Thursday, December 12, 1918 Page Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS V w a r ra n ts ........................... 10,000.00 / T o ta l e s tim a te d ex p e n d itu re ............... $572,500.00 Christmas, Presents! GAMES! BOOKS! E S T IM A T E D R E C E IP T S F e e s C le rk ’s office ..............$ 6,700.00 F e e s R e c o rd e r’s o ffice ......... 4,750.00 5 p e r cen t U. S. L and S a le s 100.00 F in e s ........................................ 3,070.00 In te re s t on B ank D eposits 3,250.00 TOYS! T o tal re c e ip ts from all so u rc e s o th e r th a n ta x a tio n $ 17,870.00 N et am ount to be ra ise d by ta x a tio n fo r th e y e a r 1919 .........................................$555,181.00 and many useful articles now on display at before the war prices. S H E R IF F 'S O F F IC E S h e riff’s S a la ry .................... $ 1,700.00 S h e riff's C h ief D eputy ..... 1,080.00 S h e riff's S p ecial D eputy .... 900.00 In v e s tig a tin g crim e, a u to h ire , e tc ............ y................... 1,200.00 S ta m p s, s ta tio n e ry , e tc ........ 150.00 B ond of S h e riff ..................... 220.00 It will pay you to do your Christmas Shopping Early YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS T o ta l East Clackamas Supply Co. X K "X ,%KK, v W K ,W v v ,M "X "> v v ,;"X , v v v v ,M "X ” > V ? ? ❖ IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR ? ? Gas Engine, Farm Tractor, Wood Saw, Water ? Ï ? Pump, Truck or Automobile of any Make ? t ? X Y V See Pesznecker, 35 years experience as machinest. First class mechanical force on hand from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. every day, no work done on Sunday. ? ? •> i * Y I ♦ ♦ Oxy-Acetyline Welding, Brazing, Cutting and Machine Work of any Kind, Battery Re- . charging and Repairing, Vulcanizing. U. S. A N D DIAMOND T IR E S AN D A FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES. ! CASCADE GARAGE S . P. P E S Z N E C K E R , TAX D E P A R T M E N T 1 C h ie f D eputy .......................$ 1,080.00 1 Second D eputy .................. 900.00 1 C lerk fo r ca *h book, 3 m o n th s S p rin g call .......... 210.00 4 C le rk s fo r office, 3 m o n th s ................................ 800.00 2 C le rk s fo r office, 2 m o n th s F a ll call ................ 280.00 S ta tio n e ry am i p o sta g e 400.00 B ond for D ep u ty ( “ F e e ” ).. 25.00 T o ta l ..................................$ T ax R e c e ip ts ($20.00) $ C ash Books (3) R e c a p itu la tio n Books and tu rn o v e r shectH ................ 3.695.00 325.00 175.00 T o ta l ............................... $ S tool S h elv in g fo r v au lt. 4,215.00 125.00 T o ta l .................... G rand T o ta l $ $ C L E R K S O F F IC E C le rk ’s S a lary ......... $ C le rk ’s F irs t D eputy ............ C le rk ’s Second D eputy ........ C le rk ’s T h ird D eputy .......... 'h o s ta g e and Box R ent ........ O ffice supplies and s ta ­ tio n e r) Bond O ffice E q u ip m en t ................... In d e x e s (work, o n ), ............ R e g is te rs, books an d Jour- M il T o ta l ............... $ E stim ate d R e c e ip ts .... C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y ’S BUDGET FOR T H E Y E A R 1919 N o tice is h e re b y g iv en th a t th e C ou n ty C o u rt of C la c k a m a s C ounty, O regon, m ak e s th e follow ing e s ti­ m a te s of th e a m o u n t of m oney to be ra is e d by ta x a tio n in s a id co u n ty for th e y e a r 1919, an d a lso of th e prob­ a b le re c e ip ts of th e c o u n ty from so u rc e s o th e r th a n d ire c t ta x a tio n , a n d th e a m o u n t of b a la n c e s on han d a t th e tim e such ta x w ill be levied. F o r co u n ty p u rp o se s, c o n s titu tin g th e g e n e ra l fund, th e fo llo w in g ite m s, to-w it: R e g is tra tio n & E le c tio n ....$ 5,000.00 S h e riff & T a x C o l l e c t o r ............ 9,590.00 C le rk ’s o ffice .....- .................. 5,470.00 R e c o rd e r .................................. 4,613.00 T r e a s u r e r .......................... — 2,900.00 2, . 220.00 7,690.00 3,475.00 A^idit of B ooks .................... D am ages ............... ....... A g ric u ltu ra l A gent................. Hom e d e m o n s tra tio n work B oys’ & G irls ’ C lub work In su ra n c e ............ ................... C o u rt H o u se ........................... C irc u it C o u rt C ou n ty C o u rt .............. .......... ................... J u s tic e C o u rts ................... C o ro n e r ......... . ................... In sa n e ............ School S u p e rin te n d e n t ........ H e a lth O fficer W ilso n v ille F e rry ................. C a ttle in d e m n ity ................... In d ig e n t S o ld ie rs ................... W id o w s’ P e n sio n s ................. C a re of P o o r ......................... J a il .................... J u v e n ile C o u rt ....................... S c a lp B o u n ty T ax R e b a te .............................. P r in tin g & A d v e rtisin g ...... S ta te & C ou n ty FairH ........ S e a le r of W e ig h ts ............ 4,350.00 1,400.00 700.00 175.00 5,598.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 600.00 11,000.00 14,600.00 500.00 1,000.00 200.00 194.00 1,000.00 600.00 425.00 R ent of A rm o ry ................... 600.00 S ta te T ax ............................. F o re s t F ire s ............................ 300.00 In te re s t « 5.250.00 20.00 4,840.00 9,590.00 1,500.00 1,080.00 960.00 960.00 150 00 150.00 86.00 136.00 200.00 100 00 Proprietor. >x~x~x* S u rv e y o r ...............................— A sse sso r .................................... .................................$ 8 , 000.00 T o ta l ...................... .... 400.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 500.00 600.00 300.00 $101,000.00 ROADS F or B rid g es • $ 7,125.00 7,125.00 For S ta te C o o p e ra tio n ..... F o r P a v in g ............................. 42,760.00 F or D is tric t fund, 70 p ar c e n t to d is tr ic ts & 30 p e r c e n t to g e n e ra l ro ad s ...................................... 199,600.00 T o ta l ................................. $256.500.00 98,000.00 School a n d L ib ra ry fund $ on o u tsta n d in g 107,000.00 5,476.00 6,700.00 R E C O R D E R ’S O F F IC E R e c o rd e r’s S a la ry .......... $ 1,200.00 C h ie f D eputy ........................ 1,080.00 T w o M achine O p e ra to rs .... 1,800.00 E x tra Help ............................. 160.00 T h re e (3) B lank Deed B ooks, at $24.00 e ach ..... 72.00 T h re e (3) B lank M o rtgage R ecord Rooks, a t $24.00 e a ch ........................................ 72.00 E n v e lo p es a n d S ta tio n e ry 40.00 Ink, Bens, P en cils, E ra s e rs e tc ................. 1000 R ib b o n s for ty p e w rite rs .... 26.50 S ta m p s ...................................... 75.00 T e le p h o n e s ............................. 48.00 B ond .......................................... 9.50 O ne (1) S econd-hand Desk for fro n t office ................... 30.00 T o ta l ..................................$ (Concluded on P age 6) 4.61300