O U R SLO G AN : ■C om m unity C o o p era tio n ¡N pujs Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 12, N umber 13 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , D ecember 19, 1918 $1.50 B ek Y ear CLOSING DAYS FOR COMMUNITY INSTITUTE WAS A GRAND SUCCESS îlest lUislii's for a W riter R ecalls S chool E x p er­ ie n c es in E ngland o f Forty Y ears A go. OLD BOYa FOOTBALL MATCH P rize G iving and D ism issal for “D om um , D om um , D u lce D om um .” As the schools close this week for the Christmas recess, it may be interesting for the pupils to hear about the breaking up for the holidays in an English school over forty years ago. While oie approach of every vacation is attendant with feel­ ings of pleasant anticipations, that at Christmas time was to the writer the most pleasant of all. The school year was divided in­ to three terms, each of about three months duration, with va­ cation periods of three, five and eight weeks in between. The closing up of the term be­ gan about ten days before the end. Eight of these were spent in examinations, which the boys dreaded the same as boys here, especially if they had not worked well during the term. Then it usually proved that their indol­ ence would find them out. But the principal features to the boys were four. First, the last Sun­ day service in the school chapel, when the boys would make the rafters ring, in the special hymn for the last Sunday of the term, which began “ Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing.” The second, was the school concert at the close of the examinations, when all work had been finished. The choir numbered about 150 voices and was augmented by special orchestra. Usually an oratorio or some classical musical com­ position was rendered, which the choir had been diligently practic­ ing during the term. The choir master was a musician of note, who trained the boys in high class (Concluded on Page 7) JUcr r u (Í Itr i s t ma s G iven Last T hursday and Friday E ven in gs at the Local H igh School (Tu all our lu'aìH'rs Prom pt R en ew a ls W ill be A p p recia ted “T he Spirit o f 1 7 ” at the Star S atu rd ay E ven in g There are a 'number of sub­ scriptions which have run out, and several more about to be­ come so. I shall feel deeply grate­ ful if these are promptly renew­ ed. The amount individually is small, but in the aggregate it is considerable. I am not making my personal profit the primary consideration, but the issuing of the best paper possible under the circumstances. I am banking on the goodwill of the community to show by their support that they appreciate good service. Besides it should be remember­ ed that the reputation of Esta­ cada depends very frequently on its paper. As the N ews goes all over the country, east, west, north and south and also overseas the people in these places by its appearance and make-up will derive their idea of Estacada. If the N ews is well written, taste­ fully and attractively printed, they will get the impression that Estacada itf a live town. This is a point which should not be over­ looked. —The Editor. The management of the Star Theatre asks us to express their regret for the annoying delays which attended their initial per­ formance last Saturday. This was due to the belt of the machine, but the defect has been remedied. They wish to acknowledge their appreciation of the splendid audi­ ences with which they were favored. Jack Bickford will be star per­ former on Saturday evening, in “The Spirit of T7.” This is one of the Paramount productions. See ad on local page. C hristm as S erv ices at th e M. E. Church Sunday will be Christmas Sun­ day at the Methodist church and at the 11:00 o’clock service the pastor will preach a Christmas sermon. In the evening the Senior members of the Sunday School will render a Christmas program, which will be followed by a white gift to the poor, and a silver off ering for the construction work in the foreign field. VIOLIN RECITAL PLEASED ALL J u v en ile R ead in gs by Miss M abel L. D orsey W ere E n ­ jo y ed by E veryone. Literary and musical treats have been somewhat rare in Esta­ cada, and in consequence the Com­ munity Institute last week stands out prominently. The beginning was some weeks ago, when Mr. Signs began correspondence with some of the state institutions r e g a r d i n g lectures that might be available for schools and communities. Among the first to reply was Mr. John C. Almack, head of the extension department of the University of Oregon outlining a plan, which they wished to try that of giving one and two day institutes in communities with­ in reach of the University. Ar­ rangements were completed with the result as shown by the ex­ cellent program given last week. On Thursday evening we were entertained first by Miss Mabel L. Dorsey of the Department of Dramatics. Miss Dorsey has a pleasing presence, and her juven­ ile readings were thoroughly en­ joyed by all and especially by (he goodly number of youngsters present. The masterpiece of the evening was a scene from “ The Little Minister” which was a de­ lightful interpretation. Mr. Almack then gave his lecture on the “Subconscious Mind,” which, though quite psychological, was reduced to such simplicity of terms that all were able to understand and en­ joy. In this lecture Mr. Almack presents that our subconscious self is our real self, and what we are, and what our mind does when the conscience control is R ed C ross Stam ps No Red Cross stamps are sold this year for tuberculosis relief. But ten of them are given with each membership subscription. The present issue is the most artistic in appearance of any previous ones. It is printed in three colors, representing the head of the Statue of Liberty, with hand holding the torch, a spray of holly is on either side encircling the Red Cross. On the top are- the words, “American Red Cross,” on the left side, “ Christmas Greetings,” on the right “ Happy New Year;” while underneath is the year “ 1918.” N otice to C orresp ond en ts Will our correspondents please send in their copy for the next two weeks, so that it arrives in Estacada not later than Tuesday morning. As Christmas and New Year’s Days come in these weeks, we shall have to make the first run on Tuesday instead of Wed­ nesday, in order to get the paper out on Thursday. l (Concluded on Pajfe 2)