Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 27, 1919, Image 1

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Are What the Community
Makes Them
Community Cooperation
rfeamaa N ros
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 12,
N umber 23
Synopsis: Percival Gale, keep­
er of a summer hotel, and Bill
Pearson the only man at the
hotel, are wooing Dorothy Dud­
ley and Florence Howe. To make
Dorothy jealous, Billy writes
letters to a pretended “ Fanny
Brown.” Dorothy accepts Billy,
but discovers his plot and plans
to punish him. When her broth­
er Henry arrives unexpectedly,
she dresses him as a girl, and in­
troduces him as “ Fanny Brown.,”
Billy and Percival are worried.
A nervous guest, Mrs. Moffatt,
thinks Henry is a traveling
•hypnotist who has annoyed her.
Billy and Audrey discovered who
Henry really is, and tie him up,
insisting that he is the hypnotist.
After a funny scene of a dog
fight under pretended, hypnotic
influence, Henry is released and
the girls forgive and forget.
Cast of Characters:
Percival Gale— Prop. Summer
hotel “Idlewild” - Ray Drill
Billy Pearson—The only guest,
Elmer Hannah
Henry Dudley—A college sopho­
Albert Lichthorn
Mrs. Caldwell - Loretta Smith
Audrey Caldwell Minerva Page
Dorothy Dudley Esther Anderson
Florence Howe - Golda Elliot
Mrs. Moffatt — A neighboring
Lydia Matson
Afeh Wednesday
Wednesday of next w e e k ,
March 5th, is known in the church
calendar as Ash Wednesday,
which marks the beginning of
Lent. This is the great ecclesiaist-
ical penitential season, being
commemorative of the temptation
and forty days fast of Christ in
the wilderness. It is preparatory
to Easter and its last week,
known as Holy Week, commem­
orates the concluding events of
His Passion. This season ys very
ancient mention of it being found
as early as the second century.
Ash Wednesday is called so, be­
cause on it the penitents resorted
to church and sprinkled them­
selves With ashes in token of their
sorrow for their sins.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , F ebruary 27, 1919
Portland World
Program Conference
M. L. Shankland Resigned
Office» at Coos Bay
Methodism all over the Oregon
conference, as well as members
of other denominations, are vit­
ally interested in the Portland
world programme conference,
which will be held in Portland
February 28 and March 1. The
conference, which is bringing to
Portland nationally-known speak­
ers and preachers, is expected to
be the biggest event Portland re-
ligous circles have ever known.
Tfie Methodist centenary pro­
gramme marks the beginning of
the aiter-the-war reconstruction
plan of the Methodist church,
while at the same time the rais­
ing of the gigantic centenary
fund as a celebration of the 100th
anniversary of the establishment
of Christian missions in America.
“The centenary is the beginning
of a great religious renaissance,
which so many people have an­
ticipated as a consequence of the
world war, ” declare leaders in the
“The centenary movement, the
greatest religious effort e v e r
made, will have the spirit of the
American ‘revival’, and something
of the fervor of the Crusades.”
At a meeting of the local paint­
ers’ union last Wednesday even­
ing, M. L. Shankland resigned as
delegate to the Central Labor
Council of Coos Bay. Mr. Shank­
land has held the office of vice
president in the central body
since it was organized. He has
been a leader who has always
stood for justice to all and will
be missed by the conservative
element of organized labor here.
Mr. Shankland states that he
intends also to resign from the
president’s chair of the painters’
local as he is leaving the Bay in
the near future to return to Port­
land, where he will probably go
into the 'contracting business.
Mr. Shankland was also a charter
member of the local painters’
union and has been president
since last June.
Coos Bay Times, Feb. 14.
At present Mr. Shankland is
doing the inside painting and
varnishing of a residence which
will cost between $1500 and $2000
just for the inside finishing, im­
agine paying $200 per room.
Better Home» Better Nation.
Realizing the importance of
thrift in the home, of the proper
care of feeding of children, of
community life, and the beautifi­
cation of the home and its sur­
roundings, the County Court saw
the necessity for a Home Demon­
stration Agent in Clackamas Co.
to help the women carry on this
work, to co-operate with the wo­
men of the county in studying
home conditions and bettering
Miss Marie Anthony has been
appointed Home Demonstration
Agent for Clackamas County and
ha3 taken up her duties here,
with an office in Oregon City.
It is her belief that the home
maker’s work should be studied
and that she be a medium of ex­
change of the best ideas in house­
keeping whether they be from
local people or from the outside.
A. G. Ames the goverment
hunter, returned Wednesday,
bringing witn a nine day old
black bear cub. The govern­
ment wanted a specimen for the
museum park at Washington, I).
C., and Mr. Ames was deputed
to secure one. Unfortunately he
was obliged to shoot the mother.
He will keep it about a month
before sending it on to Washing­
Stork Deliveries.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Hellendonk of Currins-
ville, February 20th, 1919, a son.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. I. Guttridge of Springwater,
February 20ih, 1919, a daughter.
Both of the above were tnru
Dr. H. V. Adix.
At 028 Tacoma Ave, Portland,
Sunday, February, 16th, 1919, to
Mr. and Mrr. G. T. Kitching, a
six pound baby girl.
BORN— To Mr. and
Mrs. C.
Hallyard a son, Februay 20th.
$1.50 P er Y ear
Changes in business firm s
seem to be the order of the day
in Estacada, the latest being the
selling out of Walter Givens of
his interest in the Walter Givens
Co. to Lee S. Bronson and Milton
1). Evans.
The sale was con­
summated on Tuesday when the
new management took possession.
Thus closes the business career
of some years duration of Walter
Givens in this place, first as depot
agent and then as founder and
manager of the grocery and feed
business. During this time he
has been actively identified w'ith
the development of Estacada, in
whose welfare he took a warm
During the agitation
for the division of the county and
the creation of the proposed Cas­
cade county with Estacada as the
county seat, he was one of the
spell binders employed, for her is
a natural orator of a persuasive
and eloquent type. In addition
to his business interests he was
for some years pastor of the local
Christian Church, first as licent­
iate, and later having been or­
dained to the ministry, he preach­
ed at Kent in Sherman Co., to
which place he is going both as
pastor of the church and as man­
ager of the Kent Elevator Co.
He has also been connected as
school director, with the over­
sight of our schools and has al­
ways taken a great interest in
educational affairs.
Shortly before the armistice in
October he was appointed an
army chaplain at Camp Worden,
where he served so acceptably
that he was recommended for a
chaplaincy in the regular army.
Mrs. Givens has been promin­
ent in church, social and lodge
circles and during her husband’s
absence at Camp Worden man­
aged the business of the film.
Both she and Mr. Givens will be
greatly missed and the best w ish­
es the community will follow
them to their new home.
editor of the N ews wishes to ex­
press his gratitude for the gen-
(Conelu<led on P hk <*7)