Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 01, 1919, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 12,
N umber 32
The auditorium of the high
school was completely filled Fri­
day night, with an expectant
audience sometime before the
curtain was rung up.
ing the performance Chester
Womer lately returned from
France, made a short but elo­
quent address about the exper­
iences of the boys overthere, and
boosted the buying of Victory
loan bonds. The school orchestra
played an overture at the con­
clusion of which, the curtain was
raised on “ All - of - a - Sudden
Peggy." But Peggy, Ruth Sat­
ing, was not in evidence at the
start, however she had a charm-
ing substitute in Esther Ander­
son who looked very fetching in
her riding togs. Prudes mayob-
ject, but the modern equestrienne
costume of high boots, knee
breeches with long coat is much
more becoming and sane, than
the old fashioned long, trailing
skirt in which our mothers, their
sisters, their female cousins and
their aunts used to ride sidewise.
The stage was appropriately set
and tastefully arranged, with a
glowing fireplace in the centre.
The leading man Homer Sarver
hau an enviable role which he
carried well. And who could do
otherwise with such a winsome
leading lady to play up to? Sure
she was a veritable Peg-o-my-
The other characters sustained
their parts in a creditable
manner, Ray Drill as Major
Archie Phipps looking the army
officer in mufti to the manner
born. Those in the caste besid­
es the above were Adele Schenk,
Naomi Paddison, Lydia Matson,
Irvie Lovell, Joe Woodie, Doug­
lass Driil and Albert Lins.
Most schools give dramatic
performances not merely for
diversion or for earning money,
but for their educational effect.
Stage practice is good in the
training it gives in physical de­
portment as well 2 the mental
effort to put oneself in another’s
(Concluded on Page 3)
E stacada , O regon , T h u r sd a y , M ay 1, 1919
A Boost for Estacada
Long Beach, Cal.
April 15, 1919.
Editor Eastern Clackamas News,
Estacada, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I was much interested in what
you had to say in the article,
“ For a Larger and Better Esta­
cada," in the last issue of the
paper. It appealed to me as be­
ing along the right lines, and in­
dicates a spirit that has been
needed in the town for a long
As to the possibilities of Esta­
cada, I don’t think you have over
stated them in the least. To be­
gin, with, the town has an
attractive name, and it is located
in an attractive and pleasant
place to live.
With good hard
surface roads to Portland and
Oregon City, together with the
electric line, it can be made one
of the desirable residence locat­
ions within easy reach of Port­
land. When a city has reached
the size of Portland it begins to
reach out for the 3cenic and quiet,
pleasant places to build homes.
One who has seen the way New
York City has spread its wealthy
resident district for miles up the
Hudson River and all other quiet
and scenic spots within reach,
with all other cities of like size
doing the same, realizes the
possibilities of such desirable
locations that are accessable to
large cities. Such places with
good roads turns a tide of
pleasure seeking travel that way.
California, better than any
other state, has learned that such
a class of travel is an asset to
the locality; and not only in a
business way, but socially and
intellectually as well. Many of
the places in California that are
advertised all over the country
are not any more scenic or at­
tractive in other ways than is the
Clackamas River country from
its source to where it Hows into
the Willamette River, but they
are better appreciated, and made
moieof. About the only natural
advantage California has over
Oregon is in a climate that gives
her a longer period of good
weather during the year. The
other advantages, such as good
roads, are man made and prim­
arily with the idea of bringing
travel into the country and ex­
ploiting her out-of-door resources.
In the agricultural, commercial
and industrial lines the country
around Estacada has all the ad­
vantages possessed by most other
parts of the country, as well as
many not enjoyed by vast areas
of the United States.
and waterpower, for example,
are limited resources in distri­
bution. A good deal of the de­
pendable waterpower they have
had in the east has disappeared
with the timber, which acted as
a conserver and regulator of
stream flow, as well as affecting
the quality of the water for
domestic and industrial uses. I
have seen, in my own experience,
in the east, streams changed
from a clear and constant flow to
streams subjected to floods filled
with sand, clay and mud that
made them almost unfit for use
in industries, such as textile
manufacturing, in which a large
supply of pure and clear water is
necessary; at the same time dis-
troying the natural beauty of the
streams and killing off most of
the desirable species of game
But these are things the
Clackamas River will never have
happen to it, on account of the
headwaters being protected by
the national forests, and the un­
inhabitable mountain regions
from which it flows. It will al­
ways remain an attractive and
scenic stream.
The country
around Estacada is well adapted
to diversified farming that takes
in dairying, fruit growing and
stock raising.
But the town needs to clean up,
improve the streets and buildings
and put on a little more style in
civic improvements. It seems to
me every town, however small,
should have certain building re­
strictions from the very start,
with the idea of keeping the town
attractive as it grows. People
of any culture at all keep these
things in mind in arranging their
premises; they do not put the
woodshed in the front yard or
anything of that sort, but many
towns allow things that are as
devoid of taste.
Yours truly,
Ben S. Patton.
$1.50 P er Y ear
At a meeting Tuesday evening
of the Live Wires at their spa­
cious quarters in Oregon City,
Eastern Clackamas County was
represented with delegates from
practically every road district
from Springwater on the south
to Barton on the north. A more
enthusiastic gathering of boost­
ers could not be assembled in any
county. Listening to rousing
speeches from delegates present
and an able address byJCommis-
sioner Holman of Multnomah Co.
the meeting immediately resolved
itself into a working body, and
the delegates present in commit­
tee with the committee from the
Live Wires, immediately gave
the projected Trunk Line the
name of Clackamas County Mt.
Hood Loop Association and elect­
ed Dr. L. Morris, President;
Commissioner Harris, Vice-Pres.;
E. W. Bartlett, Secretary und H.
C. Stephens, Treasurer.
County Court and Commissioners
were made members of the Com­
mittee and immediate steps are
to be taken to consult with the
Mt. Hood Loop Association of
Portland and the State Highway
Commission with the view of
permanently designating t h e
route passing from Oregon City
thru Estacada and thence North­
east and connecting with the Mt.
Hood Loop.
This road as projected with
the continuation of the same, al­
ready made, to Aurora on the
West side of the County will give
Clackamas County a trunk line
extending from its western to its
eastern boundaries and passing
thru a fertile district along the
Clackamas River and Eagle Creek
and one of the most scenic routes
any locality can boast of.
Clackamas County is awaken­
ing and this project carried to a
completion will open and develop *
its finest farming, fruit tnd
dairying districts.
The unanimity of feeling and
the earnestness of the workers
augurs well for its rapid de-
veiopement and early completion.
A meeting will be held in Esta­
cada the coming week and im
portant matters coming up will
t>e attended to and reports mao*-
by the Committee.