It NOTICE TO A LL MUSIC LOVERS! t I have just received my first shipment of P ; \ \ p p p p 9 \ 07016273 GOLDEN-THROATED ,, and wish to announce that I am now ready to demon­ strate the Quality Phonograph to all interested. P P P P Thursday, July 24, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Eight This ideal Home Phonograph makes your home complete. The best music for the least money. R. G. M A R C H B A N K Í When you 're hot and thirsty say — r o o t b e : s r A t any place where s o f t beverages B o ttle d in 3 sizes ure sold. T H E H E N R Y W E IN H A R D P L A N T PORTLAN D, OREGON iio ttle r s anil D istribu tors, - Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free o f charge. D R . R. G R A H A M M C C A L L Estacada State Bank Local and Long Distance Telephone Agents { PROFESSIONAL CAROS Fire Insurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. P h y s ic ia n a n d Office Adjoining Residence The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring R O LL O F H O N O R Dr. L. A . W ells July Renewals: W. Snuffin, Rt. 1, A. 0. Whitcomb, Portland; M. B. Woodworth, City; B. F. Bullard, Rt. 1; Mrs. J. E. H. Simpson, Rt. 2; S. W. Kilgore, Rt. 3; Al­ bert Horger, Eagle Creek; Clar­ ence Anderson, Boring; David Eschleman, City; F. N. Cadenau, Terrebonne, Or.; Morris Cahill, Kerry, O r.; G. B. Linn, Rt. 1; John Affolder. Dover. R. F. Snyder, U. S. Morgan, City, W. H. Stone, Barton, Ralph Markwart, E. Donnelly Rt, 1. M. Bauernfeind, lone, Or. New subscribers: C. E. Cock­ erline, Rt. 3, L. F. Bishop, City. Wanted 100 new subscribers, and all old ones to renew at ex­ piration o f subscription. Dentist Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n There’s the old way— BY HAND. It means nump. pump, pump and carry, carry, carry, till you hate the sight o f a water bucket. From SO to 200 tons of water are handled every year on the average farm. \\ hy waste your time and strength when machinery will do this work easier, quicker and better? (let •* W AT £ n S Y ^ T t 'M l l l t i e v I H O M T N I W lI M It’s a “ Direct from the Well” system supplies absolutely fresh water anywhere you want it, day or night. ^ <>u can have hot and cold, hard or soft water water in the house anil water in the barn and yard. Any number o f pumps will operate trom one power equipment. l!se the engine you have. I Ins system brings water ten feet or a nulc, and supplies it at high pressure for fire N o ' water storage tank used. protection. No and Phone us now ulxnit the coat for an outfit for r pia, e. The urkt* will be reasonable. A sk t to tell you all about the advantage* handling water By Machinery 16 FARM UTILITIES CO., Morrison St., - - Portland, Oregon. S pp ROY MEYERS, uocal Agent. Eagle Creek. Terms to suit. Treat your wife right. Stop Carrying Water! “ IT’S FRESH FROM THE W ELL” 281 A If K East .N K W H liS 1 M A <» A / 1 N K FOR S A L E - Young horses and goats. B. F. Bullard, Rt. 1. "RialId ii «K The W e s t " Rotabl' ¡910 f o r the d . v c lo p n ic n t ot W e . l e ' n in* Send n o * I he N e » \Ve»t l a , * - » m e . 1211 W a lk e r HanV flld*.. Salt l.aV, l' V, V t a h . 1064 W h i l e lild* . Seattle. W a « n . ~ J 0 W oodward A ir Oetrint. VI rh A ddre*. near- uat o f f i c e , o r place your aubacriptloti 'brougfe U u nw* »paper — WANTED 2 or 3 pigs, six or seven weeks old. Address C. Mill» r, R. 1. Box 20. Estacada, I Or« ton. S urgeon and Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate Chicago Musical College. PIPE OR GAN A N D P IA N O . 10 Years Teaching Experience. W. B A R T L E T T Attorncy-at-Law and Notary Public E. Big Cherries Two Ways To Handle Water S urgeon “ Taking two bites to a cher­ ry ,” has always been regarded as expressive o f superfluous action, but it does not apply to “ the IT id eof Oregon” variety. We saw this week a large d i^ - pan full o f these superb cherries which came from a tree in P. M. W agner’s garden. Estacada, -:- Oregon I Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans - Buy M ort£a£es Rent your Property - Write Insurance In the very best Companies. I CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER C O M M U N IC A T IO N To Prospective berry growers a n d others interested in putting Estacada on the map as a live berry producing district: We are past that period o f talk “ wondering if it would pay,” “ could we find a market for our berries?” etc., etc. The only one tiling to do is this fall and winter is to get ready and set out a substantial acreage and see us growers about plants, as several o f us have loganberries Lawton, blackberries, Clark seed­ ling, strawberries, red raspber­ ries. currants, etc. When this is done, then we can have a CAN- NEK\ . When we get a cannery then o ir bank, merchants, berry pick­ ers ami growers around Estacada wdts»*e prosperity. The other g -ewers and 1 are all too busy at present to talk, so 1 am writing ta.s nine piece hoping for your hear.y co peration so we can have a real live little burg out at Esta- Cuuu. 1 am yours most sincerely, W. R. Woodworth Estacada, Ore. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Weils drove over to Portland yesterday. Estacada O. D. E BY Attorney-at-Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, Oregon Dr. Charles C. Petheram M. D. D i s e a s e s o f t h e E y e , E a ::, N ose a n d % T hroat Glasses Fitted 358 Morgan Bldg. Broadway and Washington St. Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 6450 + + ’ + + + + + + + + PH O N E — Call Any Time. + ---------------------------------------------------------i * Quick Service Auto Livery ♦ **• — a T - -»• + ♦ . . . CASCADE G A R A G E .. ♦ Estacada, Oregon + ♦ Reasonable + + + + + Summer Rates. * ♦ S. P. PESZNECKER, Manager ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ► + + * + + + + ♦ +