Page Six EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, April 17, 1919 ESTACADA FEED CO. REMEMBER THE NEW NAME WHEN YOU CALL UP FOR FEED : GROCERIES : LUMBER^ A Complete Stock o f Feed and Groceries See Our PRICE LIST! On Mill Run, Holstein Dairy Feed or Alfalfa Hay, for Cattle. Shorts or Berkshire Hog Feed for Hogs. I0 " Middlings, Ground Barley, Barley and Oat Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats, Whole Oats and Hay for the horse. Just received a large assortment of Granite and Tin Ware, also a large assortment of Dishes. Prices are right! We Believe “A Satisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement . " LEE S. BRONSON IN REGARD TO THE WATER A suit has been instituted by the city of Estacada, in the cir­ cuit court against Mrs. F. L. Heylman for $334 back water rent. By referring to the report of the March meeting of the council, it will be seen that a bill of $300 was presented to that body by Mrs. Heylman, for right of easement for water main which passes through her pro­ perty. This bill the council re­ jected. It is not our intention to comment, because the case if not settled amicably, will be tried in the court. This tangle with a number of other long outstanding accumulations of water r e n t arrears, the present council has inherited. The late recorder was grossly negligent, to put it nuldly, in collecting the water rents, and in keeping accounts, which tinally caused such a muddle, that he did not know, nor could an expert accountant ascertain, what was due to the city. There was an evident shortage, which finally was compromised by the accept­ ance of a thousand dollars tender­ HARRY C. REID ed by his wife. A number of citizens are owing various sums, which aggregate a large amount. The present council is endeavoring to collect these, as it is their bounden duty, and the city needs the money imperatively. Some have paid, others are paying by install­ ments, and others are ignoring the demand. Yet these are valid debts, the same as store billsv It may well be asked why previ­ ous councils allowed such a con­ dition to continue? It may be, that they can be called to account for such negligence, which places the present council in a most un­ enviable position, either to violate their oath of office or risk offend­ ing their personal friends. Mayor Bartlett has been criti­ cized for pressing the case against the late recorder and endeavor­ ing to collect the back rents, but he has been only doing his duty, which if his predecessors had done, it would not have de­ volved on him. Little Mary McLintock had the misfortune to fall from a fir tree, and cut a gash in her head so that it was necessary to have it dressed by the doctor who had to take four stitches. MILTON D. EVANS Richard Githens and wife drove home in a handsome new Buick All cattle must be counted be- Tuesday. driving on to national forest land. Mrs. G. B. Linn entertained a Kindly phone R. Thomas Carter, number of ladies at a dinner forest range. 4-17-24 party last Wednesday. Notice to Cattle Grazers GARDEN TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! We have a complete assortment of RAKES, HOES, SHOVELS, SPADES, SPADING FORKS, GARDEN TROWELS. ALSO GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS. FOR THE ORCHARD WE HAVE Lime and Sulphur Spray Spray Pumps for hand, bucket and Barrel. JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY OF FURNITURE Consistingof Beds, Mattress­ es, Springs, Dining Chairs, Rockers. H i g h - C h a i r s , Kitchen Queens and Dress­ ers. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK and GET PRICES —BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE! B E R T H. FINCH HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS