t Kfcf* T hursday, A ugust 14, 191Ô EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEvVS P rry- Sewn Want and l or Sale Column "> cents per line, ( ash in advance Sell Your Green PRUNES SPECIAL! S P E C IA L ! We have received direct from the factory a large line of Hats and Caps in all the latest shapes and styles, for young and old, at reasonable prices. If you are a crank as to style, we can fix you up. We have also received a new line of young men’s (Rainbow) Soft Collars in all the latest stripes and shapes, at 35 cents each. O N E W E E K O NLY! TO E sta c a d a C an n ery $ 7 0 .0 0 Ton at your ranch. Evergreen Blackberries O N E W E E K ONLY! WANTED f> cunts pound. Boxes Furnished. S p ecia l sa le in S iL K Skirts, 10 per cen t d iscou n t * * i - b P u re Cane, F r u it or B e rry CASH . . $ 9.50 East Clackamas Supply Co. * Your Satisfaction is Our Success ►.»VVVV V* .1 Ì. GOATS FOR SALE 22 high grade you ng Angoras, on Free- man’s ranch. Enquire Roy Als- paugh. 8-28 R See Victor l)otnm for Primus Separators all sizes. Eagle Creek Falls. 10-24-19 WANTED Piano box in good condition. Mrs. John Dunseath. i There will be no services'at ihe Methodist Church Sunday, owing to the absence of the pas­ tor. Reed & Shibley believe, like all up-to-date business men,in ad­ vertising. They have this week live different ads. of machines and articles for which they are agents. Look them up, they contain interesting and valuable information. SOME HAY for salti on Gar- fell farm. $20 per ton. 8-21 L. E. Bishop. The car of Arthur Perry of Garfield, ran amuck Tuesday af­ ternoon. It was being driven by his daughter up 2nd street when the steering gear went out of commission. The consequence was that it ran foul of a tele­ phone pole opposite the store of N. C. Adlon. The front right wheel was broken and the axle badly wrenched. Fortunately no one was hurt. Mrs. W. M. Yonce of Oregon City was in town last weak. Mrs. Glarence O Neal and chil­ dren arrived from Alaska yes­ terday. Miss Cleavinger of. Grants Pass, was the guest a few days last week of her friend, Mrs. J. M. Melton. Mss. J. VV. Reed is touring the Yeilowstone Park and other points, in company with her two sisters and la-other. 'V V V V V 1 TAKEN UP Stray hog at my place. Owner can have it by proving property and paying for keep and (expense of this notice. W. A. Bard. Rt. 2. 8-14 WHEN ifi need of a man to do your shingling, painting or car­ penter work, see L. E Bishop, on the Garrill place. Reasonable, by hour or job. 8-29 FOR SALE Clark Seedling strawberry plants $3.00 per 1000. No orders taken after September 1st., as we will have the runners cut. See J. Osborne or W. R. Woodworth. 8-7-14 FOR SALE 0. I. C. sow bred for fall litter. A few registered Beokshire gilts are left also pigs. J. A. Shibley & Son, Rt. 3. 8-14 of E le c tric a lly E q u ip p ed A utom obiles W e are a g e n ts for th e — Fairbanks Morse Type “Z ” Farm Engine • • W e are n o w prep ared to h a n d le any kind o f w ork, b ra zin g or b a ttery, in c o n n e c tio n w ith our repair shop, as o r r n e w m an, Mr. J. C. V a len tin e , is a sp ecia list in th e se lin es. P ositiv ely all w ork g u a ra n teed an d if not sa tisfa cto ry , w ill m a k e it right at our ow n e x ­ p en se. C om e in and g iv e us a trial. Fresh stock o f X U. S. AND GOODYEAR TIRES CASCADE GARAGE Our Motto is: SERVICE > A LW A YS ON HAND AT THE RIGHT PR IC E S ROY WILCOX, Proprietor. Eire Proof Garage Protects Your Cars FOR SALE Heavy team of horses, 0 and 8 years old, \vt. 3300; one mare 8 years old, wt. about 1200; heavy wagon and harness. Guy Wilcox, 8-21 South Estacada. FOR SALE 77 head of sheep. Roy Douglass. Eagle Creek, Rt. 1. 8-14-21 Oregon Poultry Farm I ’hi I. Marquam, Proprietor TRAP-NESTED, SINGLE COMB W H I T E LEGHORNS. Breeding Pens made up of 200-egg hens or better. Oregon Poultry Farm ( Located one mile out of Katarada, Oregon, on (iartield road.)