Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 03, 1919, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Thursday, April 3, 1919
Mrs. A. K. Morton of Portland
spent the week-end with friends
in Estacada.
Mrs. Esson o f Forest Grove, a
state Sunday School worker of
the Christian Church, spoke in
the Methodist Church last Sun­
day night.
The annual meeting o f the
Estacada Tennis Club will be
held at the home o f Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Ahlberg on next
Monday evening, April 7th, at
eight o ’clock.
By order of
Theodore Ahlberg, vicepresident.
J. C. Hillman has a German
helmet on exhibition in his meat
market. It is the ordinary black
leather dress helmet and not the
metal pan shape worn in action.
Later: The helmet is now in the
N ews office and was sent to Miss
Bertha Hillman by Wm. Padden,
21st Engineers.
Walter Givens came up from
Kent, to attend the school board
meeting Monday night. He call­
ed at this office Tuesday morning
and showed us his honorable dis­
charge from the army, and also
a certificate o f the order from the
adjutant-general at Washington
to that effect, o f date o f March
21st, adding however that for
the convenience of the govern­
ment such discharge dates from
January 31st.
He asked us to
mention this on account o f con­
flicting reports round town. We
willingly do this, but this closes
the matter as far as the N ews is
W. W . Boner, Manager.
Sat. Night April 5th
Huck and Tom
B ra d y Com edy
Ford Educational
From now on for the benefit of
farmers and merchants a Satur­
day afternoon matinee will be
given, starting at 2:30.
Admission 10c and 25c
A. Froehlinger o f Sellwood
came up Saturday to look after
his property here.
Howard Smith and family o f
Sherwood, Oregon, are visiting
with Mr. Smith’s parents, W.
T. ^Smith of Springwater.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones o f
Portland visited the latter’s par­
ents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yocum,
Saturday and Sunday.
A. Demoy left Tuesday for
South Fork to take care of the
He succeeds to the
position formerly held by Coon
Mrs. J. M. Melton had the
pleasure of a week-end visit from
her mother and sister, Mrs. Can­
non and Miss Arletha Cannon o f
Parties desiring to register be­
fore the special election may do
so by calling on Mrs. E. W. Bart­
lett, official register in this com­
munity. Records close May 18,
William Kraack o f Portland,
who owns the old store buildings
formerly occupied by William
Dale Co. on Main St. was in town
the last of the week, returning
Sunday evening.
Mrs. H. Dories and daughter left
Monday to join her husband at
Sidney, Australia, who is captain
on a ship that will sail from that
port. Mrs. Dories will be gone
all summer.
Page Five
Mrs. M. J. Graham, Mrs. Guy /*
Graham and Miss McKnight
teachers in our schools, were all Oregon
week-end visitors in Portland.
Poultry Farm
Phil. Marquam, Proprietor
The editor made a flying trip
to the metropolis. Friday even­
ing to meet his sister-in-law who
was arriving from San Diego.
- Tom Barron has won
sixteen Egg Laying Con­
tests in AMERICA and
The fine weather brought a
number o f week-end visitors to
Estacada, among whom were
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce o f Portland
who visited Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Wagner, Mrs. Bruce being a
sister o f Mr. Wagner.
— No other strain has ap­
proached this record!
— Every Bird on Oregon
Poultry Farm is t r a p -
Miss Ruth Saling has accepted
a position as clerk in the post-
office, the increase in parcel post
business has necessitated more
L. A. Chapman and family are
leaving Estacada this week for
The Dalles, where they will
make their future home and Mr.
Chapman establish an undertak­
ing business.
They have been
residents o f our town for eight
years and will be greatly missed.
Mr. Chapman when conducting
the grocery business which is now
owned by McWillis & McWillis,
gained a host o f friends through
his courtesy. When the furniture
store closed out he took over the
Settings from high pro­
ducing trap-nested T o m
Barron hens, $1.50 up.
Pedigreed Cockerels $5.00
Eggs $0.00 per 100
and up.
Oregon Poultry Farm
(Locat d >ne mile out o f Kstacada,
Oregon, on Garfield road.)
undertaking department, which
he maintained with efficiency in
carrying out the arrangements
and consideration for the mourn­
ers. We warmly recommend him
to the people o f The Dalles as one
who will give reverent and sym­
pathetic treatment in all his pro­
fessional services.
Peggy and John Hubbard
Standish arrived here Friday to
visit their grandmother Mrs. M.
H. Evans and their uncle Milton.
Their many little friends were
glad to see them again.
The next regular meeting o f
the Civic Improvement Club will
be held next Tuesday afternoon,
at 2:30 at the Estacada Hotel.
This is to be a social meeting to
which all residents o f the city
are invited.
Old members are
urged to be present and bring a
Liberty Bond and Mortgage
Company, capital $10,000.00, has
been organized in Portland. The
company will deal in bonds and
mortgages as its name implies.
C. I). Latourette is president and
H. F. Latourette is secretary,
with offices at 520 Corbett Build-
Tuesday was smelt day in Esta­
cada. as S. Pesznecker, wife and
son Leon got up early and motor­
ed out to the Sandy river to catch
smelt. They returned home with
a quarter of a ton of this appetiz­
ing fish and generously favored
their friends, with abundant
portions. The F ews editor was
one o f these lucky ones, and ex ­
tends his thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
Estacada State Bank
Four Per Cent Interest on Time and
Savings Deposits.