Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 06, 1919, Image 1

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Are What the Community
Makes Them
Community Cooperation
astern (Elarkamas
Devoted to
V olume 12,
the■ Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
N umber 20
The Clackamas County Com­
mittee for relief in the Near East
have begun work organizing the
drive for February 17-24. The
committee expects to receive
such hearty support from all
parts of the county that the full
quota $5500 will be reported tne
first day. The following telegram
was received from the American
Committee for Relief in the Near
Signed by William Howard
Taft, Henry Morgan thau, Charles
Evan Hughes and Cleveland H.
Dodge, and has spurred them' on
to greater efforts.
Dr. Roy Prudden, county chair­
“ We appreciate your accept­
ance as chairman of the com­
mittee and the responsibility in
your county for making effective
President Wilson’s appeal in be­
half of four millions destitute
sufferers, including four hundred
thousand orphans of the Chris­
tian Armenians, Syrians and
Greeks, in western Asia. Cables
ju st received indicate the need is
more urgent than heretofore
realized. Official advices report
not more than one-fourth of de­
ported Armenians can survive the
winter if quick relief is not sent.
Prompt and«generous action is
necessary to save these ancient
Christian races. Many counties
have already come over the top
in advance of the campaign. We
can assure you that your effort in
saving lives and the work is
abundantly worth while” —Morn­
ing Enterprise, Jan. 25, 1919.
A Correction,
Banker Stephens informs us
that the numbef* * of subscribers
to the Fourth Liberty Loan from
this banking district was 439 in­
stead of 232 as reported in the
N ews of January 23rd. We are
glad to make this correction, but
it was not our fault, as the figures
we gave, were furnished us from
State headquarters.
E stacada
, O regon , T hursday , F ebruary 6, 1919
Walter Givens Is
Honorably Discharged.
Walter Givens is now back a-
gain in civilian life and at the
helm of affairs in the W. Givens
Co. ’s store. He was requested
by his colonel to remain a few
weeks longer, but he was anxious
to attend to his business affairs
once more. A great compliment
was paid him by the board of
examiners unanimously recom­
mending him for a chaplaincy in
the regular army, if there should
be a vacancy after reorganiza­
tion. Thus Mr. Givens has the
gratification of knowing that his
services were eminently satisfac­
tory in the estimation of the au­
thorities, otherwise they would
not have taken such action. The
recommendation combined with
an honorable discharge mean a
great deal to a man who has ob­
tained them, for they are stand­
ing proofs that he responded to
his country’s call, when his ser­
vices were needed.
Failed to Come Thro
The latest scheme for smuggl­
ing in whisky from California is
to ship it as the corpse of an in­
fluenza victim. Recently a ship­
ment was thus 'transported, the
casket being covered with floral
tokens, and accompanied by four
mourners of sorrowful mien. At
Portland where the supposed
body was transferred, they were
very particular about the way in
which the casket was handled.
This aroused some suspicion and
a faint gurgle being heard, fur­
ther investigations followed and
disclosed no corpse but $1,500
worth of whisky.
The pseudo
mourners seeing their game was
up, promptly decamped, no doubt
shedding genuine tears this time
for the loss of their trouble and
The method adopted
was however not incongruous,
for there is no logical connection
between whisky and corpses.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarmack of
Spokane, Wash., vre stopping at
the Estacada.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bumgard-
ner are up from Salem for a
couple of weeks.
A Remarkable Volume
A copy of the latest edition of
Webster’s international Diction­
ary has been received at this
office. It is verily a compendium
of philological and etymological
learning. The student may be
sure that he will find it accurate
and satisfying, in giving the
correct meanings, derivations and
various uses of words.
feature is unique in dictionaries,
namely each page is doubled
decked, one-fifth being divided
from the rest by a horizontal
In this lower
section are
given the little used words,
foreign phrases and the like,
which division will be found a
great matter of convenience in
many ways. We invite our read­
ers to come in and examine it for
The year of publication is that
of 1917, and as an instance of
showing how new words multiply,
it will be found that several
words which the war has brought
into use are not contained there­
in, in spite of the fac t that when
it was issued, it represented the
last word in up to dateness.
Look up the ad. of G. & C.
Merriam Co. its publishers in this
It gives 400,000 words,
and contains 2,700 pages and
6,000 illustrations.
Better Luck Next Time.
To the Editor;
Several of the prominent mem­
bers of the Oregon City “young­
er set” visited Estacada Wednes­
day evening. On the top of
Springwater Hill, everything
went fiat even the tires. What
is wrong with the roads? Seems
as tho the rain around here is ra­
ther dampish. Part of the crowd
ate all the ice cream in Estacada
and the rest d ra n k -----water.
With kind regrets,
Joe Murphy.
Oregon City, Feb. 6, 1919.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks has return­
ed from her Portland visit.
H. H. Bliss who was visiting
his daughter Mrs. Bert Finch re­
turned to his home in Portland,
$1.50 P er Y ear
The flu epidemic having subsi­
ded the Star theatre will reopen
its doors. Saturday evening, W.
W. Boner manager. On account
of having to pay three heavy li­
censes, the management is forced
to charge what other small towns
are demanding, namely 10 to 25
cents. An additional film will be
given for good measuie, so that
ample value will be received for
the admittance fee. This entre-
prise should, be well patronized
not only to encourage the man­
agement, but for the benefit of
the town. We hope it will soon
be feasible to give a matinee on
Saturday afternoons, for the far­
mers who come to town. As
the government receives a sub­
stantial tax from the receipts, it
will be patriotic to patronize this
form of entertainment.
Received with Thanks.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 5th, 1919.
To the Editor of the N ews :
I am renewing my subscription
to the E astern C lackamas
N ews as I admire your manner
of conducting the paper and firm­
ly believe that if you have the
proper community support, you
will be in a position to secure for
eastern Clackamas county, many
of those things so necessary and
vital for its welfare and progress.
Along this line and following
your recent protest regarding
train service, I should like to say
that 1 am hoping to see a move­
ment started to secure a more
suitable schedule of trains for
our district. By this I mean, a
niore frequent service, one that
is more accommodating to the
people, who live or have interests
in the district, and above all a
service that does not cause an
undue delay in the delivery of
the mails.
If we may judge the Portland
Railway by its past and present
policy we may hardly look for
improved conditions, unless we
make it a point to take concerted
action to secure them.
Charles A. Bow,
Bowcrest Farm, Eagle Creek.