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About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
Thursday, March )3 , 1919 LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND NEWS I T EMS Mrs. E. D. Allen was up from Marmot last week. Miss Morrison of the high school faculty spent the week end in Portland. A crew of men were working cleaning the gutters of the paved portion of Broadway on Monday. Mr. Jones of Portland visited his father and other relatives Sunday. Mr. Cooper accompanied him. Mrs. George Forman of Bar ton was in town on Saturday and called at the N e w s office and re newed her subscription to the paper. Mrs. B. 0. Boswell who has been spending most of the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fair, at Gresham, came home with her husband last Sat urday. Miss Grace Denny went Wed nesday of last week, to visit with Mrs. Minnie Forman of Barton, and Thursday the two ladies went to Portland. Miss Denny return ed home on Saturday. Sgt. Chester Womer was one of the soldiers to arrive last Fri day night in Portland. H i s picture large as life appeared in the Saturday Evening Telegram. He was holding in his arms his little nephew, David Eshleman and both from their smiles were evidently dee-lighted. We un derstand that Mr. Womer had to proceed to Camp Lewis to be dis charged before returning home. CTAR THEATRl E l^ r W. W. Boner, Manager. 1 Sat. Night March 15th FEATURING ANN PENNINGTON -------- IN--------- The Antics of Ann NEXT WEEK CHARLES RAY » “ His Mother’ s Boy” Adttfission 10c and 25c EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS E. E. Hannah went to Hills boro on Saturday. I. P. McAuley of Springwater made a business trip to Astoria Friday, returning Sunday. Among the Hrst appointments of Governor Olcott we notice that of H. C. Stephens to be a notary public. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Methodist Church cleared $32.10 on their chicken supper on Wed nesday, March 5th. Ernest Duus, who was home for a few days has returned to his work at St. Johns, where he is drilling test holes for the St. Johns grain elevator. S. E. Wooster has just sold the farm in Springwater owned by John Bassett to Mr. Morrow of Portland. He also sold a nine acre tract owned by A. E. Sparks to John Bassett. Phil Standish now makes Port land his headquarters. He is meeting with encouraging success in being sales agent for the Cleveland tractor and has Clack amas, Columbia and Clatsop counties for his territory. A letter from Sgt. J. A. Page of 2nd Div., 5th Regt., 55th Co., U. S. Marines, was received this week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Page, in which he states that his health is now fully recovered, and that he is back with his company, and stationed at Segendorf, Germany. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fair motor ed over from Gresham Sunday to spend the day with their daught er Mrs. B. 0. Boswell. Mr. and Mrs. Fair’s home is at Lawrence, Kansas, and in the spring they will return there, making the trip in their car, the old reliable Ford machine, in which they have travelled many thousand miles. Read the first installment of the interesting article in this issue on “ Modern Poultry Cul ture,” by Phil Marquam. He has kindly consented to furnish the N e w s regularly with articles on this subject. He will also very gladly answer any questions pertaining thereto, which may be sent to him or the N e w s office. In a recent letter to his par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duu9, their son Johnnie who is on the U. S. S. West Hasakie wrote that he was in Bordeaux, France and that they expected to leave for the U. S. in a few days. He had just returned from Paris where he spent a few days. He also had visited the front line trench es at Chateau Thierrey and Belleauwoods, where some of the American boys did their hardest fighting in stopping the Ger mans on their way to Paris. Page Five — The fathei of Mis. A. W. Bot kin of Garfield spent the week Oregon Poultry Farm end with his daughter. Mrs. A. K. Morton has remov Phil. Marquam, Proprietor ed to Portland to be with her son. •Her present address is 166 St. TRAP-NESTEl) SINGLE Clair St. COMB WHITE LEGHORNS Look up the ad of I. M. Park “ BARRON STRAIN” in this issue. Mr. Park has just —Tom Barron has won been putting in a new and fresh sixteen Egg Laying Con line of groceries and dry goods tests in AMERICA and and stocking up generally. Europe. Next Monday is St. Patrick’s —No other strain has ap Day. It is a pity that this estim proached this record! able saint cannot come back to — Every Bird on Oregon earth in some reinacrnation and Poultry Farm is t r a p - help settle the troubles of Emer nested. ald Isle. —Settings from high pro ducing trap-nested Tom Mrs. M. H. Evans has now re Barron hens, $1.50 up. turned from Portland and i s settled in her home on Main St., with her son Milton Evans, one Oregon Poultry Farm of the new proprietors of the Walter Givens Co.’s grocery and ESTACADA, OREGON feed store. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner went to Vancouver for the week Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to end, to visit the brother of the j Portland Wednesday. latter, who has been in very poor health for some time, so much so Otis Wagner was able to walk that his recovery was not expect from the house to the corner of ed. He has however taken a turn the road last Tuesday. His re- for the better and hopes are now covery is slow, but we hope this entertained that this improve is an indication that it has com ment will continue. menced in earnest. •:~X ~:~X ~X ~X ~X ~X ~X "X ~X "X "X -X ~X ~X *X ~X X ~X ~X "X ~X ~>*>«X ~ Develop Oregon by developing the resources of its individual communities. HIS is the principal and policy of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, w h i c h through and in co-operation with the local commercial bodies of the state is under taking the development of T AGRICULTURE GOOD ROAD BUILDING LAND RECLAMATION RAILROADS TIMBER WORK DAIRYING HORTICULTURE IRRIGATION WATER WAYS INDUSTRIES LUMBERING COLONIZATION If You want to help—become a member of Oregon State Chamber of Commerce This apace contributed in the development of our state and community by Estacada S t a t e Bank L. ADAMS, County Chairman, Oregon City H. C. STEPHENS, City Chairman, Eatacuda •T-X-X-X-X—X-x*<~x~x~x-x~x~x~x~x~x-x~x~x~x-x~x~x~x»->vx*->