,Vf S P E C IA L “C L U B J/ p T : Tines ra Cs©od Tires R ATES SEPTEMBER O N LY • C h n in ' PORTLAND TELEGRAM CLACKAMAS NEWS Renumber tho Portland Tele­ gram costs you by mail $5.00 per year. The Eastern Clacka­ mas N ew s $1.50 per year. You save e Vv - -M v :.y v S ? W $1.75 by accepting ■ ‘li S' i -1 « b fcf ì i P • irSi 'r 1-T *' this liberal offer. m «sä m*? » * 1 bW . J i-iainJ KODAKS- A M , K IN . iS AN D S U I T M K S c-.-jum . Remmin^ton Guns-- A N D A M M U N IT IO N Fishing TacRIe- tost I GET H U N T IN G IA N I) F IS H IN G .......... LIC E N SE S H E R E ............. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y , IC E C R E A M A N D ,T O B A C C O ED. W e a r — life— service— m ile“ age— safety— com fort. T h ese are the things that c o u 7 ii in a tire. BONE Nows Stand and Laundry Agency. I WILL P.UY YOUR CATTLE, STOCK HOGS, FAT HOGS. VEAL, SHEEP AND FRESH CGU S'** I f You Have Any, Lot ME Know! T h e se are ex actly w h a t y o u get in U n ited States T ires,— general all-round tire satis­ faction. t I AI sd Eivy Dressed I legs T h is M . J. K E R K E S 1215 Hazel fe m e St.. Portland. Oregon. Telephone: Tabor 4123 \ Call >n Henry (lithens at C irrinsville, have anv livestock for sal»*. i f you '¿Cobby* ‘Rcyat Cc.rJ’ greater total o f tire fTÄ 4 C w tedili valu es m eans greater eco n o ­ m y — lets cost o f m aintenance —¿ess repairs and depreciation. C a r o w n e rs w h o d o their o w n th in k in g p refer U n ited States T ire s. T h e ir m erit is recognized e v e r y z v k e r e . W e h ave them — a ty p e and size fo r e v e ry car. We Know United States Tires are good tires. CASCADE ^ That’s why we sell thm. GARAGE Roif Wilcox, Estac Boring G arage: I P R. Telford, Boring. S an d g G arage, S an d y IN S T A N T C ro ck ery M en d er High-Water Finance. M ends E v e ry th in g Furniture, Woodwork, Porcelain, Glassware, t'r i Kcry. Iron. 15c a Tube. — T J ic S to re — ESTACADA PHARMACY V Believed in Following urdei«. Smithson «Do you know that North was ttu* j v i i i . st iifianct«*r that ever lived V Iflhbs Dow d<> you make that out? Smithson Wot I, In* was ahh* to t’ *!it a company when the whole world tuts In liouidntIon. Th-'ir Class. "H hat Kind I w hiski»rs arc those fhov s n joki's have on?” “ I sh 'ild think they wore chit whisk i Ho " o s ;i n»*w hut conscientious sol­ dier on duty as son try one evening at o u o of tho national cttnips. As an offi­ cer n|»pottre»l the "rookie” oalted " U n it !” « The officer obeyed nnd tho sentry called again. “ U n it!" x “ Soo here." said the officer. “ I halted the tlrst tim e!" "Y o s ; hot the sergeant told ns to say ’Halt' throe times and then fir Needless to say the ottlcor did not lln»r»»r # _ The Answer. Strange Edith should invite that horrid g r a s s widow to her wedding: tdio has such a disagreeable past." "Yes. my dear, but she’s rleh enough to furnish a very agreeable present.” — Boston Transcript. Easily Done. "Fa. Noll says she wants to soo the seamy side of lift».” “ All right; tell Noll to sot right to, and help her ma with the sowing ma­ chine.”