Paye Eight ♦ EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS PROFESSIONAL CARDS * è NOTICE TO ALL'MUSIC LOVERS! è è I have just received my first shipment of * * GOLDEN-THROATED! CLAXTONOLAS i and wish t o ’announce that I am now ready to demon­ strate the Quality Phonograph to all interested. \ r Í K DR. R. GRAHAM M c C A L L P hysician and S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone This ideal Home Phonograph makes your home complete. The best music for the least money. Estacada State Bank Agents Pumps freeze up. W atering troughs have to be choppccl open. Water storage tanks are liable to burst. Hut a MILWAUKEE AIR POWER WATER SYSTEM has nothing to freeze. There is no water storage tank and the piping is carefully put be­ yond the reach of Jack Frost* You do nqt realize fully the benefits of a water system on the farm till the blizzards come. Don’t forget that all the water supplied by the MILWAUKEE SYSTEM comes “ Direct from the Well”—absolutely fresh. It costs you nothing to learn the price of a water system for your place. Phone us about it now. ROLL OF HONOR August 1U FARM UTILITIES Co., - Fire Insurance Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free of charge. Nothing To Freeze - The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. R. G. MARCHBANK 281 East Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. See ROY MEYERS, L.oeal Agent, Eagle Creek. Terms to suit. Treat your wife right. Stop? Carrying Water! “ IT'S FRESH FROM THE WELL” 0. A. Straughan, E. E. Saling, City; W. A. Bard, Wm. Fink, J. W. Howard, H. Snyder, Ft. 2; J. Guttridge, Rt. 3; Roy Doug­ lass, Eagle Creek; W. H. Kenne­ dy, Enid, Okla.; C. C. Miller, Portland. J. J. Marchbank, D. B. Bass, City; J. F. Snyder, Rt. 1; J. A. Kiggins, J. M. Forbes, Rt. 2; E. I). Miller, Rt.3; H. C. McCor­ mick, Hood River; Virgil Yonce, Oregon City. FOR SALE—Pair of Goodrich rubber boots, size 8 F, worn only twice, $8.00; good cupboard well mode. $4.00; extra large kitchen table $1.00. Mrs. J. Dunseath. VIOLA BREEZES The New 1! S H. P. “Z” Engine successfully uses KEROSENE r P H E R E is m uch to in te re st e v e ry farm er in th is an- nouncem ent, because adding th is rec e n tly perfected email h im com pletes a lin e o f engines— l ) i H . P . to 1 5 11.1*. nil o f w h ich successfully ru n on KEROSENE also ru n on D is tilla te . C o a l O i l . T o p s o r G asoline. 1 lie larger / j engines alw ays ln v e rueeesslully used K erosene now th e new 1 * T I. P. size does to o — th ere b y com pleting the m ost practical and cllie ie n t engine line ever ollered. B u t y o u cannot Know th e / j 1> v reeding about it. C om e in and pee it. L * t u s te ll y o u w h y w e add o u r rep u ta tio n to that ot T eirbanks, A lo rse C C o . w hen selling a S j to y o u . — 6 II. P. $179.00 F. O. U. Factory. Reed & Shibley Artisans Plan Picnic —— — Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist «Associated with Dr. R. Graham'McCall Dr. R. Morse ■4 P hysician and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main ahd 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate Chicago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teaching Experience. E. W. BARTLETT Attorncy-at-Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon I Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property - Write Insurance In the very best Companies. I CAN GET YOU RESULTS Mrs. C. B. Stone and children S. E. WOOSTER of Palo Alto, Calif., are visiting Estacada her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Hamilton, Sr. for the summer. O . D. E B Y Virginia and Eugenie DuBois, Attorney-at-Law daughters of C. E. Dubois, a rt visiting relatives in Portland. Geneal Practice Confidential Adviser James G. Hamilton, son of Oregon City, Oregon John Hamilton, Sr., is home after a ten months stay in France. \ Dr. Charles C. Petherem M. D. He was first with the 55th am­ D iseases of the E ye , E ar , munition train but later in the N ose and T hroat embarkation service at St. Na- zaire. While on furlough he vis­ Glasses Fitted ited his native country, Scotland, 358 Morgan Bldg. and England. He took in the Broadway and Washington St. sights of Paris and visited the Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 6450 battle front. When in London, he saw at close range, the King, the Prince of Wales and Lloyd- George, the premier. He is glad , * + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ d + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + to be home again, and his friends . PHONE—Call Any Time. ♦ are warmly welcoming him. ♦ ♦ The# infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ♦ Mart Doriland of George, was ♦ badly scalded last Tuesday eve­ — a T— ♦ ning. The baby was lying on the ♦ ♦ floor by the stove, when a tea­ ... CASCADE GARAGE . . . V ♦ kettle of hot w’ater fell over on + ♦ Estacada, Oregon him. The child wasj rushed to ♦ tow n, where I)r. McCall dressed • • ♦ S. P. PESZNECKER, Manager the burns, and he is now doing ■¥ ♦ nicely. ¥ ♦ Reasonable * Summer Rates. John Page and family are at I ♦ Hot I*ake, in Eastern Oregor. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 r V à ► I Quick Service Auto Livery Throttling Goitrnor Built-in Oscillating Alagneto P n c -lV * , H. P. $61.00—3 H. P. $UX>.00 — Thursday, August )4, 1919 ——— — NOTICE The local lodge of Artisans is All parties desiring fire per­ arranging for a mammoth picnic mits for burning slashings, here, on I^abor Day, Monday, please apply to me, also report * September 1st. Further partic­ all fires. Ray Wilcox, Estacada, ulars will be given next week. Fire Warden. i