Thursday, June 12, 1919 eastern clackamas news Want and For Sale Column / oAnnouncement— v cents per line. Cadi in advance See Victor Domm for Primus Separators all sizes. Eagle Creek Falls. 10-24-19 Our store is now under the management of J. F. Lovelace, as A . E. Sparks has bought a new boat and sailed away to California. T h e new manager will be a little green perhaps at first, but he will soon catch on. H e will give the same courteous treatment which has always characterized this store. A s in the past, from time to time, we will offer our customers bar­ gains, as our policy will be to reduce rather than to increase prices. L ook out for our advertisement and you will learn something to your advantage. W e request a share of your patronage. W e shall handle bread and will make deliveries in the near future. Our old Jitney has been on the bum for a long time but we have got her all fixed up as good as new, and L ovey, the E. H . S. Catcher,will make deliveries any where in town and will also make delivery any reasonable distance in country with orders of $5.00 or more. East Clackamas Supply Co, Your Satisfaction is Our Success v> CALL ON IS W e handle the well known United States and Goodyear tires, which are the two best makes of tires on the market.______ j______: _______ : Always a fresh stock of Cords and Fabrics on hand. no shop worn tires to dispose of. We have Our motto is, “ Make your miles exceed your investment” Also remember the ever popular C H E V R O L E T . arrive at our garage. | C A S C A D E GARAGE Tw o car loads will soon R O Y W I L C O X , Proprietor. Fire P ro o f Garage Protects Your Cars ft “ MEN W ANTED AT WEST iJN N PAPER MILLS42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. H. A. SWAFFORD AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE­ GON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35c.” FOR SALE Six year old horse, weighs 1,600 lbs. Inquire o f F. E. Thomas, Rt. 1, Estacada. 6-12 \VANTED Two cows, fresh or soon to be fresh. Stanley Turel, 6-5 12 Estacada. Ore, FOR SALE A yearling colt and one two years old. Lee McKenzie, Rt. 1, Estaca­ da. 6-5-12 LOST One blue roan horse, 1,100 pounds, from Henry Wei­ gel's p'ace near Molalla. Sup­ posed to be bound for Eastern Oregon. Finder notify owner and receive reward, 5-29-6-12 If In Need of Good Tires- - - V Page Three FOR SALE -Two L i n c o l n buck lambs. See C, M. Folsom, Springwater. PASTURE for horses and cows, one-half mile southwest o f Springwater. Write or call O. N. Holmen, R. F. D. No. 3. 6-5-12 Oregon Poultry Farm Phil. Marquam, Proprietor T R A P -N E ST E D SIN G L E COMO W H IT E LEG H O R N S - The average Ameriean hen lays lean than SO eggs a year. Why breed and feed hens that would make a rich man poor? O N L Y T H E 200 EGG H EN S ARE M O NEY M A K E R S TO ­ D A Y. Oregon Poultry Farm special­ ize« on 2(H) egg heiiH. All breeding pens composed of 200 egg hena or better. Get the heat netting» from trap-neated hena $l.fi0 up. Egga $0.0) per hundred. »of FOR SALE —Home Comfort range. Enquire at this office. 6-12-19 Oregon Poultry Farm The Boy Scouts ( Located one mile out of Estacada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) A drive for raising funds for the Roy Scout organization is be­ ing made this week. The slogan adopted is most suggestive, “ In­ vest a dollar in Boyhood to Build Manhood.” This organizatioh is so well known and its value ap­ preciated that there should be no difficulty in raising the necessary funds. Shop on Broadway adjoining office of E. W. Bartlett. * G . R EIN Shoe Maker & Repairing A L L W ORK DONE IN A FIR ST CLASS M A N N E R Can fit any ahoe to any foot.