door, a t less expense. II F L O U R - • RE-SALE The United States Grain Corporation Announces that it will sell “ S traight” grade flour, to all purchasers, in raiload lots, in j 140 lb. jute sacks, gross weight, delivered to any Rail­ way Station in Zone 10, com­ prising the States of Oregon. Washington and Idaho, at not to exceed $10,00 per lbb. net cash. Purchasers will he supplied from nearest avail­ able mill, which may result in slight saving for buyers’ account. Wholesale and jobbing prof­ its on such flour must not ex­ ceed 75c per bbl. and retailers’ profits must not exceed $125 per bbl. Address all communications to United States Grain Corporation 510 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon. An\ one having anything whatsoever in Portland for transportation to Estacada, can leave word or the goods themselves, atJ(>9 Front St. F. C. Bartholomew or ESTACADA FEED CO. PLACE YOUR Fire insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED ih-r2! ~ G All residents of Cl i.kamis county should be interested in their county fair at Canby Oct. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tire Tape Very Useful Tire tape is to the automohi!- ist what a Bandage is to a Red Cross nurse, and a man who drives a ear would as soon think of leaving it out of his tool box as a Red Cross nurse would think of leaving a bandage out of her first-aid kit. The United States Tire Corn- pay n advises all its patrons to include a roll of its tape in their equipment. Its uses are innum­ erable. It is most frequently used to reinforce bad spots caused by blow-outs and punct­ ures. It is also valuable for winding “leakv” electric (vires or making temporary repairs to broken rods or rattling parts. I R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer ESTACADA Agent for The Pacific Stales Fire Insurance Company W ith Zerolene, the Stand­ ard Gil Company offers you a scientific service in Correct Lubrication. By exhaustive study and actuiil tests the Standard Oil Comprny Board of Lubrica- t.on Engineers has deter- r incd the correct consistency oi ¿ l dene tor your make of 5 Then and vc * mrcendations are made , . , U ld u « • v:m... lì for you in the Zer- cl . i e Co r r e c t Lubiication Lubiication Charts. There is a sen-rate chart fer each make ci car. . . .... ».S , .* * ■ ' L- * hne is correctly rcfir.n trom Cslift nia cr< . it k* H it* lubricating body at cylin­ der .icat, holds compression, gives perfeit protection to the moving parts and deposits least carbon It is the product of the combi-ed re- sourers experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Companv; Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. At your dealer’s or our nearest station. STANDARD OTL COMPANY (California) • _ ___ - J. L. LACEY, Special Agent, Park Place Oreg on. t