Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 12, 1918, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Page Eight
You Can Buy Your Red
Cross Button at Library
... i ,1». .
— — -
Having been appointed chair­
man of the Red Cross Christmas
Roll Call for School DTStrict No.
An Old Fashioned Celebration of
108, I wish to make an announce­
Yuletide for American
ment in regard to same.
The district has been sub­
Soldiers In France.
divided into smaller districts ar#l
A Christman tree In every ward of
competent solicitors named and
you will be called upon on Mon­ every American hospital and In every
day, Dec. 16th, 1918 to do your hospital recreation hut In France 1
Every wounded or sick American
part. Every adult in the district fighting man to receive two socks filled
is to become a member by paying to the brim with fruits, nuts, candy
$1.00 each. Our quota is 100 per and smokes !
These are the most Interesting fea­
cent for the adult population.
tures of a tentative Christmas celebra­
Children may become members
tion program for the American hos­
by paying the same membership pitals arranged by the Amerlcun Red
No receipts will be given, Cross In France In co-operation with
and be sure you get your button j the commanding officers of our fighting
and wear it. Your name will be forces in that country. Details of the
plun to make Christmas as merry as
placed on the membership roll. possible for the soldiers In these Insti­
Special arrangements can b e , tutions huve Just been received at Red
made if you wish to subscribe to Cross headquarters. Nurses and enlist­
ed men on duty at these places will
the Red Cross magazine.
This ulso share In the distribution of Christ­
is a work o f mercy, so please mas cheer. Because of the limited
treat the solicitors as is due them. amount of available shipping Rpace
the Red Cross wus compelled to aban­
If you cannot be at home on don Its original plan to send special
Monday, leave your money at the Christmas parcels from here to soldier
patients In France.
All the articles
nearest neighbors.
distributed will be obtained over there.
I would especially ask the
This Is to be an old fashioned cele­
people living in the outskirts of bration In every sense of the word.
the city to try and send their pay­ Every soldier will hang his socks on
the tree. ° The socks will be tied with
ments in to me. 1 will be at the red ribbon and in addition to the good­
C. I. C. Library rooms on Satur­ ies mentioned above will contain a
handkerchief and a card, on which
day, Dec. 14th, between the will
be outlined the services the Amer­
hours of 2 and 5, if you care to ican Red Cross Is prepared to render
buy your button without being our soldiers. Each soldier will re­
ceive a sufficient number of Christmas
solicited. Will also be there on postcards— now being designed by art­
Wednesday, the 18th, to accom­ ists In thè Red Cross service— to en­
modate any who have been over­ able him to write to members of his
family and his friends back home. >
The Christmas dinner, of course, will
he one of the features of the celebra­
Jess. M. Bartlett,
After dinner there will be
District Chairman. musical entertainment, motion pic­
Red Cross District Captains.
John Ely principal o f the Esta­
cada grammar schools has resign­
ed his position.
He was urged
to this step from a sense o f duty.
His hearing has become slightly
defective which he found inter­
fered with his effectiveness, so
he concluded that it was for the
interest o f the schools that he
should resign.
J e m th e
Red Goss
zA'll 9/ou A'C't'tl is a Cfft.\irt
and a 'D olla r
Mr. Clark o f Clackamas, Ore.,
is now visiting at the home o f his
daughter Mrs. Albert Horger.
Miss Ethel Monger returned
home Monday after an extended
“ Blessed are the merciful; for visit at the home o f her sister,
Mrs. Iva Strange. ofSunnyside.
they shall obtain m ercy.”
Joe Fuzick returned home Sat­
S. Matt. 5:7.
urday from a Portland hospital
“ The quality of mercy is not where he recovered rapidly from
strained; It droppeth as the a serious attack o f influenza.
gentle rain from heaven upon the
Capt. Dorlas who sails between
place beneath; It is twice blest;
Portland and Australia, arrived
It blesseth him that gives and last Tuesday for a short visit
him that takes.” Shakspeare.
with his wife.
Thomas \V. Sullfvan o f Oregon
campaign manager for
Clackamas County for the Red
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
Cross Christmas Roll has mailed
P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n
out his circular letter to the vari­
Office Adjoining Residence
ous captains o f the county. Of
• these there are 313, who appoint
Local and Long Distance Telephone
as many assistants as they want.
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
The following are the captains
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
for Estacada and vicinity:
Estacada— Mrs. Jess M. Bart­
lett; Currinsville— W. M. Wade; •
Dr. L. A. Well»
L o g a n ---M r s . Carrie Cromer;
Garfield— E. T. Davis; Viola - - -
Pearl E. LaCroy; Eagle Creek—
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
A. IJ. Burnett; Dodge— E. Lacy.
E. G. Caufield is treasurer;
Mrs. F. W. Gardiner, secretary;
Dr. R. Morse
J, E. Hedges, chairman o f the
P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n
speakers’ committee;
E. E.
Brodie, chairman o f publicity
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
committee, and he has appointed
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
others to assist, who are: Upton
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
H. Gibbs, o f Estacada; Walter
Telephone Connection
Taylor, Molalla: W. E. Hassler.
Canby; W. W. Woodbeck, Mil-
waukie. A. C. Howland is chair­
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
man o f the transportation com­
The Rev. S. Darlow Johnson o f
Clatskanie visited the Rev. J. F.
Dunlop this week, accompanied
by his little son. The News re­
ceived a pleasant call from them.
I Sell and Trade Real Estate
Negotiate Loans • ¿uy Mortgages
Rent your Property - Write Insurance
In the very best Companies.
Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
LOST— Last Sunday morning,
a white wool scarf. Finder please
leave at News office.
tures and general s t r in g .
Red Cross Christmas Roll
Call December 16 to 23rd Resignation o f Principal Ely
Thursday, December 12, 1918
FOR SALE — Seven 6-weeks
old pigs. Write or phone B. F.
Bullard, Estacada, Ore., Rt. 1.
L. A .
Undertaker and
A Complete Stock o f Caskets and Robes
always in Stock on Lower Floor of
Odd Fellows Building.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
November 14th, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that William
H. Creighton, o f Zigzag, Oregon, who,
on February 11th, 1914, made Home­
stead Entry, No. 04092, under the Act
of June 11, 1906, per List 6-1029, for
Tracts A and B containing 78.59 acres,
as designated in the plat and field notes
of Homestead Entry Survey No. 176, in
the Oregon National Forest, in Section
12, surveyed, Township 3 South, Range
7 East, and Section 7, unsurveyed, in
Township 3 South, Range 8 East, W.
M. Said survey approved February 13.
1917, with Trail exemption noted, has
filed notice of intention to make three-
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the
Register and Receiver o f the United
States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon,
on the 27th day of December, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James Walter Creighton, o f Zigzag,
Oregon; Elsie I. Creighton, o f Zigzag,
Oregon; William J. Faubion, o f
Welches, Oregon; Annie Faubion, of
Welches, Oregon.
Proof made under Acts o f June 11,
1906 and June 6, 1912.
N. CAMPBELL, Register.
11-28 12-26
Phone Store or Residence.
Fire Insurance
in the Home Company
and through the Home Agent
Agent for
The Pacific States
Fire Insurance Company
Fire Insurance
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
Great American Fire Ins. Co.
Keep your policy in
our fire proof vault
free o f charge.
Estacada State Bank