OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County V olume 12, N umber 15 SIDELIGHTS F R O M M TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION Not the least of the benefits of teachers’ associations lies in the meeting face to face and having personal conversation with others prominent and otherwise, in the same line o f work. While not over half o f the school men of the state were able to attend; yet those who were present, certain­ ly were repaid for the effort and time spent. One of the direct benefits to Estacada, will be evident during the next few weeks, for the meeting gave Mr. Signs an op­ portunity to arrange for three prominent educators to visit our city within the near future. Prof. G rigory o f the depart ment o f Educational Research, U. o f 0 . will come to the high school early in the month espec­ ially to discuss with the teachers the school plans for making the educational tests mentioned in the last issue. Quite likely Doctor Gregory will not be able to meet the people o f the com­ munity at this time as he is very busy organizing the test work throughout the state. We will have, however, Pres. Ackerman, o f Monmouth normal, for a Fri­ day evening lecture, and also Dr. -Sheldon of the University o f Ore­ gon for another. Both these lectures will be given some time during the next six weeks, dates to be decided later. Another phase o f the discuss­ ion taken up by the association was the financial side o f edu­ cation. It was strongly brought out in some paper or address at each session the general, grow ­ ing idea that school is a business proposition as much as manu­ facturing, or commerce, and to be successfully carried on, the school business must be adequate­ ly capitalized just the same as any other business. This capital­ ization must cover proper hous­ ing, satisfactory equipment of the best quality^ well trained efficient teachers paid living wag­ es, who may, by that consider- (Concluded on Page 3) E stacada , O regon A Christmas Party at the Estacada The lobby of the Estacada is a thing o f beauty. Large bunches of Christmas greens, .Oregon grape, arbor vitae, and English holly are massed around, set off by red steamers and bells. A very handsomely d e c o r a t e d Christmas tree stands near the staircase, which sparkles with its silver and gold ornaments even without the aid o f lights. We noticed that Santa Claus had been most generous in leaving a number of handsome and useful gifts. One for Miss Morgan was enough to arouse envy in the heart o f any young lady who did not already possess one. This was a cedar dowry chest. We were favored with a glimpse o f its contents, among which was a most beautifully embroidered table cloth, one o f the hand­ somest we have ever seen. We wondered if coming events were casting their shadows before. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan enter­ tained a few friends at a dinner party Christmas night. The din­ ing room was decorated with greens and red festons. The table was laid for eight covers with streamers o f red chiffon suspended from the chandelier dividing the table into sections. Both the lobby and dining hall make ideal rooms for such festal occasions. No Turkey for the Editor T hursday , J anuary 2, 1919 HYMENEAL. An auspicious event in the lives o f two well known and popular young people, occurred in Seattle on Christmas eve. This was the marriage o f Miss Gladys Carpen­ ter to Mr. Guy Graham, which was solemnized at the home o f their friends, Mr. and Mrs. K. Nelson. Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present. The service was read by the Rev. Mary Towers. This formed the happy conclu­ sion to a romance which began in high school days here. The bride is the granddaughter o f Mrs. Margaret Shock o f south Estacada, with whom she has made her home for some years. After graduating from the local high school, she took a course at the state Normal school at Los Angeles, where she graduated last June. She was elected as teacher for the second and third grades in our schools last fall. The groom is the son o f Mrs. Maud Graham who is also teach­ ing in the grades. He has been for the past few months at Camp Field, Texas, where he rose to the rank o f flying sergeant in the aviation corps. Since being honorably discharged, he has been connected with the Seattle branch o f Libby, McNeill & Lib­ by. As he will go to Alaska in the spring and Mrs. Graham in­ tends to finish her school year, they will not make their home in Seattle until his return in the fall. In extending heartiest con­ gratulations to the happy pair the N e w s believes it expresses the wish o f the whole commuuity. Alas the editor’s New Year’ s dinner was like Hamlet with the principal character left out. He had engaged a turkey for the oc­ casion and was looking forward to eating it, like a colored gentle­ man does to eating possum. Some miscreants a few nights previously, raided the hen roost o f Mrs. C. A. Jacques with whom the turkey had been bargained for, and ran off with it and an­ other one. However his loss was not as serious as that of Mrs. Jacques, which at present prices for turks represents a good round sum. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bliss o f Portland, the parents o f Mrs. B. H. Fincn, gave a delightful din­ ner party Christmas to guests numbering sixteen. Among them were their three children and their families. Mr. and Mrs C. S. Bliss o f Lodi. Cal., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farrell o f Laurelhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finch o f Estacada. A sister o f Mr. Finch Mrs. Cummings o f Portland was with her husband among those present. As we go to press, we regret to report that the condition of station agent Couse is very seri­ ous and small hope is entertained. No more shows at the Star un­ til the Spanish influenza epidemic is over. $1.50 P er Y ear NEW TEAR'S GREETING FROM THE MAYOR My Fellow Citizens: The year 1918 for the city o f Estacada, as well as for the state o f Oregon and the Pacific Coast in general, has been one o f event- • ful history for all classes o f in­ dustries and for the laborman as well. As we are on the eve o f a new year it might be well to re­ view the past, with the idea o f profiting in the future, both in a business, social ar.d industrial way. We have experienced "dull times” in the past few years in our city, but during the past year, we have seen our resources de­ veloped, our vacant loading docks rebuilt, and our thoroughfares teaming with loads o f products from our rich and fertile acres o f farming, fruit and timber lands. The prosperity o f the surrounding territory, is the prosperity o f our city, and our citizens should feel the import­ ance o f preparing to receive our full share o f the patronage o f in­ creased industrial and farming activities, which we have reason to believe will favor us for the coming year. Our merchants should culti­ vate the acquaintance and pat­ ronage o f our neighbors, and in so doing should take part in all municipal activities, to the end that the city should be an invit­ ing place for our lumbermen, our farmers and stock raisers and fruit growers. Our facilities here as a market should be well looked after, and our highways built with the view o f giving easy access to the markets here, and oyer roads that may be easily traveled both in the summer and winter. Our schools already in the first class o f high schools o f the state, with beautiful grounds and build­ ings, should be kept well to the front and the standard main­ tained. Our reputation through­ out the state for being the strongest, and most united (Concluded on Paj?e 8.)