Thursday. Au?uit 14, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEW Paç^ S?ven Goodyear Tires Built as well as we know how, the Goodyear tire has come to a stage of perfection. Years of experience has taught us a great deal and you who use the Good­ year get the benefit of years of experience. Its reputation and employment are steadily and swiftly gaining, as word of its advantages become more widely spread. Today it ts the stand- ard equipment on a pronounced majority of the finest motor cars built in this country. Goodyear cord tires cost more money to build than do tires of an earlier type. It is the experience of users, that despite the somewhat ' higher cost the Goodyear cords cost less in the end. Fairbanks Morse Quality— Very Low Price This 40 light “ F ” plant comes to you completely mounted on one base. The power plant is the famous “ Z ” Engine which can also be used to furnish power for washing machine, churn cream separator, etc., independent of the dynamo, either direct or through a line shaft. E. A. B R A D Y RESIDENT UNDERTAKER Low speed engine and ball bearing dynamo assure long life less attention, and lowest possible maintenance cost Touch i button to start and another to stop. See th;s wonderfully efficient plant and let us explain all the details. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer 40U G H TTPLA N T §2 9 5 TEN TH A N D W A T E R STR EETS Oregon City. Oregon Lady Assistant. Mrs. Brady M M im illE ii Night and Day Service Pac. 123 (C a m ola ta F .O .B . in diu n apolia Ï A ili «tinnivo a«. The will he glad to give anv in­ formation concerning this advertiser. aiK'i in I irtror S’” l'I n n o I« o t f ï' r i'ii B« bolow: 65 Ufkti 160 Lutili ----------- f o r s a l e b y ----------- l ii 200 U |hti Oliver Peterson and Ben Musa o f Bf ring, were in town Wednes­ day, investigating the high school courses. One will take the Agri­ cultural work and one college preparatory. Reed & Shibley I WILL BUY YOUR CATTLE, STOCK HOGS. FAT HOGS, VEAL, SHEEP AND FRESH COW S- If You Have Any, Let ME Know! I Also Buy Dressed Hogs M. J. KERKES 40 Ughi F Plant R E E D & S H IB L E Y = = = a = The late Andrew Carnegie is an instance ot the seripture prov­ erb, “ there is that scattereth, and yet increaseth, ” for he gave away three hundred million, and is reported to have left ts much more. In spite o f his large giv­ ing his wealth could not be held down. - —r=s= BE A LEADER /# wile and trial Uadrr Itfti An whole community and may li/t an entire nation' —Eiv A n immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. A re you doing your utm ost to prepare to lead in its solution? 1215 Hazelferne St., Portland. Oregon. Telephone: Tabor 4123 S. Pesznecker is being kept very busy since he started up Call on Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you his plumbing and tin shop. At present he is putting in furnaces have any livestock for sale. in five prune dryers and making the piping. These are for George De Shields, Calvy Beebe, Henry Trapp and Lou Palmateer, o f KODAKS- Garfield and William Smith o f A L L K IN ij S A N D SU P PLIE S Springwater. Oregon Agricultural College Train* for leadership in the Industrie« and profeaaiona at follows H O M S E C O N O M IC S. A G R IC U L T U R E . C O M M E R C E . F O R E S T R Y . P H A R M A C Y . M U SIC v o c a t i o n s e d u c a t io n , c iv il e n g in e e r in g , e l e c t r ic a l e n g in e e r in g M E C H A N IC A L EN G IN E E R IN G . C H E M IC A L E N G IN EER IN G , I N D U S T R I A L A R T S M IN IN G E N G IN E E R IN G . LO G G IN G E N G IN E E R IN G . M IL IT A R Y SC IE N C E The College training includes courses in English. Economics. Art. Math ematics. M o d e rn Languages, Ph ysical Education. Industrial Journalism. Natural Sciences, and all essentials o f an education. Remmington Guns- Three regular term s— F a ll term begins Septem ber 22 , 1919 A N D A M M U N IT IO N NEW FORDSON PRICE Fishing Tackle- GET H U N T IN G A N D F ISH IN G .............L IC E N S E S H E R E ............... CONFECTIONERY. ICECREAM AND TOBACCO ED. B O N E R ’ S New» Stand and Laundry Agency. I ! I A Good Fountain Pen IS SO M ETH IN G YO U N E ED ! I . . THE CENTURY . . i If you havn’ t one, try Y Y I ! •w FOR S A L E A T ? $ J ! Y I I Y ? Y The + Store ESTACADA PHARMACY ï ï ! 1 he Estacada Fordson agents wish to announce the new price on this machine for the year, namely $750 F. O. B. at the fac­ tory, Dearborn, Mich. P l a c e your order NOW to insure de­ livery in time for fall work. Vick Bros., the state distributors say it will be necessary for them to receive orders early, so they will have time to send their es­ *t* timate to the factory to insure delivery for fall work. DON’T DELAY BUT ORDER NOW. f For College Catalog, Illustrated Booklet and other in form ation address T H E R E G I S T R A R , O regon Agricultural College, Corvallis i A Big Supply of Stockings and Socks! X J -m A T *Just arrived. Som e Silk for men and women. $100 Reward, $100 Tha readers o f this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that aclence has been able to cu re In all lta ataKes and that la catarrh. C atarrh being greatly influenced by con stitu tion al conditions requires con stitu tion al treatm ent. H all’s Catarrh M edicine Is taken Internally and a cts thru the B lood on the Mucoua Sur­ faces o f the System thereby destroying the foundation o f the disease, givin g the patient strength by building up the con ­ stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the cu rative pow er o f H all's C atarrh M edicine that they offer One H undred D ollare fo r any case that It falls to cure. Send fo r list o f testim onials. A ddress F. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all D ruggists, 75c. NAILS— Finishing and Box FRUIT JARS AND RUBBER RINGS AT I. M . P A R K ï GENERAL M E R C H A N D I SE E S T A C A D A , OREGON