Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 03, 1919, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Eastern Clackamas News
F'ntered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
E ditor and M anager.
S ubscription R ates
One year
. . .
Six months
Thursday, April 3, 1919
The Importance of Parental
One of the most alarming
features of the present time, is
the neglect on the part of par­
ents to contiol and discipline
their children. “Children obey
your parents,” is now practically
changed to “parents obey your
children.” Those of us who were
brought up in a sterner age,
have smarting recollections of
the striking consequences which
followed a disagreement with our
parents, when our wills and in­
clinations clashed.
Possibly some were too severe
in their treatment, but the pre­
valent lawlessness among those
brought up without any discipline,
shows it was a fault on the right
side. That there is a universal
disregard of law amongst all
classes, is only too sadly appar­
ent. The number of criminals is
on the increase and necessarily
so, for unless a man is brought
up from a child to obey, he will
find it increasingly difficult as he
grows older. The thought of an­
archism is revolting, but parents
who do not teach their children
to obey in the home, are making
potential anarchists. At tem­
perance meetings “Where is My
Wandering Boy Tonight?” was
frequently sung with the tremolo
stop pulled out to the full. The
audience would lie moved to tears
and indignation roused against
the wicked saloon keeper. But
we confess our feelings were not
so affected, for we surmised if
the wandering boy had not been
allowed to roam the streets at
night when he was a child, and
if he did, had been severely
brought to task, he would not
have been a loafer in subsequent
Many a weak brother was made
so because he was not brought
up to endure hardness and dis­
cipline. “Train up a child in the
way he should go and w hen he
is old he will not depart from it,”
is a fundamentally sound maxim.
So to insure a law respecting
man, he must lie brought up a
law respecting child. To do so.
mnmp *'
Thursday, April 3, 1919
he must be made to recognize
that he is not a law unto himself
but under authority. That author­
ity to be effective must not be
arbitrary, but reasonable, just
and exercised in love, so that the
child’s developing intelligence
Come in and let us quote prices. We also have
shall assent to it willingly and
a few White Oats for seed.
freely. Thus will reverence and
obedience to law be inculcated,
and the danger of anarchy re­
Our Motto: “Live and Let Live.”
duced to a minimum.
We admit there is but little difference between
We have a copy from the Uni­
“Believe” and “Know,” therefore our new motto.
versity of Oregon, of the report
of the trial of James Fullerton
for criminal libel against that in­
stitution. For some years the
defendant had published a small
sheet, in which he accused the
University of allowing immoral
conditions among the students,
Mc Wi il is & Me Will is
and the officials as being cogniz­
ant of them. The testimony
brought out in the trial entirely
clears the institution and its
officials of such charges. The
defendant acknowledged that he
had only hearsay evidence, ex­
cept in one instance. It did not
take the jury long to convict him,
though they recommended him
for leniency on account of his
age. The most charitable view
is to consider him as senile and
mentally • affected. The judge
sentenced him to one year’s im­
prisonment in jail, one month of
“ Everything else Good taste, smaller
which is to be served and the re­
longer life is
does. What you chew,
maining eleven to be suspended
want to do is to get Gravely cost Genuine
on good behavior. Fullerton
less to
genuine tobacco sat­ chew than ordinary
told the court that he would dis­
isfaction. I saved plug.
continue the publication of his
to :—
money by switching G e n u i Write
from ordinary plug
to Gravely.”
for booklet on chewing plug.
A Complaint
A visitor to the N e w s office
last Saturday morning complain­
ed that he could not get a hat for
hi& little boy in town, and yet the
merchants grumbled if he sent to
Dlug packed in ponche
Sears, Roebuck Co. Under these
circumstances t h e merchants
could not validly object to his
sending away for what they could
not supply. But it shows some
of the difficulties a country mer­
chant has to meet.
His stock is necessarily limited
and if he cannot fill a customer’s
order in any line, the latter natur­
ally goes elsewhere, and in so do­
Respectfully solicits the patronage of the People of Es­
ing will not only get what the
tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­
home merchant could not supply,
but something as well which the
latter had in stock. Thus the
The HOTEL OREGON has been for many years one of
merchant loses in more ways
Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of
than one.
the business and theatre section, at the convenient
corner of Broadway and Stark.
Mrs. Henry Trapp brought in
to the editor’s wife. Monday, a
You are assured a cordial welcome and your patronage
will be appreciated.
large clump of violet plants cover­
ed with a profusion of fine
blossoms. While intended for
Stop at the HOTEL OREGON, the next time you are
in Portland.
the garden, it was too beautiful
to set out immediately, so it
adorns the sitting room which it
Rooms $1.25 and up
fills with its fragrance.
O f coursa tobacco
costs m ore "
says Dan
Peyton Brand
L%Le Hotel Oregon -