Thursday, Mav ? 9 . 1919 LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS ITEMS Do not forget to attend the school election on Monday night. Mrs. James Norris went to Portland Saturday, to visit her sister. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Morgan o f Sellwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs. Rev. J. F. Dunlop will preach at Garfield next Sunday at 3 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. 4, * Mrs. Amy Ely and Miss Doris Lovell were delegates to the Re- bekah Assembly, which was held in Salem last week. / --------------- --------------------------- THURSDAY NIGHT, MAY 29th HELEN HOLMES --------- IN--------- The Lost Express ; i ii THE LATEST AND MOST THRILLING PHOTO­ NOVEL! Serially at this Theatre Every Thurs­ day! CHAPTER VI “ HIGH VOLTAGE’ ’ The drowning diver is rescued from his perilous position through the heroism of Helen Thurston. Pitts plans to secure the box containing Thurston f a m i l y archives from ‘ ‘The Eost Express’ ’ and to turn its contents to his own use. Pitts discovers that the Mountain King Mine, a Thurston property, has become suddenly valuable Thurston, who has been on a sick bed, is still unable to talk but he manages to convey to Helen the information concerning the mine. Helen prevents “ Haielip” from getting possession of the box. A L M A RUBENS in *• ¥ “ Dane of Von” EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N EW S In spite o f the rain there were a number picnicing in the Park, Sunday. Mrs. H. B. Van Duzer and Mr. J. M. Van Duzer, o f Portland, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. Morse on Sunday. An electric crew was putting up heavy cables to connect the garages with heavier power than that hitherto furnished by the light line. Sessue Hayakawa in “ Hearts in Pawn” The Family Theatre ADMISSION: 10 and 25 cents! W. E. Linn, Manager. Garden Hand Cultivators, 5 Tooth One Horse Cultivators and Superior Lawn Mowers WILL KEEP YOUR GARDEN CLEAN UP-TO-DATE! b Sherman-Williams Paint Acme Paint - - - Catalogue Price— Rubber - $8.25 Catalogue Price Cotton $7.75 LAWN MOWERS - - - - - - - - S «