Page Eight EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS “MEN WANTED AT WEST 5 cents per line. Cash in advance LINN PAPER MILLS, 42c HOUR 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. F. T. load »of good WANTED—A BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS rotted manure, Call at N ews RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. office. CLEAN BEDS 20c N I G HT ; CANARY BIRDS for sale BEST MEALS 35c.” Singers and females. Emma Grabach, 634 Front St., Portland, phone Main 468. 2-20 3-13 FOR SALE—A good surrey, DOVER NEWS ITEMS price $25.00. Tom Watson, Rt. 3, Estacada. 3-20 4-3 FOR SALE Auto $150. Fifty Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kitzmiller dollars will put O. K. ' Call at visited in Dover Friday. Cascade Garage. Birch Roberts spent Sunday LOST Hood for Den by truck with his wife and family. between Estacada and Gresham. Orvill Evans of Portland was Reward. Finder leave at Esta­ visiting his parents Sunday. cada Garage. 3-27 4-3 Mrs. Updegrave spent several FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. days in Portland the past week. E. Dommwoods, Eagle Creek, Rev. Alford filled his regular Rt. 1. 3-27 4-3-10 appointment here Sunday morn­ FOR SALE - $55, Bain wagon, ing. wide tire, 3 1-2 inch steel skein, Bruce Schminky from Corvallis whippie-tree and neck yoke, good is visiting his parents for a few condition. $30, first class Con­ days. cord harness, good condition. Misses Iva and Agnes Udell re­ Tom Smith 3-4 mile east of Eagle turned home Sunday after a Creek Grange Hall. it week’s visit with friends at FOR SALE Modern 5 room Cottrell. cottage and 3 lots. A new im­ proved chicken house and yard, fruit trees and garden. /Inquire Bids Wanted of Minnie A. Schrepel. 3-27 4-3 Bids for the Janitor service of FOR SALE Ten 6-week old the buildings and grounds of the pigs. Call William Fink, Spring- schools of Dist. 108 for the period water. 3-27 4-3 of twelve months beginning June" 1st, will be received by the Clerk MONEY TO LOAN -$800 on up and including May 1st. farm property, at 8 per cent. The to Board reserves the right to No commission, (’all at News reject any and bids. office. J. F. Snyder, Rt. 1, Box Signed Mrs. all Susie Sarver, 66. 3-27-4-3 Clerk, by order of the Board. FOR SALE Registered Berk­ shire pigs. 2 months old. Forest Home Stock Farm. J. Shibley & Son. Estacada, Oregon, Rt. 3. 4-3-10 1 Here is your opportunity to inaure FOR RENT A 2 room partly ntainst embarrassing errors in spelling, pronunciation and poor choice of furnished cottage, near the corn­ words. Know the meaning of puzzling er of Main and Fifth Sts. Apply war terms. Increase your efficiency, which results in power and success. to Mrs. Evans. It WEBSTER’S FOR SALE 40 acres, about one-half cleared, balance pasture, I NEW INTERNATIONAL family orchard, house, barn and DICTIONARY is an all-know­ ing teacher, a universal question out-buildings, good well. Price answerer, made to meet your $1600, or will trade for acreage needs. It is in daily use by hundreds and of women thousands of suc­ neilt Estacada. Matt Park, El- cessful the world over. wood, Oregon. 4-3-10 «•0.000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Il­ lustrations. 12,000 Biographical En­ tries. 30,000 < Geographical Subjects. TAKEN UP A 3 >ear old GRIM) PRIZI, (Tliahest Award) Panatnu-Pacifio Exposition. white heifer, wi h a few dark REGULAR and INDIA-PAPER Editions. spots, has been at my place since W R IT E for Specim en Pages F R E E Pocket M aps if you nam e th is paper. late last summer. Owner may G .& C . MERRIAM CO., Spring:ield. Mass.. V . S. A. have same by settling up with J. Markwart, Rt. 1. It FOR SALE Four Jersey cows good milkers, ('all N. G. Nutt, Viola. Estacada. Rt 3. I 3 Mortgage loans in amounts of Bfi $250.00 to $1,500.00. Lowest rates. Liberty Bond & Mortgage Company, 520 Corbett Building, | Portland, Oregon. 4 3 24 Want and For Sale Column men • v-s •MS « ***** - * m m '-J t W * « NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of Henry Dillon, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and has qualified as such, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the Estacada State Bank in Estacada, Clackamas County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated April 3, 1919. LEE A. DILLON, Administrator. (First publication, April 3, 1919.) (Last publication, May, 1, 1919.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, March 13, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Frederick Koennecke, of Sandy, Oregon, who on June 27. 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 05102, for S 1-2 SW 1-4, Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Re­ ceiver of the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 28th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: E. D. Hart, of Boring, Oregon; Clark W. Corey, of Sandy, Oregon; F. W. Alt, of Sandy, Oregon; Emil Wendland, of Boring, Oregon. Proof made under Acts June 6, 1912 and June 9, 1916. N. CAMPBELL, Register. 3-20 4-17 EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, Executrix of the estate of Branch Tucker, deceased, has filed her final account herein with the County Clerk of Clackamas Coflnty, Oregon, and the County Judge has set Monday April 7th, 1919, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the settlement of said estate. Martha Ann Tucker, O. D. Eby, Executrix. Attorney for Executrix. Dated March 6th, 1919. 3-6 4-3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, March 7. 1919. , Notice is hereby given that Clarence A. Hudiiin, of Boring, Oregon, who, on July 3, 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 05106, for SW 1-4 of NW 1-4, Section 25, Township 1 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mane three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 24th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: George Lusted, of Boring, Oregon; Fred Radford, of Boring, Oregon; Will­ is Markell, of Gresham, Oregon; Still­ man Andrews, of Boring, Oregon. Proof made under Acts of June 6, 1912 and June 9, 1916. N. CAMPBELL. Register. 3 ¡3 4 10 Thursday* April 3, 1919 H . V . A D I X . M D. DRS. R. G . M c C A L L , M. D . ADIX P hysicians & and MCCALL S urgeons Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P hysician and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate Chicago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teaching Experience. E. w. BARTLETT Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon I Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • Write Insurance In the very best Companies. 1 CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER Estacada PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. ESTACADA W. REED Agent for The Pacific States , Fire Insurance Company Fire Insurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep^rour policy in our fire proof vault free of charge. Elstacada State Bank Agents Christian Church There will be preaching services every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. A cordial invitation to all to attend these services and worship with us. G. Schmid, Pastor.