Thursday, February 20, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Three res, Mrs. Mae Phillips, Pomona, Mrs. Mary Heiple. Flora. Mrs. H. Yount, Lady assistant stew­ ard, Miss Myrtle Hoffmeister. Statement from the Federal Reserve Bank At San Francisco show's the purchases by banks in this sec­ tion for the recent issues of U. S. Interim Certificates of indebt­ edness. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK ONLY! Swift's White Laundry Soap CLACKAMAS COUNTY Subsert p- Bank R esorras Quota tions Canby State .............. $223,500 $14.000 $7.500 Canby First National 210.000 13.000 6 .0 0 0 Estacada Stats Bank 152.000 9,500 1.500 Milwaukee State Bank 23J.OOU 14.500 5.000 Molaila State Bank 174.500 1 1.000 ............. Ore. City Bank of Com. 567,000 35.000 72.000 Bank of Oregon City 1.224.000 75.500 105.000 Ore. City First Nat’l 503,000 31.000 35.000 Sandy Cluckair)as Co. 10 1.500 6.500 8,500 Wllsonvllle Fanners 119,500 7.500 ........... “5c A BAR” Not Over 10 Bars to a Family! f * Your Satisfaction is Our Success East Clackamas Supply Co. « ^ ♦ X K K ^ W ^ X K ***************************** HERE IS THE $ ■ V y y y J X ■ FAIRBANKS ■ ■ MORSE ■ TYPE “ Z” FARM ENGINE —MORE POWER WHEN AND WHERE YOU WANT IT! A I i OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING-MACH I N E WORK AND AUTO REPAIRING OF ANY KIND. . Our Motto is ‘¿SERVICE” y ? IF YOU WANT TIRES. BUY NOW AS TIRES WILL RAISE BY MAY FIRST OUR U. S. TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES. % •% FIREPROOF BUILDING EXPERT MECHANICAL FORCE S. P. PESZNECKER, Prop. A 1 C A S C A D E E. Naylor was an Estacada visitor on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder were Grange visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lydia Woodle called on Mrs. Dick Gibson last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Judd visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass Mon­ day afternoon. Mrs. Viola Douglass was out this way the past week visiting w th relatives and friends. G A R A G E x ~ x * y y y Y y Y y I ? i Ii i ? y Y ? «<~ x ~ x *< k - x k ~ x ~ x »» x ~> x ,<~X‘* x ** x ** x *« x ,,X "X ":' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeis­ ter visited with the latter’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. John Doug­ lass, Sunday. Some of the men of the neigh­ borhood gathered at the cemet­ ery recently and cleaned it up, and fenced it.. Miss Frances Degerstedt spent the week end with her parents Capt. and Mrs. Victor Deger­ stedt, in Portland. At the next meeting March 15, County Agricultural Agent R. G. Scott is expected to be pres­ ent which should warrant a good attendance. Eagle Creek Grange met at the Grange Hall on Saturday and held its regular session, with 21 patrons, 11 children and 2 visit­ ors present. An interesting ses­ sion Whs held with the following officers being installed by W. H. Holder with the assistance of E. .N. Bates acting as installing offi­ cers: W. M.. R. U. Alspaugh, Overseer, Mrs. Clara Boyer, Lecturer, Mrs. Lydia McConnell, Steward, Edwin Bates, Assis­ tant steward, I). E. McConnell, Chaplain, Mrs. S. E. Bates, Treasurer, H. H. Hoffmeister, Sec’y. Mrs. Linnie V. Gibson, Gate-keeper, J. P. Steinman. Ce- Some Valentine The best of all valentines was received by Mrs. R. C. Doming in Portland, last Friday morning, being an eight pound baby boy, whom the stork delivered in the pink of condition. Unfortunate­ ly Mr. Deming being in France, was not present to welcome the new arrival, but Mrs. J. W. Reed is in attendance on her daughter and grandson. The N kws extends the heartiest con­ gratulations to all concerned. No Kick For Him In these days of universal pro­ hibition, J. C. Duns of Garfield eschews everything with a kick in it, whether male, machine or Milwaukee’s famous specialty. Last Saturday while cranking his Ford, it backfired like a Missouri mule and badly wrenched his arm, so that he had to obtain medical assistance. During Sunday he thought the matter over and Monday came straight to town and t r a de d his recalcitrant machine for a Chevrolet. Some interesting articles and correspondence crowded out this week, will appear in next issue. We hear that word has been received from Washington, an­ nouncing the death of Connie Cockreline on October 11th, in action. We hear’that M. C. Adlon is about to set up a jewelry store where C. W. Devore had his of­ fices. This wili supply a long felt want as Mr. Adlon is an old experienced jeweler. Those subscribing for the News during the week are: E. R. By­ ford, Peter Erieksen, John Ely of Estacada. Floyd H. Ewalt of Oregon City and W. M. Wade of Olex, Ore. v Admirers of Mark Twain will be glad to hear that his j>opular character “Tom Sawyer’’ will ap­ pear Saturday night at the Star theatre. The role will be taken by Jack Pickford which should insure a large attendance. If you have the blues or that tired feeling, go and enjoy a hearty laughjat the adventures of this mirth provbking boy.