Thursday, April 3, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Seven Birthday Party C h a i ns ARE NO STRONGER THAN THEIR WEAKEST LINK! There are no weak links in the C H E V R O L E T C A R S. Their worth has b e e n proven by the severest tests in all parts of the world. ECONOMY— DURABILITY—AND GOOD AP PEAR AN C E- Mrs. Hal Hillman and Miss Bertha Hillman visited friends at Salem and Amity last week. At the latter place on Monday, March 24th, a birthday party was given Miss Bertha by the Misses Arlene Smith and Mildred Jones. These three young ladies’ birth­ days fall on the same day and it I has been tf\eir custom to cele­ brate them together. Last year Miss Hillman was the hostess. The editor wishes he had known of it in time, for it happens his birthday falls on that date also. When the party is held in Esta- cada he will expect an invitation. S O D A W A T E R S O D A \ D R I N K S LUNCHES BOB’S PLACE R. G. MARCHBANK, - H E A D Q U A R T E R S A N D ESTACADA. ORE. FOR C I G A R S T O B A C C O - ALL C H E V R O L E T ASSETS PRICE HERE $ 845.00 “ ASK THE MAN W HO DRIVES ONE” H. V. ADi x. D is t r ib u t o r O . D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law General Practice Oregon City, Confidential Adviser Oregon M .J . K E R K E S Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see HENRY GITHENS Currinsville. FISHING SEASON OPENS APRIL 1 s t- I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY OF FISHING TACKLE AND SUPPLIES. GET YOUR ANGLING LICENSE HERE. Confectionery, Ice Cream and Tobacco ED. B O N E R ’ S New» Stand aud Laundry Agency. •x--x--x--x--x--x~x~x--x~x--x~x~x--x*-x--x--x--x- I Y COMBINATION CREAM JONTEEL Will Not Grow Hair new kind of cream—neither A BRAND greasy nor greasless. A combination * Y Y Y Y cream —because it combines the disappear­ ing qualities of a vanishing cream with the smoothness of a delicate cold cream. A fragrant, delightful preparation for soften­ ing, healing and beautifying your skin. An ideal base for powder. Try a jar • - * . * 50c The Store ESTACADA PHARMACY Mr. and Mrs. L. S Tenny made a business trip to Oregon City on Monday. Mrs. C. Folsom is visiting with her daughter Mrs. H. Horner of Molalla. Mrs. B. Herring of Camas, Wash., visited with relatives here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge and daughter Ruth Ellen, spent Monday in Oregfn City. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Weld and daughters Vivian and Anna, spent Monday in Portland. John Schenk of Eugene, who is attending the University, vis­ ited his parents of last week. It is reported that Col. Kilgore has sold his farm to a party near Roseburg, who moved on to the place last week. Lieut. S. f2. Lawrence recently discharged from the service, is helping his brother Gordon with the A work on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pulley and daughter of Portland, who are leaving this week for Canada, visited with relatives here on Fri­ day. , THE U N I V E R S A L CAR 0 Ford cars have become such a world utility that it would almost seem as if every family ought car. to have Runabout, Touring Sedan, (the two latter become human life. its service a part You will be Car, have bodies), and the Truck really its Ford Coupe, enclosed Chassis, and want have parcel one profitable of because for you. W e solicit your order at once because, while production is limited, it will be first come, first supplied. J. W. REED AUTO CO. ESTA C A DA , ORE. Phone Main 92 ——— — Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shenk were hosts at a dinner at their home, x~x~x~x~x--x~x~x~x~x--x**x--x~x~x- Vill b e d e s t r o y e d f o r e v e r . M a n y e a s e s ot l e a f u e a s a r e c a u s e d by c a t a r r h , w h i c h la i n I n l l a m e d c n '- d l t l o n o f t h e m u c o u s a u r (acn. H a l l s C a t a r r h Medt< I n s a d s th ru he blood on th e m u c o u s s u r f a c e s o f th e a.vatem. W e will g iv e O ne H u n d r e d D o llars for any case of C a ta rrh a l D eafness th a t can n o t be c u r e d by H a ll e < a t u r r h M edicine. C ir­ c u l a r free. All D r u g « lets. 7ftc. F. J C IIF N K V & C O . T o l e d o . O. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SEEDS X I The Farmers’ General Supply Store I. M. PARK, ESTACADA, ORKGON. A k -X "X ~ X »< '< '* X ~ X * < ~ X ~ :* U "X ~ X -> X -X --X "X -X ~ : "M - í - x - x - x - x - x - x - x ’- w