Thursday, April 17, 1919 LOCAL B R E V I T I E S ‘ AND NEWS ITEM S Phil Standish left for Port­ land Saturday afternoon. Dr. R. Morse made a hurried trip to Portland Saturday. E. W. Bartlett motored to Ore­ gon City and Portland on Mon­ day. Mrs. Nellie Foster of Portland spent the week-end with Mrs. McCall. Homer B. Ballou of Eagle Creek who has an ad. in this issue of cows for sale, recently sold two full blooded registered shorthorn bulls, averaging $145 apiece. Mrs. A. L. Lasswell has been in Estacada packing up her furn­ iture and household goods to re­ move to Portland. These were in the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore, corner of 5th and Main Streets. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Mrs. Fred Bartholomew return­ ed from a visit to Eastern Ore­ gon on Saturday. Mrs. C. F. and Miss Howe, and Mrs. M. J. Signs were Portland visitors Saturday. J. M. Melton, wife and little daughter went by car to Port­ land Sunday evening, returning Monday. C. S. Allen has purchased the Zobrist house at the corner of Currin and 2nd Streets and is moving into it. Mrs. A. W. Botkin and her aunt Miss Whiting of Garfield left Tuesday morning for Port­ land to be gone some days. Mrs. J. F. Dunlop was the fortunate recipient of a fruit shower by friends in Estacada and Currinsville, last Friday. Miss Oakley of Seattle is visit­ ing her sister Mrs. J. W. Reed and her niece Mrs. R. C. Dem- ing. She will remain for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Looney and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney were in Portland visiting Miss Myrtle Looney, who has just been operated on her hip. Born April 14th, 1919 to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hardman of Faraday a baby daughter. Both * mother and child are doing well with Dr. R. McCall in attendance. R. C. Deming has been offered a position on the Hoover Food Board, which if he accepts will take him to Italy, and insure his return to this country soon after the first of August. Miss M. Sturgeon is enjoying a visit from her sistei Mrs. G. W. Kiger of Tillamook and her nephew Donald Newman. The latter has recently returned from overseas and been honorably dis­ charged. He was connected with the 148th Aero Squadron. Mrs. J. E. H. Simpson accom­ panied by Miss Barker of Port­ land, came down from that city Monday, to spend the day. She reports Father Simpson as being somewhat better, but very thin and weak. He is unable to read, and only able to walk a short distance. They hope to return here in a couple of weeks if the weather is fine and Father Simp­ son gains strength. Concerning the election of a chairman of the school board, about which there has been some dispute, County Superintendent Calavan writes that State Super­ intendent Churchill informs him, that where an entire board is elected, the length of the term of office and the chairmanship is to be settled among themselves. Usually lots are cast for the one, two, and three year terms. Page Five John Ely and daughter Mary visited the metropolis on business Saturday. The quota of the Victory Loan foi Clackamas county, amounts to $400,000. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church, are planning a May day social for the evening of May 1st. The Sunday School of the M. E. Church, will give a special Easter program on Easter Day at 10 a. m. Ethel Meuhender of Gresham visited at the home of Gene Luellen in Springwater Saturday and Sunday. C TA R TH EA T R E VV. W. Boner, Mlumber, Sat. Night April 19 th ANN P EN N IN G TO N IN Sunshine Nan COMEDY A Gasoline Wedding Ford Film Mrs. Ed. Douglass and Ruth The machine has been Sailing went to Gresham Tues­ put in perfect order and day and had their tonsils removed by Dr. Adix. is guaranteed to ru n smoothly. The Liberty Loan quota for Estacada district is $17,775.00. Matinee at 2 :iiO p. m. An honor roll has been received Admission 10c and 25c on which will be entered the name of every man, woman and child subscribing to the Victory Postmaster Heylman went to Liberty Loan. This honor roll i Portland Wednesday. will be hung in the window of Ralph Lemon and family who the Estacada State Bank. Get | have been stopping in Garfield your name on early! The drive during the winter, are now begins Monday and by Tuesday ! occupying the residence here in night all should be over but the Estacada known as the Jones shouting. ; property. T H E HOM E BANK KNOWS YOUR NEEDS AND THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUN- I TY AND IS PREPAR ED TO GIVE YOU THAT PERSONAL AND IN­ DIVIDUAL SERVICE W H I C H YOU CANNOT OBTAIN ELSE­ WHERE. *!* Y * X It is a Distinct Advantage to Have Your Account with the HOME BANK! Estacada State Bank Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Deposits. i-:~x~x*<~X“X~X"X":-:-x^<~x*<-x~:~:-x~x--x**<-:-:~x~:~x*<"X~x~x~>