I Thursday, November 2 8 , 1918 EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Eastern Clackamas Teachers Institute DOVER NEWS ITEMS » r zone will come to Estacada and be remailed and distributed to 30 surrounding districts according to allotment. • Prof. Kirk, Supt. o f schools of Oregon City, closed the program with an outline of his high ideals in regard to the “ Duties o f Citi­ zens after the W ar.” In addi­ tion Mr. Calavan urged immedi­ ate interest and completion o f the Reading Circle work for the year to avoid “ crowding” next fall. The visiting teachers were served luncheon in the school dining room by a committee of Home Economic girls and their efforts werfe heartily appreciated by the visitors. The only draw­ back was the fact that very few o f the people o f the community were in attendance. It is a mis­ take to think that teachers’ meetings are for teachers alone. They are for the community and the more parents know about the school business the better schools we will have. Geo. Kitzmiller finished his fall seeding and has returned to his work o f cooking for the logging camp. O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, Oregon M.J. KERKES Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see H E N R Y G IT H E N S Currinsville. B o n e r ’s for FISHING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing $ ? The assortment consists of Gold Rings, Lavalierre, Neck and W atch Chains, Lodge Charms, Crosses, Bracelets, Scarf and Neck Pins, Cuff Links, Tie Holders, Hat Pins and Belt Buckles Y ? Y ? ? ? M A K IN G A S U IT A B L E SELECTIO N A N E ASY M ATTER Y ? ï Y Y - The ^ l&xa£iL Store ~ ESTACADA PHARM ACY THREE POINT CRANKSHAFT. PUMP OIL AND WATER COOLING SYSTEM. HARRISON RADIATOR. BROWN-L1PE-CHAPIN GEARS. LYNITE PISTONS. A STARTING AND L I G H T I N G SYSTEM THAT ALWAYS WORKS. THE GREAT CHEVROLET VALVE IN HEAD MOTOR. $ $ * FOR POWER—SPEED—ECONOMY. Thyse featuris not In any car witbin $100.00 of "Us price. S O D A D R I N K S i 1 BOB’S PLACE K. G. M A K C H B A N K . - E S T A C A D A , ORE. H E A D Q U A R T E R S A N D F O R C .IG A R S T O B A C C O -«V DON’ T A LL COME AT ONCE---THERE WILL SOON BE ENOUGH FOR A L L - A T LAST We are Authorized to Take Orders for Ford 5 -Passenger Touring Cars AND THE GREATEST FARM NECESSITY OF THE AGE W E ALSO SELL Miss Gladys McKnight o f Al­ bany has assumed the work left Miss McKnight MW **W **W -X MX*<**>W**W**Î**> by*Mr. Davis. 4 is a U. of 0. graduate o f the class ? o f 1917. Look Over our New Line of Jewelry W A T E R « For a Choice Christmas G i f t - Ì ? ? S O D A The Ford One Ton Truck LAUNDRY AGENCY W r LUNCHES (Continued From Page 1) Elsworth Develin swallowed a tack Saturday, Dr. Adix is treat­ ing him. Page Seven ? The football team is still at ? vigorous practice. They have Y forwarded a challenge to Eugene * High School to play a champion­ Y ship game either at Portland, or Eugene claims the I Eugene. Y championship o f the Willamette Y valley, but with our record we feel like disputing the claim. I S Y Y Y Y The High School is growing. y We have enrolled this week, Y Douglas Drill and Pearl Tucker as Sophomores. Etta Wagner ¡class o f T7 will take commercial work. Isaiah Tucker and Marion Tucker, and Gladys Kandle take up the work as Freshmen. We also have word o f a young lady from Hillsboro, who will transfer shortly. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State afore­ said, and that aald Arm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ ber. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) - Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern­ ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the 8ystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. VELIE AND MAXWELL TRUCKS — W hen you want to buy a T O U R I N G C A R , don’t for­ get the M A X W E L L 1919, it is S O M E C A R . — W e also handle the old R E L I A B L E V E L IE . — In second hand cars we have some good buys in Fords, 1917 Maxwells, Flanders Roadster and 5 Pass. Chevrolet. — W hen in need of anything in our line call and let us make you seme prices that will astonish you and don’ t for­ get that J. M. M E L T O N , our old reliable auto mechanic is still in charge of our repair department. Estacada Garage • ———--------- .t. W . R E E I), Prop, and Owner W E SOLICIT A R IG H TEO U S SH A R E OF YO U R PATR O N AG E, A N D W IL L T R Y A N D MERIT IT. Ray Keith and wife and baby, were Sunday guests at the home EL W O O D NEWS o f Mr. and Mrs. John Park. Johnny Myers who has been staying with ,his sister, Mrs. L. N. Vallen shipped a load o f Ruth Cox and going to school, is apples to Mr. Hall of Portland. ! leaving for his home at Dodge, Mr. and* Mrs. Fred Moehnke, to attend school. visited the latter’s -osier a few Mrs. Updegrave left Sunday days at Wdlsonville. evening for Portland to visit Verna Bittner, who received i several davs. a gash on her leg by falling on a Miss Iva Udell spent Thursday picket is getting along nicely. afternoon with Mrs. Walter Kitz- Dr. Morse took eight stitches to miller, close the wound. Raymond DeShazer and C. E. Sewartfmade a trip to Portland F. N. Cadonan and family and Tuesday with a load o f beef. # /