Thursday, August 7, 1919 Page Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEvVS bant and Por Sale Column s cents per line. Cash in advance SPECIAL! Sell Your Green PRUNES SPECIAL! We have received direct from the factory a large line of Hats and Caps in all the latest shapes and styles, for young and old, at reasonable prices. If you are a crank as to style, we can fix you up. We have also received a new line of^young men’s (Rainbow) Soft Colars in all the latest stripes and shapes, at 35 cents each. Remember that we have a large line of SHOES and that prices are on the upward tread. Better get your shoes now. Our prices are same as ever—very low. -T O Estacada Cannery $70.00 Ton at your ranch. Evergreen Blackberries ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WEEK ONLY! Special sale in Skirts—10 per cent discount: 0 East Clackamas Supply Co. Your Satisfaction is Our Success vm Miss Walberga Carle and Kath­ erine Peiffer, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bert Moore. We are indebted to J. W. How­ ard, of Dodge, for some fine ap­ ples of the Yellow Grants Pass variety. A. H. Olson of the State Bank of Portland, is assisting in the Estacada State Bank, during the absence of H. C. Stephens. Lee Bronson was going around Monday with a bandage over his right eye. A piece of metal had got into it, which necessitated medical attention. The Rev. J. F. Dunlop accom­ panied by his nephew, Douglass Goodrich of Sell wood, and Rich­ ard Hayman, hiked out to South Forks, Monday, where they camped for a couple of days. Miss Fannie Hoover and daugh­ ter Nell, of Salem, the mother and sister of Mrs, H. C. McCor­ mick, spent the week-end with the latter. Harold Bronson is going around with his arm in a sling. Tues­ day evening he was playing with the Ames children, when he fell and sprained it. Dr, McCall ren­ dered first aid to the injured. %’V V V ’. ' LEADS SALES of Electrically Equipped Automobiles W e are agents for the— Fairbanks Morse Type “Z” Farm Engine X £ W e are now prepared to handle any kind of work, brazing or battery, in connection £ with our repair shop, as orr new man, Mr. J. C. V alentine, is a specialist in these lines. £ * Positively all work guaranteed and if not satisfactory, will make it right at our own ex- X pense. Come in and give us a trial. *!• Fresh stock öf— U. S. AND GOODYEAR TIRES C A S C A D E GARAGE A LW AY S ON HAND AT THE RIGHT PRICES X X ROY WILCOX, Proprietor. • Y Our Motto is: SERVICE Eire Proof Garage Protects Your Cars .x~x-:-x-x~x~x-x~x~x~x~xK-x-x~X"X~x~x~x~x~x~x~x«x~x~x~x~x~X"X*x~x~x~x~x~x* x-x-x-x-x^-x., A WANTED 7 cents pound. Boxes Furnished. * FOR SALE Wood wagon and rake, H. A. IvlcMurphy, Spring- water. 8-7 FOR SALE See my ad. on back page. Order your Milwau­ kee Fresh Water system now. No storage water, you get it fresh from the well. Terms to suit. Roy Meyers, Agent, Farm Utility Co., Eagle Creek. FOR SALE One Mohawk steel range. J. E. Schenk, Estacada, Or. 8-7 See Victor Domm for Primus Separators all sizes. Eagle Creek Falls. 10-24-19 TAKEN UP Stray hog at my place. Owner can have it by proving property and paying for keep and expense of this notice. W. A. Bard. Rt. 2. 8-14 WHEN in need of a man to do your shingling, painting or car­ penter work, see L. E Bishop, on the Garrill place. Reasonable, by hour or job. 8-20 FOR SALE Clark Seedling strawberry plants $3.00 per 1000. No orders taken after September 1st., as we will have the runners cut. See .1. Osborne or W. R. Woodworth. 8-7-14