Thursday, January 23, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Mail Order Houses and Home Merchants Trains Arrive from Portland A ccording to thd new schedule the arrival o f trains ffom land is as follow s: Port­ make a reasonable profit. After all the appeal to support home institu­ tions is a powerful one. Let the home merchants bear in mind these points and work on them, and we are confident that they will not be disappointed in attaining sat­ isfactory results, for they are de­ rived from human nature. On the other hand, the customers must remember that the relation between them and the home mer­ chants is far more intimate and mu­ tual than between them and the mail order house. Their dealings with the latter are purely business, but that between them and the former is reciprocal. Each is vitally affected 1 by the other. If without the country j there can be no town, without the | town the country will be very much 1 at a disadvantage land values will not j I only be lower, but prices for produce | « • also, not to mention the want of all the conveniences which a modern town supplies, which go far to im­ prove the manner of living and add to its comfort. Even if they pay a little more for goods, this will be more than made up by increased fa­ cilities afforded to them by the town, such as churches, high schools, pub­ lic libraries, places of amusement, telephone and electric and railroad service, etc. If they doubt, let them go and live miles from a town, and see how they will like it. The home merchants it must not be forgotten pay a large share of the taxes and expense for maintaining these bene­ fits, while the mail order house does not contribute one cent. — Upton H. Gibbs. m., No. 20, 4:24 p. m., No. 26, 6:24 p. m. Mail and express arrive on Nos. 10 and 20. THREE POINT CRANKSH AFT. PUM P OIL A N D W ATER COOLING SYSTEM. HARRISON RADIATOR. B R O W N -L IP E -C H A P IN GEARS. \ L Y N IT E PISTONS. A STARTING AND L I G H T I N G SYSTEM TH AT A L W A Y S WORKS. THE GREAT CHEVROLET VALVE IN H E A D M O T O R . S S $ FOR P O W E R —S P E E D — E C O N O M Y . T H E S E F E A T U R E S N O T IN A N Y C A R W I T H I N $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 O F ITS P RI CE . O..D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law « General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, Oregon M. J. KERKES Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Kaiser Bill’s Old Grey Goose Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see H E N R Y G ITH ENS Currinsville. A * Y ? C O N FEC TIO N ER Y Y Y Y Y Y »% Kodaks and Supplies Rolls Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered Enlargements a Specialty ED. B O N E R ’S L A U N D R Y AGENCY i ! I Y *♦ I I I Y Y î Y î Y B -K 11 GENERAL HOUSEHOLD DISINFECTANT 10 Times More Powerful than Undiluted Carbolic Acid NOT A POISON Recommended by Health Officers -------- FOR S A LE A T -------- The SSL Store Kaiser Bill can’t quite understand, The hash that’ s made of all he planned; Nor how it is true beyond dispute, The finish has come to his game of loot. Little he thonght in his wonderful plans. How the bravest and best from all of the clans; Would cook to a turn his old grey goose, Letting it stew in its own fat juice. Y Nor did he reckon that Ferdinand Foch, Y And General Pershing, he’d thought Y Y to josh; Y Y With Douglass Haig would pull his legs, Y While their boys got away with the Y Y golden eggs. Y Y Y To finish the job, they had a hunch, That Poincaire and George and all that bunch; Woodrow and doughboys from east to west, Should put in their licks and break up the nest. > — E. E. Hannah, Estacada, Oregon I Y Y Y J I I Y ESTACADA PHARM ACY W -X -X -M -l-X -X -W -X -W -X -X -X -M -X -X -l-X ' « W A T E R S O D A D R I N K S t L U N C H E S B OB ’S P L A C E R. G. M AROHBANK, ESTACADA. ORE. H E A D Q U A R T E R S A N D F O R C I G A R S T O B A C C O DON’T ALL COME AT ONCE-THERE WILL SOON BE ENOUGH FOR ALL— AT LAST We are Authorized to Take Orders for Ford 5 - Passenger Touring Cars AND THE GREATEST FARM NECESSITY OF THE AGE The Ford One T on Truck W E ALSO SELL VELIE AND MAXWELL TRUCKS — When you want to buy a T O U R I N G C A R , don’t for­ get the M A X W E L L 1919, it is S O M E C A R . — W e also handle the old R E L I A B L E V E L IE . — In second hand cars we have some good buys in Fords, 1917 Maxwells, Flanders Roadster and 5 Pass. Chevrolet. — When in need of anything in our line call and let us make you some prices that will astonish you and don’t for­ get that J. M. M E L T O N , our old reliable auto mechanic is still in charge of our repair department. Y I frfci S O D A (Continued from Page 4) No. 10, 8:24 a. m., No. 14, 12:24 p. Page Seven How’s This? W e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. H all's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi­ son from the Blood and healing the dis­ eased portions. After you have taken H all’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement in your general health. Start taking H all’s Catarrh Medi­ cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free F J. C H K N E Y ft CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 76c. E s ta c a d a G a ra g e ■ -----— ------- J. W . R E E D , Prop, and Owner WK SOLICIT A RIGHTEOUS SH ARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE, A N D W IL L T R Y A N D M ERIT IT. SAVE THREE-FOURTHS ON HOUSEHOLD FUEL THE SHIPMAN OIL GAS BURNER FOR COOKING, HEATING STOVES AND RANGES Uses common Coal Oil (Kerosene) Generates a Gas Fire giving the largest Heat Units at the Lowest Cost Known to Science. YO U C A N IN S T A L L IT YO URSELF Complete Instructions and Equipment with each Burner. EVERY BURNER G UARANTEED Save the Middle-mans profit-Manufacturer to you Direct. SAFE E C O N O M IC A L E F F IC IE N T Send $10.00 (Ten Dollars) By Mail and Secure one. VICTORY MFG. CO. 1706 Macdonald Ave. RICHMOND, C A LIF O R N IA J t ►4