Thursday, August 14, 1919 4 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS V j * ] $ Mrs. John Marchbank visited Portland Saturday. Clyde Denny was a Portland visitor Friday and Saturday. B. 0. Sarver was another Es- tacadan who Saturdayed in Port­ land. Miss Leila Howe was in Gresh- am Saturday visiting1 her den­ tist. Phil Marquam went to Port- land Tuesday, returning the fol­ lowing day. Morris Cahill and his bride ar­ rived Monday afternoon and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barr. P. S. Stamp, a recent comer to Estacada who is employed by the P. R. L. & P. Co., has moved into the 0. Bland house, corner of 5th and Upper Broadway. Mrs. 0. H. Olson came over froth Portland last week to* be with her husband who is assist­ ing at the bank, while Mr. Stephens is away on a vacation. Mrs. Ed. Douglass and Miss Ruth Saling left on Monday for 'V Seaside and other coast resorts, to be absent for a couple of weeks to enjoy the sea breezes, v* bathing, and other pleasures of these resorts. The Family Theatre THURSDAY NIGHT, AUG. 14th Bryant Washburn t - IN “MODERN MARRIAGE IS ALL WRONG” SATURDAY NIGHT AUG. 16 th “Fights for Love” —BY— HARRY CAREY The Serial “ The Lost Express” was concluded last week and we shall not run another for awhile, but we shall continue to give a first class show every Thursday and Saturday nights. _ „ . _ ADMISSION: 10 afid 25 cents! W. E. Linn, Manager. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells drove to Portland on Tuesday. Miss Nell Richmond spent Sun­ day with her sisler Mrs. Burt Moore. Mrs. Susie Sarver returned Friday from a visit of several days duration. T. C. Jubb went to Portland Monday on business, returning the same day. Misses Irene Saling and Lydia Matson were sight seeing in Portland Saturday. The Rev. J. F. Dunlop is tak­ ing a few days’ vacation near Netarts beach, Tillamook Co. The many friends of Mrs. Ed­ win Bates will be glad to learn that she is getting better right . along. George We a t h e r b y , who bought the B. O. Boswell place, was in town Saturday. He is preparing to move here in a few days. • i Mrs. Thompson, who a few weeks ago had charge of the dining room at the Estacada ho­ tel, was here from Portland Sat­ urday night and Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Morse entertain­ ed Sunday the two brothers of Mrs. Morse, H. B. and James Van Duzer, also the wife of the former and two young ladies the Misses Rachel and Janet Ryan, all of Portland. Mrs. T. Reagan, who has been visiting friends in Portland for a coup'e of weeks, returned home Saturday. Her daughter Miss Kittie, went to Portland that morning to meet her mother and accompany her home in the evening. H. S. Irvine and wife, of Port­ land, were registered at the Es­ tacada for several days. Mr. Ir­ vine was the athletic coach in the Estacada school in 1912. He was married recently and the young couple were spending part of their honey moon here. Ken Bartlett has accepted a position as Fire patrol in the timber above Dover, near Wild­ cat Mt., for a few weeks, He went out Monday afternoon. It will be rather lonesome for him because, like the cat immortal­ ized by Rudyard Kipling, he will have to walk by himself. Mrs. B. 0. Boswell’s brother, George H. Fair, has arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fair, in Lawrence, Kans., from overseas. The lat­ ter hope shortly to return to Oregon, with which they have become enamored. Mr. Fair Sr. writes Mr. Boswell that the weather is exceedingly hot, and that he would not stay if the best farm were offered him to remain in Kansas. ! Page Five Miss Simpson, sister of the late Rev. J. E. Simpson, arrived Monday and went to the Simp­ son place across the river. Mrs. Simpson will join her at the end of the week. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Sparks en­ tertained Sunday the Misses Train of Lents, who are old friends of theirs of long standing. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sparks took them home in their car. If you need a - MOWER, RAKE —OR— B IN D E R Don’t swelter in a hot kitchen this summer. Come in aiul see our full line of Sections, Rivets, FLORENCE Guards, Oil Cook Stoves or any parts for above ' ‘ L ook fo r th e L e v e r " machines, we have T h e finest oil stoves made. Fully guaranteed. W hether you have decided to buy an oil stove or not, let us show you this line. Absolutely reliable— simplest to operate. them here in stock ready for you. B E R T H. F I N C H HARDW ARE FURNITU RE IMPLEMENTS *.X mî ~ x k ~ x k ~X"X~X"X k ~ x ~ x ~ x k ~ x k k k - x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~X"X~X"X~ x ~ x » x * Savings Department Four per cent interest, compounded semi-annually, Deposits withdrawable at will. - Time Deposits Four per cent interest, on six or twelve months time. - Call and let us explain the investments to you. - Estacada State Bank RESOURCES OVER $200,000.00 $ *.x-x*<»<~x»<-x~x~x~x~x-,x-,x»*** * * «X">x~: :• x~x~x~x •.~.-x~:->