tEaatmt ©larkattuta Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County ______________________________________ f____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ___________________________ V olume 12, N umber ♦ * 4 i ORGANIZE CLUB FRIDAY NIGHT The various committees ap­ pointed for preparing a program for Friday night, when a Farm­ ers’ Commercial Club will be or­ ganized at the Estacada Hotel, met Monday evening to make final arrangements. Secretary Quayle of too State Chamber of Commerce, Portland, has promised to attend and give an address. It is possible that As­ sistant Secretary Bramwell, of Grants Pass, may also attend. In addition to outside speakers, a number of representative men of the vicinity will be called up- -on Tor impromptu speeches'. Af­ ter the business of the evening is concluded, a social time has '' been arranged for, with music and refreshments of ice cream and cake, furnished free. This meeting should be attended by every man and woman who is interested ip the building up of the community. Such an organ­ ization will afford a means for grasping the fleeting opportuni­ ty when it appears. It is nec­ essary to have some representa­ tive body which can speak and act for the community when necessary. M anufacturers in search of a location, or capitalists willing to invest their money in some profitable enterprise, will know whom to approach and confer with for information. An opportunity is knocking now at the door, but it requires that we shall open it. This is the Hood River Loop road, which, while the prospects are favorable, yet requires our united and persist­ ent efforts to make it assured that it comes our way. If we let this slip for want of enter­ prise on our part, we shall not likely have such another for years. But if secured, one thing will lead to another, and we shall find it to be the highway along which commercial success trav­ els. COME OUT. ORGANIZE AND BOOST. I E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J uly 24, 1919 The New Civilization (Contributed by W. W. WILLIAMS) We are face to face with a new civilization where the “ work to­ geth er” idea will be the keynote. This is one of the big and expensive lessons of the war. Men fought to­ gether, built ships together, women sewed, planned and boosted together. All labor has caught a new vision and will flock to leaders and places where this vision is put into opera­ tion. The problems of community build­ ing have certain well defined prin­ ciples that cannot be ignored without causing “ deserted villages” from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The prob­ lems of reconstruction are more local tliap otherwise. Young men who re­ turn from the war are valuable local assets if they return to occupations in their home towns. If they go else­ where because the home town fails to recognize its duty and to provide the proper community support, the town will soon sh o w ,th e effect and a “ deserted village” will be the verdict of posterity. Prosperity for any community is now in the making. The raw ma­ terial is fluid. It flows along the line of least resistance. It responds to leadership, to community enterprise. To that end, the building of good com m unities, people must associate them selves together and study the problems of success, provide em ­ ployment, capital, and opportunities to young men who are returning from the war, and to induce others to lo­ cate from other and less desirable places and especially those In large cities who wish to get a home and have own business or farm. The Slate Chamber of Commerce is a unique organization in this state that is encouraging communities to- ganize locally a Chamber of Com­ merce to become associated with other communities to put into opera­ tion the best plans for development of the busr ess, social and civic con- I ditions of the community. Estacada has taken a step to join this associa­ tion and to organize a local Chamber of Commerce. The citizens should get back of the movement and make Estacada a desirable and attractive place to locate, as other places are doing. The natural resources and opportunities here are far better than in many other places. Tell the world about them as if you had faith in them, publish them with proper vision and the world will believe you, otherwise the crowd will flock to the place where things are doing, where the whistle calls to industry and w htre the busy throng makes property more- valuable by develop­ ing its productivity and its natural resources. The measure of the success of this organization will depend upon the degree of co-operation. It is not for the few but for all. It. is not for the merchant and business man but for the farmer— in short for the pro­ ducer of wealth and better communi­ ty conditions. Shall we join hands and turn from the shadows into the light of the better day th at’s dawn­ ing? Will Settle the Question ANNOUNCEMENT Two ‘local men, whose names are not divulged, became rather earnest in a debate over the prowess of the High School and Estacada baseball teams. The contention has been rife for the past few weeks and was rapidly nearing a climax, when two friends of the disputants, sug­ gested that both teams meet on the diamond, to settle the ques­ tion of supremacy. This being agreeable to all concerned, the High School team will cross bats with the town team, Sunday Ju ­ ly 27th, at 2. 30 p. m. Supporters of both teams are swinging into line to pull for their favorites, and will be on hand in goodly numbers. It is highly probable this will be the last game of the season, so come out and enjoy yourself. The owl states admission as usual, ! also the betting odds. Having heard that it is being re­ ported that I am no longer in the the market for live stock, 1 here­ by emphatically deny the state­ ment. I am not yet ready to re­ nte from business, as 1 have not made enough money to meet the demands of the high cost of living. When that time comes, I shall give due notice of the fact through the columns of this pa­ per. Look up my ad. and bring in yonr live stock, or notify Hen­ ry Git.iens of Currinsville. M. J. Kerkes. B. O. Boswell Sells Out Our esteemed fellow townsman B. 0. Boswell has sold his place. The purchaser is G *orge Weath- erby of Kelso, Wash., who was connected with a lumber firm at that place, but will now engage in raising chickens and logan ber­ ries. The considaration came to $3,250 cash. Possession will be given in about thirty days, and the deal was made through the S. E. Woostdr agency. $1.50 P er Y ear A GREAT ASSET Sunday, though the kindness of I)r. L. A. Wells, vve were taken along the Columbia Highway. Three years ago we had been driven over it, hut to realize what it means one should go and see it on a Sunday or holiday. Then there is one constant pro­ cession of machines going back and forth, and it would seem as if all Portland had turned out to take a spin along the highway, which with its numerous picnic spots makes one large play ground, or Portland and places near by. Car alter car passeed us for the most part loaned to its full capacity. All ages from the old and feeble to the infant in arms were there. The crowd was a most democratic one, and while some had the appearance of being in quite prosperous circum­ stances, yet the large majority were of the average class. All sizes and makes of cars were seen, except the most expensive kinds. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves and taking full advantage of the pleasure thus afforded them. We thought what an asset this highway was to Portland, yes even- to the whole state, for its fame has gone abroad and attracts many visitors. It certainly is a re­ markable thoroughfare, passing as it does through some of the most striking scenery in the state. As one runs alcng the smooth road with towering pali­ sades on one hand, and the ma­ jestically flowing Columbia river- on the other, one cannot fail to be impressed. Those who con­ ceived, planned and carried out thrj project to its successful ac­ complishment, certainly deserve a Distinguished Service medal of some sort. New Road Commissioner 11. G. Compton has been ap ­ pointed County Boat! Commis­ sioner in the place of J. W. Roots resigned.