r.ii- Ur M i: ^ nn i EASTERN CLACKAMAS NE .VS $ r~* Brilliant Gnlaxy , of Entertainers \ 3 ires JJ* O (Continued from Page 1) ' » S O D A W A T E R S O D A L U N C H E S D R I N K S ' which is a whole orchestra in a little, is a worthy vehicle for the J Built as well as we know how, ! finest of musical moods and lends the Goodyear tire has come to a I itself even to symphonic compo- stage of perfection. Years of j sitions. experience has taught us a great ESTACAl' \. ORE. R. G. MARCH BANE, ^ ! Lloyd Taplor the dynamic plat- deal and you who use the Good­ \ form speed artist, will appear in year get the benefit of years of H E A D Q U A R T E R S F O R C I G A R S V a series of readings and impor- experience. Its reputation and > sonations. j \ AND T O B A C C O employment are steadily and \ THE COLUMBIANS will in- \ swiftly gaining, as word of its \ vite to gay and serious in melody .♦ ^ advantages become more widely > and in harmony on the afternoon spread. Today it ts the stand­ \ of. the third day. j ------------------- ard equipment on a pronounced \ Miss Bertha Muzzy their di- majority of the finest motor cars \ rector, besides lending her con­ built in this country. Goodyear tralto voice to the vocal ensem­ cord tires cost more money to bles, is a reader of distinctive a- build than do tires of an earlier bilitv. Miss Theda Dwiggins, type. It is the experience of who contributes the lyric soprano users, that despite the somewhat \ quality to the vocal numbers, lias higher cost the Goodyear cords > | dramatic gifts in humorous mon­ cost less in the end. logs. Miss Jennie Belle Perry, --------- f o r s a l e b y ---------- tiie mezzo-soprano of the quartet R eed & Sh ib ley ,, is a pianist of more than usual excellence. In Miss Watson the THF. U N I V E R S A L C A R brilliant organization has a dra­ matic soprano. . .'H T he Ford Sedan is high-class in ap­ With such an array of talent, pearance and appointments T h e seats i WILL BUY YOUR CATTLE, STOCK HOGS, ; it will be a blot on the commun’d j ¡Ü are restful, and deeply upholstered with FAT H O G S, VEAL, SH EEP A N D FRESH iif th < ? y are n ot w > '" i’atl'0 l'ized-, r and a generous advance sale ot cloth of high quality. Large doors A'd’rYJ**" season tickets secured. The lo- give convenient entrance on either If You Have Any, Let committee which Kuarantoes j side; plate glass windows in ike it a ME Know! the entreprise should not be al- ; closed car for inclement weath r, and . n r. , t T lowed to suffer loss for tiieir pub- give fresh air when open. With high I Also Buy -tressed H o g . ,ic spirited a, tion. Let n3 hope u! quality in appearance and equipment this second Ohatauqua will prove a success in every way. there is the simple and safe control in * V 1561 East Everett St.. Portland. Oregon. driving. A woman’s car— a family Telephone: Tabor 4123 car for every day in the year. Ford TO DRIVE FOR FUNDS If you have any fa t hogs or cattle, call Sedan, $775 f. o. b. Detroit. The Salvation Army will make ED. DOUGLASS, Estacada a drive for funds to maintain and j extend its home service work the week of June 22nd. f i ! ELK AID CAMPAIGN Elks lodges in Oregon are tak­ ing a leading part in the Salva­ ESTACAD A, O R E. Phone Main 92 tion Army drive for funds. 1 HAVE JU ST RECEIVED A NEW BOB’S PLACE K \ M. J. KERKES | J. W. REED AUTO CO. FISHING SEASON OPENS APRIL 1 s t - SU PPLY OF FISHING TACKLE AND S U P P L IE S .. GET YOUR ANGLING LICENSE HERE. Confectionery, Ice Cream and Tobacco ED. B O N E R ’ S $250,000 ASKED Oregon is asked to raise $250, 000 for home service work of the Salvation Army during the week |of June 22 to 30. New , Stand aud Laundry Agency. ? / L ë >*•& • . .* JE .V*.— ML E. C hurch There will be services both morning *j* .w— • an(] evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. in. y ................................................ and H p. m. Sunday School a t 10:00 X a. m., Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 X p. m. Everyone cordially invited to ] Y i attend these services. | ■ REXALL HAIR TONIC F O R D A N D R U F F AN D _ F A L L IN G H A IR . Stimulates the Growth of Hair. ----------- FO R SAI.F, A T ------------ J. F. Dunlop, Pastor, j T Tb*u » ' th r I. i A L L O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y F IL L E D . t>iil together. not ou to I c looal r e ¡ , K to c u r e v. 1 it In c u rs! \ T- .itly Uni ai a i t ;on3 p . i lli.nfc.1 t n u, •' up , r u . o n ic i Co.. Toledo, < re.rt tiiv. fa t. ' ill'll I 111 lili . - The S:ore ESTA C A D A P H A R M A C Y DRY GOODS AND N0T10 ■ ■ ( »lie By 'c m ■ .'ar i !*i . ... C at.irch M e lt itili I ’. J . C H E N F. l i by J r; i t j ' t ' j r.-ui Ï . M . P A R K G EN E R A L MERCHANDISE ESTACADA, OREGON