Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 13, 1919, Image 1

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A r e W h a t th e C o m m u n ity
C o m m u n ity C ooperation
M a k es T hem
fcastmt ClarkamaB Nma
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 12,
N umber 25
The moral character and clean
life of the students at the Uni­
versity of Oregon was vindicated
last week in the circuit court at
Eugene, when James Fullerton
was convicted for circulating a
report that “ immorality was
rife” at the University. The
University revealed its entire dis­
ciplinary record since 1872, and
also proved from army statistics
that not a single Oregon man
gave signs of any venereal affec­
tion when subjected to the mi­
croscopic tests at the S. A. T. C.
examinations, and that there had
not been a single request for pro­
phylactic treatment. E v e r y ­
thing Fullerton said was proved
to be founded on mere rumor and
hearsay. The jury convicted the
aged defendant on the first bal­
Council Meeting.
The monthly meeting of the
city council was convened on
Tuesday evenings March 11th,
and called to order by Mayor
Bartlett. The councilmen pres­
ent were Messrs. Barr, Smith,
Osborn and Morgan, absent Dr.
Wells. The water report for
February showed collections a-
mounting to $218.45, and the
same ordered placed on file.
Bills allowed for J. F. Love­
lace $50.35; John Osborn $42 75;
A. W. Schuldt & Son $10.40; B.
O. Sarver $7.75; Neil Bronson
$14.00; A. E. Sparks $6.00; T. J.
Raegan $16.75; P. R. L. & P. Co.
$21.00; A. J. Mills $3.50; James
Smith $75.47, Clear Creek Lum­
ber Co. $29.76. The bill of Mrs.
F. L. Heylman for $300 for right
of easement for water main was
not allowed. No other business
coming before the meeting, mo­
tion to adjourn was carried.
S. E. Wooster, Recorder.
Postmaster Heylman informs
us that on July 1st the postage
on letters and post cards will be
reduced to the old scale, namely
two cents for the former and one
for the latter.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , M arch 13, 1919
A Remarkable
Poultry Record
Miss Ida M. Schrepel has given
us the following interesting data
concerning the record of a flock
of hens at her home.
It num­
bers thirty-one hens which were
hatched last April 4th, and began
laying September 9th.
F o r
September and October they
averaged six eggs a day, which
was increased to a dozen eggs
for November.
In December
there was yet another increase
to fifteen eggs a day, and for
January and February this mount­
ed up to one and a half dozen a
day. If this record is maintain­
ed by April when these hens will
be a year old, they will have
brought in an income of $50,
while they themselves are worth
at least a dollar apiece.
These hens were bought-as day
old chicks for fifteen cents each.
They came from Corvallis and
are cf the White Leghorn strain.
They have had good but not fancy
care, and even were neglected
occasionally when there was a
new baby in the house.
Wedding Bells
At the White Temple, Port­
land, by the pastor the Rev. Dr.
Waldo, on Saturday eveningv
March 8th, Mrs. Elizabeth Hum­
phries of Portland to Mr. C. S.
Allen of Estacada.
The nuptial rites were solemn­
ized in the presence of the moth­
er and relatives of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen arrived here
Sunday and for the present are
residing in the rooms above the
post-office, until a more suitable
habitation is procurable. The
N ews joins with their other
friends in felicitating them on
this happy event.
Home Demonstration Meeting
There will be a meeting at the
Barton school house Wednesday
evening. March 10th at which
County Agent R. G. Scott and
Home Demonstration
Miss Marie Anthony will be pre­
Everybody is urged to
The Elwood U. B. Church was
the scene of a very pretty. wed­
ding on Thursday, March 6th,
when Miss Montie Cox became
the wife of Otis Vallen. Prompt­
ly at 2 p. m. the bride very
becomingly gowned in white and
carrying a bouquet of white carn­
ations, entered the church accom­
panied by her sister Mrs. Cora
Jacobs, and marched up the aisle
to the strains of the wedding
march. She was met at the al­
tar by the groom who was attend­
ed by Mr. Walter Cox, the broth­
er of the bride. The Rev. J. O.
Staats of Portland then read the
impressive service which united
this happy couple in the bonds of
holy matrimony. Thechurchwas
very beautifully decorated for the
occasion, with ferns, moss and
evergreens, a large arch of the
latter being erected and taste­
fully arranged.
At the conclusion of the cere­
mony, an elaborate dinner was
served at the home of the groom’s
parents», Mr. and Mrs. A. Vallen,
at which twenty-four relatives of
the bride and groom were pre­
Mrs. Otis Vallen was born and
reared here, and is a most estim­
able young woman and the groom
is a highly respected young man,
who came here fifteen years ago
from Washington.
They will
continue to reside here and the
whole community joins in the
heartiest congratulations and best
wishes for their future career.
At the home of the bride’s pa­
rents Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Brown,
of Elwood, on March 8th, Miss
Myrtle Brown to Mr. Matt Jag-
min, also of this place. The ser­
vice was read by the Rev. Mr.
Weld of Springwater in the pres­
ence of the parents of the bridal
couple and little Roy Brown.
The bride was most becomingly
arrayed in a gown of light blue
silk. Both the young people are
well and favorably known here
and the best wishes of the com­
munity go out to them for their
future happiness. Mr. and Mrs.
Jagmin left for Portand, Sunday
afternoon after a wedding dinner
served by the groom’s mother.
$1.50 P er Y ear
An order issued by the county
court of Clackamas county fixes
the maximum weight for any
load hauled on or over any im­
proved public highway in the
The court has designated as
improved highways the follow-
roads: Eightysecond street, the
River road, the Foster road, the
Logan-Springwater road, t h e
Beaver Creek- Clarkes road, the
Abernethy and Redland road, the
Mulino and Milk Creek road, the
Rock Creek and Wilhoit road, the
Russellville road, the Molallaand
Dickey Prairie road, the Scotts.
Mills and Butte ('reek road, the
Bluff road, tH Sandy, Cherry-
vilie and Mountain road, the Bull
Run and Marmot road, the Bor­
ing road north to Multnomah
county line.
According to the order, the
maximum weight for haulingany
materials upon the above named
roads shall be 7000 pounds for
any vehicle having tires of any
less width than four inches;
75(H) pounds for any vehicle hav­
ing tires more than four inches
or less than six inches in width;
8000 pounds for any vehicle hav­
ing tires of six inches in width.
A further order provides that, in
the judgement of the court, any
motor or other vehicle used in
hauling or dragging any material
and damaging any of the high­
ways above mentioned, shall be
prohibited entirely from using
any of the highways in question.
Sixteen friends and school
mates of Doris Finch were invi­
ted to her home March 8th to
help celebrate her 16th birthday.
Games and music helped to pass
the time pleasantly until 8 p. m.
when she took her guests to See
Wm. Hart in “The Narrow
Trail." ___________
Mrs. R. H. Currin and daugh­
ter Dora spent the past week at
Seaside, as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Alspaugh.