UPPER C. H. Paddison was a Portland visitor last Wednesday. George Sawtell made a busi­ ness trip to Portland the tirst of the week. Mr. a n d Mrs. Roy Douglass were Estacada . v i s i t o r s last Thursday. Mrs. R. B. Gibson w a s t h e guest of Mrs. Nora Reid of Esta­ cada, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored to Logan Sunday and spent the day with Mr- and Mrs. Oscar Benson. Mr. and Mrs E. Naylor a n d Mr. and Mrs. Will D o u g l a s s spent lastThursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson. W. H. Osborn of G a r f i e l d , made a business trip over this way last Thursday, being t h e dinner guest of R. B. G i b s o n while here. In the Armenian Drive j u s t closed t h i s district failed to reach its quota of $37 only $24.25 being raised. This is the first time that District No. 50 h a s gone under its quota, always be­ fore going the top. YO U - Get more real value in the CHEVROLET than in any other car made near its price. Three point crank­ shaft, Harrison Radiator, B. L. Gears, Connecticut Starting & Lighting, Will­ ard Battery and manyother features found only in the highest priced cars made. $845.00 here and the sup­ ply limited. ‘ASKTHEMAN WHO DRIVES ONE” H. V A D I X . D i s t r i b u t o r E B Y A ttorney-at-L aw General Practice Oregon City, CREEK Confidential Adviser -:- Oregon Christian Church M. J. KERKES There will be preaching services every Sunday at 11:00 a. m.' and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. A cordial invitation to all to attend these services and worship with us. G. Schmid, Pastor. Livestock Buyer and B utcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see HENRY GITHENS Currinsville. Dr. Adix Takes Partner Removes to Gresham i Y (Continued from Page 1) assuming manners. In all matters pertaining the community inter- ? _______________________ —4 ---------------- terests she has played an import­ ? K odaks and Supplies ? ant part and manifested warm ? Y interest. She will be as greatly Rolls Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered ? missed and sincerely regretted in ? E nlargem ents a Specialty ♦ social circles as her husband. ? Their two children Victor and Y Y Jean are also important members Y of this place, the former being LAUNDRY AGENCY Y Y a thoroughly good hearted, whole- Y Í- V* souled boy of pleasing manners and the latter a lively young lady •x ^ x -x -x -x -x -x -x x -x -x -x -x -x -x -x -x * « who is capable of making things hum. Their going away will be felt by their play mates with whom both are exceedingly popular. CONFECTIONERY ? I Closing Out Our Stock of LIME AND SULPHUR Y AT A BIG DISCOUNT—ONLY- A FEW CANS LEFT! X - The Store ~ ESTACADA •x..v. •: W A T E R SODA D R I N K S S BOB’ S PLACE R. G. MARCH BANK, ! * * * ESTACADA, ORE. \ H E A D Q U A R T E R S FOR CI GARS AND TOBACCO ! When in Line For a Tour­ ing Car or Truck— SEE'US! W e H av e Ford, M axw ell, O ak ­ land, V elie an d C h alm ers in T o u rin g an d Velie, D enby, M ax ­ w ell an d F ord in T ru ck s. Also see us for b arg ain s in used cars, and dont forget our rep air d e p a rtm e n t is a t y o u r service u n d e r th e direction of our old rep air e x p % e rt J. M. M e l t o n . Y ED. B O N E R ’S I SODA * *> Omitted last week. Want the most for your money when you buy. You want the least ex­ pense in upkeep AFTER you buy. D. EAGLE L U N G H E YO U - O. Page Seven EASTERN C LA C K A M A S NEW S T hursday. M arch ti, 1 9 1 9 PHARM ACY .:..x~:~x~x-x~x-x~x-x~x~x~> S t a t e o f Ohio, C ity of Toledo, L u c a s County, s s . F r a n k J. C heney m a k e s o a th t h a t it Is se n io r p a r t n e r of th e firm of F. J C h e n e y & Co., doing b u sin e ss In th e Clt of T oledo, C o u n ty a n d S ta te a fo re sa id arid t h a t said firm will p a y th e su m o O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S for eacl a n d e v e ry c a s e of C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t b c u re d by th e use of H A L L 'S C A T A R R I M E D IC IN E . F R A N K J. C H E N E Y . S w o rn to before m e a n d s u b sc rib e d ii m y presence, th is 6th d a y of D ecem ber A. D. 1886. A. W. Q I .E A 8 0 N , 'S e a l) N o ta r y Public. H a ll’s C a t a r r h M edicine is ta k e n In t e r n a lly a n d a c t s th r o u g h th e Hlood oi th e M ucous S u r f a c e s of th e System . Sen« fo r te stim o n ia ls, free. F. J. C H F N E Y A CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all d r u g g is ts 75c. H a l l 's F a m ily P ills for c o n stip a tio n . W e Solicit a Liberal Share of Y our P atronage and W ill do O ur Best to ‘¿ M E R I T ” i t. J. W. Reed Auto Co. Dr. R. G. McCall has just been eleased from the naval service, n which he held the rank of 1st. deutenant and was stationed at la re Island, California. He is a lative of Iowa, hut received his arly education at Blue Earth, linnesota, later going to The lahnemann Medical (homeopath- . ) College at Chicago, where he raduated in 1914. Later he took post graduate course at the College of Physicians and Snr- eons in Chicago. After practic- lg a short time in that city he ame west and settled first at lorth Bend. Ore., where he was or a year before joining the ser- ice. In lodge affiliations he is a \ % member of the York rite degree of Masonry andaShriner, and was married to an estimable young lady of Chicago, five years ago. They may both be sure of a warm welcome in our midst and the N ews hopes they will soon settle dowrt and feel at home, as if they had been residents for some years. M E. Church There will be services both morning anil evening next Sunday at ll: