Four Eastern Clackamas News Entered at the postotfice in Estacada, Oregon, as aecond-claas mad. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon tJPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription H ates One year Six month« Thursday, July 24, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAM ao NEWS $ 1.50 .75 Thursday, July 24, 1919 Persecuting the Packers To make political capital out of persecuting big packers merely be­ cause they are big la the obvious pur­ port of the new report of the Federal Trade Commission. This adverse report on the packers is sent iorth with trumpets in spite of the fact that the big packers, through their efficiency, have been able to handle live stock at less and less rela­ tive cost year by year, bo that a high­ er and higher proportion of returns front meat sales is paid to the grow­ ers. L. F. Swift is authority for the statement that 85% of the total re­ ceipts of the packers from animal products Is paid to tlie live stock grower. Approximately 13% repre­ sents the cost of the packing industry and 2% the net profit of the packers. — Oregon Voter. We agree with the above opinion of our esteemed contemporary. It bus long been the custom to knock the big business interests, and prob­ ably will continue us an amusement for politicians seeking to curry favor with the unthinking proletariat. It is true, as the packers are men of like pussions to ourselves, that they have in the past used questionable meth­ ods to Increase their profits, as the rest of us no doubt would have done if we had been in their place. Hut there has been a decided change for the better during the last few years as big business has found that square dealing with its employees is the better way in the long run, and thut it does not pay to hog the profits. Commercial development follows along a natural line of evolution, and the big packing industry with its innumerable by-product lines, is in keeping with this. Our civilization is so complex that former simple trade methods are becoming obso­ lete to a great extent. As time goes on and our national development proceeds with It. there will be more und more consolidation of small in­ terests, out of sheer necessity. The fact may as well be recognized, and nature allowed to run its course without meddlesome Interference. The government should act as a gov­ ernor on an engine, to insure smooth running und un equitable adjust­ ment of all parts, and not attempt to throw monkey wrenches into the ma­ chinery at the demand of those who have neither the brains nor ability to build up business of that national and international site and scope, such as the situation demands. Disabled Soldiers Doing Practical W ork While most of the disabled sol­ diers sent to the Oregon A gri­ cultural college at the expense of the government are continuing their work at the college this summer, four are now on Oregon farms receiving practical expe­ rience. James J. Eaden is on a poultry ranch belonging to G. B. Coon near Corvallis where he is working out problems under C. S. Brewster, assistant professor of poultry husbandry. W. H. Hill is on a farm near Eugene do­ ing farm management and farm mechanics wcrk. H. W. Mark- art is on a farm near Dufur in­ stalling a poultry plant. L. R. Markle is overseeing and helping with orchard work on a farm at Hillsboro. Well, of all the Fruits and Vegetables this w eek *"* did you see them? H ow about that fruit? Are you going to wait until the last, and get in on the ground rush? Y ou ’ll be too late. Come in and line up while the lining is good. One more week and the apricot crop will have been in its prime and passed. Economy Quarts ARE OUR LEADERS IN JARS “THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU/' McWillis & Me Willis Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! A sugar man says: “ The world is short perhaps 3,000,000 tons a year o f its sugar needs. Europe is making less than two- thirds o f its normal crop. Many regions there are famished for sugar. “ Some sections of the United States, now that the canning season is nearing its height, are reporting shortages. Prohibi­ tion, with its assured increase in craving for sweets, has arrived.” Candy was never in such de­ mand as during the war and since peace came. Millions of people in Europe who had but little sugar before the war have acquired a desire for more sugar through closer contact with American ways of living. The war proved beyond a doubt that sugar is a main article o f diet to­ day and there is bound to be a greater consumption per capita than ever before. Odd Fellows Building We have over 200 - MEN S HATS — v at $1.75 to $4.75 Also CAPS at 40c to $1.50 Underwear —60 Union Suits $ i.50 to $2.00 —THY US AND WE’LL MAKE GOOD WITH YOU. — Always fair and constantly alert to our opportunity to be of service to you. GROCERS “ S o m e S a v i n g ! ” says the G o o d Judge Y o u m en a re saving every cent you can. Y o u ought to know that this quality tobacco costs less to chew — not m ore! You take a s m a ll er chew. It gives you the lood tobacco taste. It asts a n d l asts. Y o u don’t need a fresh chew so often. f THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles R IG H T G U T is a short-cut tobacco W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco LO I life Hotel Oregon - Respectfully solicits the patronage o f the People o f Es­ tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­ land. The HOTEL OREGON has been for many years one of Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of the business and theatre section, at the convenient corner of Broadway and Stark. \ ou are assured a cordial welcome and your patronage will be appreciated. J. K. Ely & Son Otid Fellows Building ESTACADA. - OREGON Stop at the HOTEL OREGON, the next time you are in Portland. Rooms $1.25 and up