T hursday, A pril J7, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Three DOVER NEWS ITEMS DON’T BUY ALUMINUM W ARE Until you see our proposition! Watch this space next week! East Clackamas Supply Co. Your S atisfactio n is Our Success Everywhere WHAT? You Can See Them! “ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE.” $ 8 5 7 .0 0 HERE E X P E R T M ECH AN ICAL FO RCE C A S C A D E GARAGE ... -.....- 1 The Ever Popular Chevrolet WHY? FIR E PR O O F BUILD IN G % ROY WILCOX, Proprietor. ! ! i ----------S E R V I C E = A gents for Scripps-Booth, Buick and Chevrolet Cars. ! A young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shibley on April 14th. Andrew Shankland of Portland and Chas Linn and family visited relatives at Currinsville over Sun­ day. Mrs. E. I. Stry and son of Oak­ ville, Wash, left for their home Friday, having spent a few weeks with relatives here. Pomona Grange was held at the hall last Wednesday, April 9th, with a fairly good atten­ dance. Eight people took the fifth degree. Walter Kitzmiller has installed a telephone in his house recently. Mr. and Mrs. Akin entertained the latter’s parents on Friday, Joe DeShazer has been hauling potatoes to Boring for several days. Steve Hoffman of Sandy has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Schminsky. Mrs. Bronson is preparing a very interesting program for the last day of school. The Victory Saw Mill Co. are erecting a forty thousand cut saw mill in Sec. 12 Eagle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Schminky and Mr. Freymai k accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kitzmiller to Portland Friday. A reception was given in honor of the returned soldier boys Fri­ day evening. All report having had a very pleasant time. Private R. DeShazer has re­ turned home, after five months training at Fort MacArthur, be­ ing an enlisted mechanic. Later he was transferred to the Presid­ io where he was discharged. Miss Helen Hoss of Gresham, Sam Dunlop of Seattle and the Misses Gladys Kurtsen and Dora Currin of Portland were week­ end guests at the Currin home.