Page Four Eastern Clackamas News Entered at the poBtoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Who Bpake no slander, no, nor listened to it, Who loved one only and who clave to her. * Published every Thursday at Estaeada, Oregon IJPTON H. G IB U S Editor and Manager. * * * * Not swaying to this faction or to that; Not making his high place the law­ less perch O f w ing’d ambitions, nor a vantage- ground, For pleasure: but thro all this tract of years, Wearing the white flower of a blame­ less life.” S ubscription R a t e s One year Six monthB Thursday, February 20, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS . . - . $1.50 - - .75 Thursday, Feb. 20, 1019 George Washington, Gentleman Of all the titles which George Washington might have been accorded, that of “ gentleman” is the most descriptive, the word being used in its truest and most comprehensive sense. A man may be a general, a presi­ dent, a lord or even a king, and yet not be a gentleman. George IV of England, was called the First Gentleman in Europe, be­ cause he set the mode in fashion and manners, but this was an abuse of the name by which it was degraded. Birth and hered­ ity may place a man in the gentle­ man class, but yet he may not be of it, for “ gentleman” applies first and toremost to character. It represents an inward quality of which manners and appearance are the outward visible signs of the inward grace. But the out­ ward are nothing without the in­ ward. It was George Washing­ ton’s high privilege to be a gentle­ man, by birth, breeding and character, so in whatsoever state he found himself, he adorned it, whether as surveyor, colonel, general, president or landed pro­ prietor. And so he won his way and became “ first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” His reputation has endured throughout all the years, and he is remembered now not only with pride, but with affection. And as the anniversary of t his birth draws near, it is this inward quality of a true gentleman which should be emphasized for the benefit of the youth of our land. Few may or will attain to his preeminence as general or statesman, but every boy may seek to emulate his example in those qualities which constitute the true gentleman* AVhat these qualities are, have b*»en woh ex­ pressed by a former English i>oet laureate in 'ines ’which may admirably serve as a character sketch of George Washington; for he was one " W h o reverence«! hi« conscience am his kin«. Whose glory was redressing human wrong; A New Journal deLuxe. A new luminary has just ap­ peared in the journalistic firma­ ment, which promises to become a planet of some magnitude, if brains, money and enterprise count for anything. We have just received its initial number, and words fail to do justice to its superior make up. We refer to the new, monthly magazine published by Ramsey Oppenheim Co. of San Francisno, “ Western Advertising.” It contains 48 pages 12x9. with cover in colors, and a 4-page color insert. It fur­ nishes the latest as well as the _ last word in advertising journal­ ism, in articles written by ex­ perts in this line; Here are some of the good things provided in this issue: “ City Building Through Advertising,” “ When and how should I begin to AdveV- tise,” “ The Value of a Custom­ er,” “ Comparative Price Adver­ tising.” To a merchant, it will repay a hundredfold its cost of $2.00 a year, as in the field of western advertising, it is bound • to take the lead and maintain it. A Feather in Our Cap We do n >t care to blow our own horn, hut there are occasions when this is pardonable. Our readers will recall an editorial a fewr weeks ago, on mail order houses and home merchants. About that time we received a solicitation to subscribe for a new advertising magazine, notice of which will be found in another column, at a special introductory rate. We accepted the offer and with our remittance enclosed a copy of the article aforesaid. What was our surprise and grati­ fication on looking through the first number, to find that its editor had printed it. When the best experts in advertising had been engaged to contribute to this magazine, we naturally feel very elated, and all the more so that Estaeada is mentioned along with the writer’s name. We do not known the size of this edition, hut evidently it is a large one and will go all over the country, and be closely examined. Thus Estaeada will be heard o f in most unexpected places. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! HOOD RIVER APPLES! ......... . • • ----------------- p ■ ■■■■— ■ ---------- ■ " - YELLO W N EW TO N S AND ARKANSAS £ 9 9 ^ B L A C K S , Per Box - - y L .L O With Every $10 Purchase of Groceries we sell a Box of the Above Apples for only $ 1.65. A ll Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Full Line of Best Staple Groceries WE ALSO HANDLE FLOUR AND FEED Warren Me W ill is Courteous Treatm ent to all! Shorty gets a hunch from the Captain When you get such real lasting tobacco satisfaction from a small chew,” says the Captain, “ it can’t cost any more to chew this class of tobacco.” G ood taste, sm aller chew,longer life is what makes Genuine Grave­ ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to :— G e n u in e G ravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG /Vog packed, in pouch. Iffie H o t e l O r e g o n - Respectfully solicits the patronage of the People of Es­ tacada and Eastern Clackamas County, when in Port­ land. % The HOTEL OREGON has been for many years one of Portland’s leading hotels and is located in the heart of the business and theatre section, at the convenient corner of Broadway and Stark. You are assured a cordial welcome and your patronage will be appreciated. Stop at the HO I EL OREGON, the next time you are in Portland. Rooms $1.25 and up