Thursday, January 23, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Six DINNER MENU Soup Baked or Mashed Potatoes Roast Beef or Salmon Loaf Relish . Vegetables Fresh or Canned Pumpkin Pie Lettuce Salad Cheese Coffee FRESH VEGETABLES This Week’s Offering Cauliflour, Head Lettuce, Cabbage, and Celery. CANNED VEGETABLES Peas, Beans, Spinach, String Beans, Com, Succotash, Sweet Potatoes, Kraut, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Chili Con Carni. PICKLES AND RELISHES India Sweet Relish; Pickles Sour, Sweet, Mixed; Tomato Catsup; Olives, Green, Ripe or Stuffed. * Salad Dressing, Mrs. Porter’s, Durkee’s, Diamond W. Mayonaise. Soups, Campbell’s, all varieties. FLOUR AND FEED We Believe “A Satisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement. ” THE WALTER GIVENS COMPANY, Inc. ESTACADA, OREGON OLDEST LOVE LETTER FOUND a supposedly suburban d istrict joined to g eth er by canals.—R ehoboth Sunday H erald. , M odern Scientist D eclares It to H ave Been W ritte n A b o u t the T im e of A b raham . NO T he oldest love le tte r In th e world has been found—and read by eyes for which It never w as intended. Dr. Stephen H erb ert Lnngdon, Museum of Art and Selenees, U niversity of Penn­ sylvania, was the m an to tlnd this billet doux, w ritten on a tablet of clay about th e tim e of A braham . He also lias brought to Jlfe w hat Is said to be th e oldest map In existence, draw n about 1500 It. <\ o r an o th er tab let of clay. • H ere Is th e letter, which, sad to re ­ late, is p artly selfish: “T o K aka and M lrslla sa y : “T hus salth Sln-maglr. “M ay th e Sun-dog give you good health. “ How Is this business? “ F or a whole m onth you have not sent anybody to ask ab o u t my w elfare. "Now I d irect Sham asbeplrl unto you. “ Send me 30 p in ts o f barley meul and ten p in ts of bean flour. "I am In trouble. “Hive quickly. “ W hat you send deduct from your tith es. “As to th e rest, send It according to fu tu re Instructions." Evidently the w rite r w as fond of both K aka and M lrslla, tw o sisters. Al­ though the le tte r could scarcely be called affectionate, as th e present gen­ eration un d erstan d s th e word, its tra n sla to r assu res tis th a t It is n bona tide cross-your h eart love letter. T he m ap found by D octor Lnngdon w as of Babylonian origin and i n d i c a t e s TRUTH IN TRADITION . O ld Legend o f the D ro w n in g of P rin ­ cess in P etrograd F o rtress P roved to Be W ith o u t Foundation. T he fo rtress of SS. P e te r and Pnul, In P etrograd, h as an evil rep u tatio n ns the fo rm er place of im prisonm ent of many of R u ssia’s Idealists, Includ­ ing P rince K ropotkin and M adam e R reshkovsky; b u t one blot on Its ’scutcheon is rem oved by an illu strated article in th e London Sphere. T he article reproduces n painting by the R ussian a rtis t F lavltsky, show ing a beautiful woman standing on her. bed in a cell In th is prison, seeking to es­ cape th e rising w aters of a flood th a t th rea ten s h er life. This was the P rin ­ cess T arakanova, who had incurred th e enm ity o f C ath erin e the G reat. T he tradition is th a t she w as drowned, by o rd er of th e em press, during the In­ undation of 1777. T he Sphere, how ­ ever, shows th a t she died of tuberculo­ sis two years b efore the flood sw ept through the fo rtress. T hus this gloomy prison u”d th e g reat em press are re ­ lieved of one of th e tragedies w ith which they have been associated.'— T he Outlook. In P raise of Music. M usic >tdrs nothing b ut good ; sub­ tra c ts th e ev il; m ultiplies th a t which we alread y h a v e ; discounts our ail­ m ents and com pounds nil of our Inter­ est. If you believe th is Is true, “push” music. Aid the choir, choral and o r­ ch estral societies. Sym pathize w ith nnd In every w ay support public school music. A foreign tra v e le r In our country said he w as deeply im pressed w ith our silences. ® H e henrd no reapers sing­ ing In th e field, he heard many a bird enrol, but no hum an songs. T h at re­ m inds me of th e old saying: “Blessed is th e m an who sings a t his w ork.” T ak e an In terest in creating a m usi­ cal atm osphere In the home, and soon A m erica will be singing and we shall be able to ta k e in music not only by th e sm all channel of th e ear, but through every pore of our bodies s tra ig h t to th e root of our s-mls.—The M usician. ? G u a rd Y o u r Breath. “ A m an’s b reath ,” says P opular Sci­ ence M onthly, “Is often a b etra y er of secrets. H e m ay have been out late, sittin g up w ith a sick friend, but when he reaches home his loving wife a t once opens up h er b attery of re­ proaches. “Now conies th e news th a t tw o In­ ventors in Osceoln, Ark., have Joint­ ly Invented a breath-guard of a new p a tte rn . It Is said to be efficient, but not In th e m anner you w ere thinking of. It Is intended to protect dentists, b arbers and physicians from inhal­ ing the germ -laden breath of th e ir p a­ tie n ts qr patrons. It consists of a sm all curved shield of glass placed so as to cover the nostrils and held in position by n spring clip gripping the p artitio n wall of the nose on the in­ side. MMnny diseases are directly com­ m unicated through the Inhalation of tain ted air, and a device of this kind should be n boon to professional peo­ ple who nre compelled, by the n atu re of th e ir duties, to be In close proxim ­ ity to those whom they serve.” H in t to Mothers. L et us never be like the m other who said her boy w as not Interested in any­ thing. F or the boy’s te ach er w hen she called noticed th a t he had a box which he seemed to take care of, and it w as not long before she learned th a t it w as a collection of caterpillars. Yet the m other said th a t h e r boy w as interested In nothing. The te ach er a t once showed her pupil th a t she, too, was' Interested in his collection. She learned from the boy a g reat m any things about caterpillars th a t she did not know, and In turn ta u g h t hlrn things he did not k n o w .' T eacher and boy became great friends ; through th is common interest others sprang up and the boy changed from a sullen Inattentive boy to a broad-m inded, wide-awake man. If the m other could only have shared her hoy’s interest, how much more helpful th ey would have been to each other.-^-Pittsburgh D ispatch. Etiquette in Mexico. T ravelers through Mexico re p o rt m any peculiar custom s w hich reflect th e tem peram ent of the people. Some of these are founded upon su p ersti­ tions hundreds of years old w hile oth­ ers date from more recent days. T h ere is a prevailing belief In the country th a t there is bad luck in a sequence o f threes and w herever possible th e com bination of three Is avoided. T his Is shown-very often to persons stran g e to the land in the lighting of a cig­ arette. In the United States one oftep sees th ree men light their pill from one m atch. It would be a gross in su lt in Mexico to offer a man a light from iv m at' ll that had already sta rte d tw o cigarettes going. Instead one m ust blow out the match and give him a *’ l a A i n . . __ II