Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 27, 1919, Image 1

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Arp II7?i?/ the Community
Makes Them
S i#*
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 12,
N umber 27
, 28-29
Program for Clackamas County
> Sunday School Convention, to be
held at Estacada, Oregon, March
28 and 29, 1919, at M. E. Church.
Opening Session
10:30 Service to Song
10:50 “ Welcome,” by Upton H.
11:00 “ Why We Are Here,” by
C. F. Romig, Co. Pres.
11:15 Special music.
11:20 Address: “The Romance
of Religious Education,”
by state secretary.
11:50 Announcements and ad­
Afternoon Session
1:45 Service of Praise.
2:00 Advertising the Sunday
School by John K. Ely.
2:25 Accredited Bible Study in
3:10 Song.
3:15 Address:
“The Sunday
School a C o m m u n i t y
Asset” by John H. Matt­
3:45 Adjournment to Depart­
mental Conferences (t o
'be held in two separate
Evening Session
7:30 Service of Song.
8:00 Address: “ The Call of
Youth,” by Mrs. F. N.
8:30 Announcements and Offer­
8:40 Address: “The M a s t e r
Teacher,” by Rev. S. W.
Saturday, March 29th
Morning Session
9:00 Devotional Period.
10:15 Business Session.
10:20 Symposium (Four fifteen
minute talks)
(a) The Ideal S u n d a y
School Teacher.
(b) The TrainingofTeach­
(c) A successful Sunday
School Superintendent
by Mrs. E3son.
(d) The Pastor’s Relation
to the Sunday School.
(Concluded on Page 2)
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , M arch 27, 1919
R eport of School M eet­
ing H eld M arch 2 0 th
T he M ethodist C en­
ten ary M eetiings
Special school meeting as ad­
vertised was called to order by
Chairman Dr. Adix, in room I of
high school. The purpose of the
meeting being to hear the report
of the committee appointed to ex­
amine the records of the district,
the committee having been given
three weeks time as per adjourn­
ment to finish district books and
make report.
Report of the committee called
for and Chairman Heylman re­
sponded, by reading report of
said committee.
Moved by Bartlett and second­
ed that report of committee be
accepted and committee be dis­
missed. Carried.
Moved by Bartlett and second­
ed by Barr that school board be
instructed to accept money on all
notesheldagaintdistrict. Carried.
After some discussion, moved
by Bartlett and seconded by Parks
that Clerk be instructed to write
Mr. Givens and ask for his re­
signation as member of school
board. Carried.
Moved and seconded to adjourn.
Mrs. Susie Sarver, Clerk.
The meetings last Friday at
the M. E. Church in connection
with preparations for the great
drive for $105,000,000 to be raised
throughout Methodist Episcopal
Churches in May, were not as
well attended as they should have
been. The District Superintend­
ent, the Rev. T. B. Ford, D. I).,
Oregon City, the Rev. J. Brown
of Gresham and the Rev. Earl B.
Cotton of Pleasant Home arrived
that morning to take charge of
the proceedings. Strong and able
addresses were made by the differ­
ent speakers.
Dr. Ford giving
a very comprehensive and clear
account of what this movement
is and which it purposes to do.
This Centenary Campaign is pro­
bably one if not.the greatest un­
dertaking by any religious body
as far as raising of finances is
It will begin May 18th immedi­
ately after the conclusion of the
Liberty Loan, and will last ten
days. This sum is to be raised
thro cash donations and pledges
extended over a period of five
years. It will be divided between
the home and foreign fields and
for reconstruction work in the
war zone of Europe.
The Ladies’ Aid served splendid
repasts at noon and evening.
W el| K now n C ounty
R esident Passes A w ay
James W. Roots, for many
years a resident of Boring, and
one of the most widely known re­
sidents of Clackamas county, died
at noon Friday, in Los Angeles,
where he had been taken for the
benefit of his failing health. He
left Oregon City Tuesday of last
week, and had been at the south­
ern city a few days only when
death came.
Mr. Roots was 69 years of age.
He was heavily interested in pro­
perty in Eastern Clackamas. His
wife was with him at Los Angeles
when the end came. The body
will be brought to Oregon City
for interment, and services will
be held upon its arrival under
the direction of the local lodge of
Elks, of which deceased was a
How would it be to get up a
banquet for a get-together and
heart to heart discussions between
our business men, farmers and
citizens generally, on how to
promote the interests of this com­
munity? In many towns the
business men meet once a week
at a noon luncheon for this pur­
pose, and much good is accom­
plished by these informal talks
gatherings, but probably the
evening hour would be more con­
venient here.
The Revs. T. B. Ford, D. D.
and Earl B. Cotton left Saturday
morning for Pleasant Home
where the latter is located, after
being in attendance at the Meth­
odist conferences on Friday in
the local church.
$1.50 P e r Y e a r
Two weeks have been added to
the period of the Victory Liberty
Loan slogan contest. Instead of
closing March 22 the final day
will be April 5.
This extension of time was
made at the request of the South­
ern California Liberty IiOan com­
mittee, which will make a special
campaign to arouse interest dur­
ing the last three weeks in the
hope that good enough slogans
may be created to give Southern
California the distinction o f
winning all three of the cash
prizes of $3«. $20 and $10.
The only limit in the contest is
the number of words that can he
used in any slogan.
Twelve is
the limit but the shorter the
better declares the Slogan Editor,
who adds, “ We want a stirring
battle cry that will express the
spirit of the country in floating
this loan.”
Here are a few of the thousands
that have been submitted:
“ Victory R ofu I h Bind V ictory."
“ Don’t Quit Because the Kai«er Did."
“ Are You Grateful? L oan."
“ W hat is Victory W orth to You?"
“ Prosperity for P o sterity .”
“ You Ordered Victory. pHy the P rice."
“ This Loan is the LsHt. L et’s finish
it F a s t.”
" I f You Don’t Like our Victory IiOHn,
Try Germ any’s ."
C hange of Tim e S unday
The change of time for the
next six months takes place Sun­
day when all clocks are to be put
one hour ahead. An effort was
made to repeal the law, but there
were so many in favor of it. that
the law was left unmolested as
the saving in commercial and
manufacturing establish m e n t s
throughout the country last year
was enormous.
Too late for insertion as the
forms were filled up, a report
was received of a dastardly out­
rage by young hoodlums last
night, whereby a little girl’s par­
ty to her Sunday School class was
broken up and the refreshments
stolen. We must postpone com­
ment till nent week.