Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 31, 1919, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests
V olume 12,
N umrer 45
T he lobby of th e E s ta c a d a hotel
was tilled by a r ep r es en t at iv e g a t h ­
ering of town and s u r r o u n d i n g co u n ­
try residents, for the purpose of o r ­
ganizing a commercial club.
At a
previous session, Mr. H. C. Stephens
had been appointed t e m p o r a r y c h a i r ­
man, an d as such called th e mee ting
1o ord er. Aft er a few r e m a r k s o u t ­
lining th e business on han d, he called
on Mr. George We at hef by , th e p u r ­
chaser of the Roswell place, on to
which lie will soon move.
Weatiierby responded in a h u m o r o u s
vein eliciting much la u g h te r , on
“ The
C o m m un ity
Wi nn ie Br ade n, s t a t e exhibit agent
in th e C h a m b e r of Commerce rooms
in P or tla nd , then told of h e r exper­
iences an d f ur nis hed many valuable
pointers for o u r organization.
She was followed by Secretary
Quayle of the State C h a m b e r of
Commerce, P o r tl a n d , who m ad e the
speech of the evening, pointing out
the need of such a club as contem-
plated, told of the benefits to be de­
rived a nd the necessity of the. county
He d e m u r r e d at th e
word “ boos t” as used in the circu­
lars a nn ou nc in g the mee ting, as be­
ing overdone, but did not s u g g es t a
su itable one. Wi th all due respect
to his opinion and allowing his o b ­
jection, yet it would be difficult to
find a m or e su itable one, in briefness
and expressiveness. The word is op­
posed to “ k n o c k ” in colloquial
term.-, am} signifies a chara cte ri sti c
of “ pi p ” which is specially wanted
here. After he had finished th? con­
side rat ion ol a con sti tu ti o n and by­
laws came up, and these were a d o p t­
ed on the basis of so me suggested by
Mr. Quayle. which ar e in use else­
The directors for th e e ns ui n g year,
from the 14*com mun it ies were elecf-
td, by pop ula r vote of those present.
H. C. Stephens, Estacada.
R. E. Warw ick. George.
Mrs. A Bodkin, Garfield.
Mrs. Watson, Viola.
Mrs. Allen, Logan.
Mrs. Della Vallen, Elwood.
Mrs. Dick Gibson, Douglas Ridge.
Mrs. Jessie Mayfield. Highland. •
('has. Kitchen, Currir.svllle.
Lawrence» Spr ing wa tcr .
Hal. Gibson, Barton.
A. C. Cogswell, Eagle Creek.
Ralph Deshaler, Dover.
E. W. Jo ck in io n, Dodge.
During a sho rt recess period 50
membe rs hip s were signed up. ell
prt enf making application.
(Concluded on Page 8)
of Eastern Clackamas County
E stacada , O regon . T hursday , J uly 31, 1019
A Scenic Asset
# Military Wedding
The spirit of the war days lent
The view from the Bijr Slide
to the wedding of Miss
on the Viola road, is one which
and Morris J. Ca­
is well worth going: to see. As
hill, which took place at high
one stands at the edge of the
noon Wednesday at the home of
cliff and looks across the canyon,
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
river and valley below, to th e I L. C. Shepard, for the young
couple wore their official uni­
landscape stretching out to the
forms. l’ne bride, who was a
mountains on the north and east,
Red Cross nurse was very at­
the spectacle is most impressive.
tractive in her nurse’s uniform
We thought, as we viewed it for
of white, a shower boquet of
sweet peas giving a bridal touch
the lirst time Saturday evening,
to the costume.
of Moses beholding the promised
Miss Helen Bliss of Scotland,
land from Mt. Nefao, Surely if.
S. 1)., who was bridesmaid, wore
iiS goodly and a pleasant land
a dainty frock of white and car­
which is there revealed. It
ried pink sweet peas. Mr. Ken­
neth. Bisel of Albion, Neb., was
would be worth while at this
man. Rev. Earl Money­
point, to open the view from the
maker read the marriage lines.
road by cutting out some of the
Only the immediate relatives
trees, so that the attention of [ attended the ceremony and the
strangers and tourists would be
informal reception which follow­
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Cahill will
attracted to it. Th» scenic e f­
take a short wedding trip and
fects along this road are most
will make* their home at Eagle
Striking and should constitute a
Creek, Oregon.
strong argument for having the
The wedding is a culmination
Mt. Hood Loop Road pass along
of a war romance which began
at Camp Dodge when Mr. Cahill,
that side of the river.
was stationed at that post, his
bride being a member of the
Forest Fire
nursing* staff of the base hospit­
Omaha Bee.
