Pape Six Thursday, August 14, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Our New Department! W e are now in the mar­ ket to buy all kinds of Grain, and are prepared with ware­ house and • all conveniences } to i handle the same. See us be­ fore selling elsewhere The Jazz Column Sugar is going to advance in price. Buy now while you can get it for $9.60. per 100 pounds. It will pay you to use the best Grain Sacks for your wheat. We have the best at the right prices. A mischievous boy at Viola threw a stone and struck Harry Reid in the alley last Tuesday. Wednesday night, August '20ih is the big social night for the United Artisans. Be sure and be there. LOST—A 30x3 1-2 tire of our jitney. Please return and receive reward. 1 « E S T A C A D A F E E D CO. r i I FEED ■ GROCERIES • LUMBER We Believe “A Satisfied Cvstonur is the Best Advertisement.” LEE S. BRONSON HARRY C. REID MILTON D. EVANS :< n»'. m in r ra r i— wii dmmtsam. yh e pow er chain Ike' Gasoline Quality “ Red Crown” has a contir-» uous, uniform chain of boi’ * mg points which gives easy starting, power ana mileage. M ixtures have “ holes” in the chain, l ook for the Red Crown sign befoVe you fill. ^ STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) :z tssanaa*. J n m avu n j Something you cannot afford to he without. It saves you time and mon­ ey. You can do your work at the right time in a short time. We refer you to every Fordson owner. If you are interested le t us know and we will demonstrate to your satisfaction. Reed Ct& Shiblev w r\ >&■ J. L. LACEY, Special Agent. Park Place, Oregon Fred M. Rowley, the thrift We offer our profound apolo- evangelist of the Commerce Safe ogies to the lufff Clackamas Sun- Deposit and Mortgage Co. t>f ply Co. fer the omission of an Portland, was here Wednesday, important word from their : d. securing converts. in the last issue of the I^ews. We respectfully refer tin* con­ Manager Lovelace informs i s dition of the side walks north of that it deviled his business ¡\>r town to the mayor and council, the week. As we have no office as they are positively dangerous dev*l to be a handy scape gcat, to the life and limb ot the |*e- in tl case we confess we were destnan.