\ Page Two LOWER EAGLE CREEK Mrs. Mary Fletcher, who has been with her brother at Hridal Veil for some weeks, had the misfortune to fall while sweep­ ing and broke her hip. She was taken to Portland to the Good Samaritan hospital where all is being done for her possible. As she is 80 years of age it is very serious. Joshua Brumet has returned home from St. Vincent’s hospital having almost recovered from an operation for appendicitis. Grant Test and his mother were called to Eugene last week on account of the death of the former’s sister, Mrs. Hill who died from paralysis. Several of our Eagle Creek families have returned from camping two weeks at the Glad­ stone Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas have gone to Lakeview, Ore., to visit their son Harold who con­ ducts a Hot Springs at that place. Thursday, JulY 24, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Travelers Return Home Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks re­ turned home last Saturday morn­ ing, both looking extremely well. I They say that their visit was de­ lightful as they were in Oakland, California, where the weather was pleasantly cool. Business was brisk there as well as in San Francisco. The roads in California were, for the most part, very good and put to shame those in Oregon. This state will have to wake up and see to her highways, otherwise much trav­ el will be diverted to other routes. California is engaged in a stupendous road program and soon will have her main traveled roads all paved. Mr. Sparks says the Californians do not take very kindly to the drouth im­ posed upon them by prohibition, but very generally have laid in supplies to tide them over for a time. They made the trp[ in their new Essex car. PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED HIGHEST FRICES AT ALL TIMES! ESTACADA —can fje obtained by listing with ESTACADA F E E D CO. Agent for The Pacific States Fire Insurance Company R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada Mr. and Mrs. Ross came over from Portland Saturday evening to visit Mrs. Ross’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes. The Hog Special daily trips to Portland. nakes Ship your f u r n it u r e b y t r u c k . i t is quicker, t a k e n from door to door, a t l e s s expense. Any one having anything whatsoever in Portland for transportation to Estacada, can leave word or the goods themselves, a t 153 F ront St. F. C. Bartholomew or ESTACADA F E E D CO. VIOLA BREEZES Mrs. M. J. Cockerline has sold her iarm. Nephews of B. Fenn- ler from Portland are the own­ ers now. Clark Cockerline will move on to his brother Frank’s place. Babe White sold his two hors­ es and three cows to a Logan man and he now owns a span of mules that H. Wooster used U> ow n. Fred Brash and family are now living in the house on his place. He moved from the par­ sonage last week. Mrs. Eva Cralt and daughter Minnie, from Portland, were visiting for a few days at the home of Win. llicinbothan and other old neighbors. M. L. Sevier spent two weeks camping at the Chautauqua and enjoyed it very much. * Harry Reid is holding forth at the Viola store with a nice sup­ ply of groceries and produce. We wish him success. Mrs. Wm. Kaake and children camped at Gladstone part of the time during tin* Chautauqua. ,1. Randolph and family and Wm. llicinbothan and family started on Wednesday for Ne- ♦ art for an outing of a few weeks. They went in their au­ tos. Mrs. Clara llicinbothan and daughter Alice camped at Glad­ stone with her mother Mrs. Se­ vier a few days last week. W. H. H. Wade another of Es- tacada's representatives at the Gladstone Chutauqua, has return­ ed home and speaks enthusias­ tically of the assembly as l>eing the be-t one ever. For years the S ta n d a rd O il Company, through its Board of Lubrication Engineers, has given valuable service in lubrication— on land, on sea and in the air. Thousands of m otorists are avail­ ing themselves of this service. By exhaustive study and actual tests the Standard Oil Company « Beard of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consis­ tency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommen­ dations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubri­ cation Charts. There ii a chart for each make of c.-.r. Get one for your car. At your d 'f ler’B or our nearest station. STAN DAT'D OIL COMPANY California) •t J. L. LA C EY, Special Agent, Park Piace, Oregon. V