Page Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS # Thursday, July * 17, 1919 eVer wisto fbr p> Mrs. Clara Boyer, who has been sick at the Estacada hotel, was taken to the Gresham sana­ torium yesterday morning. Notice to Subscribers There are a number of sub­ scribers who are in arrears. Will they please look at the address tags and settle up. The paper costs something to issue and we need the money to pay our bills. We find there are eighty-seven subscriptions past due, which make quite an item. Order of Publication of Notice of Settlem ent The Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet feel — it leaves your face cool and refreshed. The convex edge of the Gem Damaskeene Blade fairly glides across your face—removing the toughest stubble and the tenderest growth with velvet-like smoothness. We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for $1. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stropping handle—all in a hand­ some leather case. Come in and get your Gem to-day l EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO.. You^satiaTaTuoni^TJur'Success In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the estate of Martha Tracy, deceased. Addie Marshall and Norman M. Tra­ cy executors, having filed the final account In the mattei of the Estate of Martha Tracy deceased, having ren­ dered and presented for settlement, and filed in ihis Court their final ac­ count of their adminrsttation of said Estate, IT IS ORDERED, That Monday the 28th day of^July, A. 1), 1919, being a day of a term of said Court, to-wit: (*f the July Term thereof, A. I). 1919, at 10 o ’ c I ock A. M. of said day, he appointed for the settlement of said account, and that notice of said settle­ ment be published in the Eastern Clack­ amas News, a newspaper published in Clackamas County as often as once a week for four consecutive weeks prior thereto. Done at Oregon City this 17th «lay of June, A. 1). 1919. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. 6-26 7-17 X Y Y Y Y CHEVROLET Y i Y Y ï ? ? LEAD S IN S A LES of Electrically Equipped Automobiles W e are agents for the- * ? ? Fairbanks Morse Type “ Z " Farm Engine V W e are now prepared to handle any kind of work, brazing or battery, in connection ï with our repair shop, as ovr new man, Mr. J. C. V alentine, is a specialist in these lines. Positively all work guaranteed and if not satisfactory, will make it right at our own e x ­ pense. Come in and give us a trial. I I Fresh stock of— l ? U. S. AND GOODYEAR TIRES ? Y ? X i C A SC A D E GARAGE Our Motto is: SERVICE Fire Proof A LW AYS ON HXND AT TH E RIGHT PRICES ROY WILCOX, Proprietor. Protects Your Cars • W "X "X » x - x .* x ~ v .. v Want and For Sale Column ) cents per line. Cash in advance See Victor Domm for Primus Separators all sizes. Eagle Creek Falls. 10-24-19 FOR SALK Team of Mules and harness. Mules weigh 1.900 lbs. Enquire at this office. FOR SALE] a team of mules, weight 1,100 each, about 7 years old. Rhone 900. FOR SALE A yearling colt and one two years old. 7-17 Lee McKenzie, Kstacada, Rt 1. FOR SALE Young horses and goats. B. F. Bullard, Rt. 1. WANTED 2 or 3 pigs, six or seven weeks old. Address 0. Miller, R. 1, Box 20, Kstacada, Oregon. WANTED To buy a good fresh, milch cow. B. F. Bullard, Rt. 1. 7-17-24 LOST A crocheted yoke, re­ turn please to the N ew s office. FOR SALK 1 roan Durham fresh milch cow, 1 red Durham and 1 Jersey both fresh in Au­ gust, all good milkers; l Holstein hull one and a half years old, and 1 red Durham bull ten months old. O. A. C. Gerber, Logan, Ore. 7-17-54 FOR SALE S. C. R. 1. Red cockerels for breeding. I shall also have through the summer plump frys. J. W. Moxley, Morrow Station. 7-17 FOR SALE No. 1 Timothy hay in the fit*Id $22.50 per ton, grain hay $16 to $18 a ton. (’all the Sarver Farm. 7-17 HAY FOR SALE About 35 tons in the field, $20 a ton. A. N. Orke, Eagle Creek. It.