Thursday, February 6, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Five Mrs. E. E. Saling visited the C. J. Pym is moving his family C. D. Allen of Marmot was in metropolis Monday. to Bull Run where he is employ­ town Tuesday. LOCAL BREVITIES ed. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kandle went MYs. A. E. Sparks left Mon­ to Portland Saturday. A. G. Burd and family of Gar­ day morning for a few days’ visit AND NEWS ITEMS field have moved to Forest Grove with friends in Portland. Milton Evans came up Friday for the summer. afternoon to stay till Sunday. S. A. Gorrel of Linnton came S. E. Wooster and E. W. Bart­ down Wednesday on a business Thelma and Wayne Larken of Mrs. R. C. Deming has gone lett made a business trip to errand and called at this office to Portland were the guests over ' to Portland tq remain some time. renew his subscription! Beaverton last Thursday. Sunday of Caryl and Melvin Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Whitcomb, Signs. Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and her W. W. Dillon who has been of Portland, spent Sunday at their daughter Mrs. R. L. Smith went serving in France as Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Pickard accompanied by , ranch in Garfield. to Portland Monday to spend the secretary arrived home Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Cathcart both of Sell- Owing to a severe cold, Miss He will speak in the Methodist day. wood, spent Sunday with Mrs. Schrapel was not able to attend Church on Sunday morning, and W. J. Moore. James Van Duzer of Portland, should her classes, Monday. be accorded a hearty re­ the brother of Mrs. R. Morse, There will be preaching at the I. M. Park has just installed a stayed over Sunday with her and ception. Christian church next Sunday, fine stock of groceries, which and the Doctor. both morning and, evening by adds much to the appearance of NOTICE. Sgt. Schmid of Portland. A The Misses Elizabeth a n d his store. Roberta Reid spent the week-end The annual meeting of stock­ cordial invitation to all. Mrs. R. L. Smith of Colton, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. holders of the Estacada Tele­ The groundhog didn’t see his • California arrived last week to W. R. Reid of Garfield. phone Telegraph Company, shadow Sunday unless he got up make a visit here with her par­ very early. We hope he was late Nye Kern of Portland repre­ will be held at the Telephone ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bart­ in coming out, as we have no de- senting the Lectro Sales Com­ building, Tuesday Fehruary 11th, lett. sire^for a prolonged winter. pany, was in town Tuesday on at 2 o’clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs. John Page gave H. V. Adix, Secretary. business for his firm. Last call for subscribers to the their daughter Minerva, a sur­ bargain offer of the Portland C. H. Bassett our agreeable prise party, Friday evening. M. E. Church Evening Telegram for a whole depot agent, received a visit last Those present enjoyed a delight­ week from his cousin Alton There will be services both rooming year by mail, for only $3.75, or ful evening. the Telegram and N ew s combin­ Bassett of Milwaukie, Ore. and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Morgan ed for $4.75. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 of Sell wood, with their daughter went to Vancouver, Wash., last a. m., Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller of Mrs. Roy B. Corson and little Friday to visit Mrs. Wagner's p. m. Everyone cordially invited to Colton, were in town Monday granddaughter Margaret, of Ban- brother whose condition is very attend these services. afternoon and took advantage of don, Ore., were dinner guests low. They returned Sunday. J. F. Dunlop, Pastor, the club offer of the Portland Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Upton Evening Telegram and N ew s H. Gibbs. i-K -I-X -X -l-X -X -M -X -W -X -X -H -l-X -W -W -X -M -M -W -M -W -X -W -W -X ”:* combined. L. A. Chapman returned last Thursday evening from his East­ Will Closner and family came ern Oregon trip to The Dalles over from Crow, Oregon, Satur­ and Hood River. He reports the day. They are stopping at the “flu” situation which was very home of Mrs. Closner’s mother, intense at the former place, now Mrs. I. M. Park. Mr. Closner under control and rapidly abat­ is suffering from an attack of in­ ing. * flammatory rheumatism, and is taking treatment under Dr. Adix. Last Friday was the Chinese New Year’s Day, but it 'lost its pep for the celestials, as no fire­ crackers were allowed to be set off. The small boy, who has been deprived by the stern man­ date of the law, from his favor­ ite diversion on Fourth of July, will readily sympathize wi t h Sat .‘Night Feb. 8th them. James B. Walker of Dodge, 7 - REEL SHOW • 7 who has been very ill with the OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US flu and pneumonia for a number THIS WEEK. YOU WILL FIND TW O GOOD FILMS of weeks has recovered sufficient­ ly ifnder Dr. Adix’s care to be ITvAN “ADVANTAGE” IN MANY moved this week up to the terrace WAYS. addition. His wife who is a train­ “Son of His Father” ed nurse, deserves great credit ___ ________________j ____ for her careful nursing during his illness. Comedy and Edu­ Edward Shearer has moved to cational Film his farm in Springwater and will continue to raise thorough-bred We are paying 3 high licences— DEPOSITORY FOR THE cows, hogs and chickens. The therefore we have to do as all the , FUNDS OF: Springwater people may be proud small town* do, charge 10c-26c. UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS. of having such a man as Mr. STATE OF OREGON. Shearer in their vicinity, as he is NEXT WEEK COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS. a great Grange worker, and is CITY OF ESTACADA. always ready to Kelp in church “ FAIRBANKS” ■« and school activities. We feel Reaching for the Noon that Garfield’s loss is Spring- i ->*X"X'< m X -X " X " /,X “X " X -!- x ~;~X":,< -X " ;-X “X - x X "X "X -X "X "X - x -!" X waters gain. & 0 * T It is Business Like— O have a Bank Account. It adds to your finan­ cial standing as well as to your security to pay by check. CHARLES RAY