A file in the region of Wild
The above will be read with
Cat Mountain necessitated For­
interest b’ the many friends of
est Ranger Tom Carter, calling
of the groom around here. We
for help and sending out early
are informed that the newly
Monday morning a dozen men
married pair are expected to visit
and boys from this place. The
the groom’s parents at Eagle
fire was started by lightning in
Creek next week. The N ews
the storm which occurred the
extends hearty congratulations.
lore part of last week. As it
was gaining considerable head­
way, covering an area of two or
The picnic supper in the park
three hundred acres, it became
necessary to stop it before it I last evening, which was given by
the ladies of the M. E. Church,
made further inroads.
to the soldiers and sailors, was a
very jolly affair. The menu con­
1 he Moovies
sisted of several kinds of sand­
wiches, potato salad, pickles,
Estacada's little picture thea­
wiener wursts toasted o-
tre is meeting with good success,
ice cream and cake.
under the management of W. E.
The ladies should be congratula­
Linn. 1 he pictures-shown are
ted on the success of their efforts.
of the best and all who attend
surely get their money’s worth.
The serial,
Helen Holmes in
A nieeting will he held at the
“ The Ixist Express,” will he
Deming berry ranch, this Satur­
day evening at 7 p. m. Anyone
concluded next Thursday night,
interested in planting or wanting
Aug. 7th. It was a thriller and
first, hand information should tie
there are many who will like to
present as successful berry grow­
see how it ends. Mr.'Linn in­
ers will tell their methods.
forms us that instead of a serial
rangements for those not having
machines to get to the ranch can
for Thursday n ights he* will
made by phoning R. C. Dem­
have good programs from the
ing before {Saturday night.
Rathe people, with four stars
This is your opportunity to in­
each evening.
vestigate. Come out.
.$1.50 P er Y ear
To The Editor;
Back in Oregon a f t e r a four thousand
mile trip thru California and O.-ogon
and the imu-hine still going good, \ve
surely appreciate the cool weather and
sightly green hills and mountains of
Our route h om e from San Francisco
was along tin* coast thru Petaluma,
KureVa, Crescent City to ll.mdon,
thence to Roschurg and along the high
way to Oregon City and home. This
route, while not improved as much as
the main highway, was one of (In* fin­
est at this time of the year that a m o ­
torist could select.
The rugged and abrupt coast line
along the or,»an in northqrn California
presents the most wonderful scenic
route in the west, and the drive thru
llit* forests of Redwood trees from
EureKa to Crescent City, was a revela
lion to the novice. A person familiar
with the timber on the Pacific coast,
and the large fir trees, has never seen
any timber in comparison with tin*
Redwoods. The bark somewhat in a p ­
pearance of the cedar, grows very
thick on the trees and the trees them­
selves are so large, tall and stra ig ht
that I could not give you a description
of tlie’n, without immediately start ing
a question as to my truth and veracity.
We were fortunate in leaving the
earlv part of June, as in both states
the highway was in good condition and
work for the summer ju s t commencing,
but on *he way borne we were in rough
and dusty going at many places, where
the road crews were improving the
The s t a t e o f California hits a wonder­
ful system of smooth surface roads at
ready built, and while I was in the
state they voted a bond issue of $10,
0 10,000 00 fo r f i r t h *r c o n s trii ’tio n and
1 provement. A little instance of the
benefit to the motoiist, was an incident
in a garage where I was visiting a
friend. A patron but a tire, satin as I
am u -in go n my machine, and the dmd-
er guaranteed the purchaser th" tire
would last for 15,000 miles. When
I b>»t mine in Oregon the dealer he
it at ingly guaranteed from five to seven
thousand miles, and on inquiry I found
that the tires stand from 15 to 20
thousand miles as a usual thing.
On these roads a 60 or 70 mile drive
is often made before breakfast, and
those Californians with a sp e i d limit of
25 miles go from one part of the state
ar.d home again in such easy, quick
tone that, it makes us Oregonians
dizzy, in fact makes you think that \<» ii
are sleeping anti having a dream.
It may be possible that we are a s l e e p
when you come to sec th*- benefit of
the roads they have an I the use they
p it them to. How they ever marketed
ti vast crops <>f grain and fruit with
os', these roads and the auto-truck in
v> irs gone hy, would make you guess,
nut they have forgotten how t h e y did,
in the rush they are going at it now
wdh the auto, it would not surprise
lie to set those fellows u«ing the air
lor ' before their $-10,000,000 has been
ex • I ded Oil the roads,
I am mon* tnan ever a erasl road« nd-
vo ate and hone to see r suits i n c u r
state and county within a sho^t time.