< EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEW Thu i lay. July 24, 1919 Pafr? S-?ven Goodyear Tires Built as well as we know how, the Goodyear tire has come to a stage of perfection. Years of experience has taught us a great deal and you who use the Good­ year get the benefit of years of experience. Its reputation and employment are steadily and swiftly gaining, as word of its advantages become more widely spread. Today it ts the stand­ ard equipment on a pronounced majority of the finest motor cars built in this country. Goodyear cord tires cost more money to build than do tires of an earlier type. It is the experience of users, that despite the somewhat higher cost the Goodyear cords cost less in the end. -------- fo r $\ o E. A. BRADY RESIDENT U N D ER TA K ER Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer TENTH AND WATER S1REETS Oregon City, Oregon Lady Assistant, Mrs. Brady Night and Day Service Pac. 123 the N ews will l>e glad to give any in­ formation concerning this advertiser. s a l e b y -------- Reed & Shibley I WILL BUY YOUR CATTLE, STOCK HOGS, FAT HOGS, VEAL, SHEEP AND FRESH COWS- NEW FORDSON PRICE The Estacada Fordson agents wish to announce the new price on this machine for the year, namely $750 F. 0. B. at the fac­ tory, Dearborn, Mich. Place your order NOW to insure de­ livery in time for fall work. Vick Bros., the state distributors say it will be necessary for them to receive orders early, so they will have time to send their es­ timate to the factory to insure delivery jor fail work. DON’T DELAY BUT ORDER NOW. THF U N I V E R S A L C A R The Ford Factory has not yet reached normal production. It will take some time, after being entirely given over to war work. We are getting a few cars right along, and suggest that you leave your orders with us as soon as possible and we will deliver as soon as possible. Runabout, $500; Touring Car, $525; Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775; One Ton Truck Chassis, $550. These prices f. o. b. Detroit. Don’t forget the service we give in our shops, genuine Ford Parts, Ford skill and Ford prices. If You Have Any, Let ME Know! 1 Also Buy Dressed Hogs * M. J. K E R K E S ^ 1215 Hazelferne St., Portland. Oregon. Telephone: l abor 4123 The'O. A. C. has an ad in this Call on Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you paper which will run for eight have any livestock for sale. weeks. This excellent institu* tion is so well known that any­ thing we might say would be superfluous. But we would urge every boy and girl to read and ponder well what it says. This is the ;vear for ^highly special­ ized work, and the unprepared have slight prospect of getting ahead nowadays. One can no longer pick up a trade or pro­ fession and make it a success. REED & SHI B L E Y FSTACADA, ORE. Phone Main 92 M. E. Church SPECIAL! 3 Cakes of Palm Olive Soap For 25c ------AT ------ - TJte ffig X O \$JL Store ~ ESTACADA PHARMACY * There will be services both morning and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. t ? and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 y y a. m., Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 T p. m. Everyone cordially invited to y y attend these services. i X J. F. Dunlop, Pastor, | How’s This? W e offer One Hundred D ollars Tlewnrd for any cuse o f Catarrh th at cannot he cured by H all’s C atarrh M edicine. H all’s Catarrh M edicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five years, and has becom e known as the m ost reliable rem edy for C atarrh. H a ll’s C atarrh M edicine acts thru the Blood on th e M ucous surfaces, expelling the P oi­ son from the Blood and healing the dis­ eased portions. A fter you have taken H all’s Catarrh M edicine for a short tim e you w ill see a great Im provem ent In your general health Start takin g H ill's Catarrh M edi­ cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testim onials, free F J C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all D ruggists, 75c. * * f A Big Supply of Stockings and Socks *£§§[ Just arrived. Some Silk for men and women. ]$[} NAILS—Finishing and Box - FRUIT JARS AND RUBBER RINGS AT ¡1 ! I I. M . P A R K G E N E R A L ME R C H A N D I S E ESTACADA, OREGON M