EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, November 21, 1918 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moore were in Portland Friday, returning on Saturday. Edward Shearer o f Garfield, went to Portland Friday, return­ ing on Saturday. E. W. Bartlett and S. E. Woost­ er motored over to the county seat in the rain last Thursday. Miss Eleanor Simpson return­ ed to Portland, to her studies at St. Helen’ s Hall last Saturday evening. Lyal Richmond the brother of Mrs. B. F. Moore, arrived Satur­ day to spend the week-end with his sister. kh * Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs spent Sunday in Sellwood, visit­ ing some old friends, who form er­ ly lived with them in the same town in Minnesota. Toll Thompson o f Portland, special agent and adjuster for the London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. and the Orient Insurance Co. o f Hartford was in town on busi­ ness Monday afternoon. Fred Jennings o f the well know n' furniture firm, Henry Jennings & Sons, o f Portland, motored over Sunday, accom­ panied by his mother to call on Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jacques of Lower Garfield. Mrs. Cutter Lewis who had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle last week while visiting her old friend Mrs. W. A. Heylman, is progressing nicely under the care of Dr. Morse. S. P. Waterbury a former re­ sident and father-in-law o f L. A. Chapman arrived Saturday eve­ ning for a visit with the latter and to renew old acquaintances. He makes his home now at Hood River. The News acknowledges a cal. from him in which he re­ newed his subscription for an­ other year. The News next week will be a day late in publication, owing to Thursday being Thanksgiving Day. The editor extends his best wishes to his readers for a joyful observance o f the day. One cause for gratitude which he has this year, is the cordial re­ ception which has been accorded him and his wife by this com­ munity. While at the depot Saturday afternoon waiting for the train, the editor noticed in the ware­ house a shipment o f twenty-one boxes o f Jonathan apples, con­ signed to Portland, by A. W. Bot’:in o f Garfield. Unfortun­ ately they were nailed down so securely he was not able to pro­ cure a sample to tpst the quality, but however he knows this wa3 O. K. X Ed. Boner graph o f the flag and has card form. ive souvenir. has taken a photo­ High School service printed it in post­ It makes an attract­ Lieut. William M. Dale and bride arrived Saturday afternoon, to spend a few days of their honeymoon with the parents o f the former. Lewis Jones, o f the class of T8 Estacada High School, but now o f the S. A. T. C. at Reed College, was here for the week-end at the home o f his parents. J. W. Reed received word Mon­ day that his son Russel who is in the artillery has arrived overseas. He is nineteen years old and a member o f the Estacada High School class of ’ 18. E. Hannah. Clyde Denny, Ray­ mond Lovelace, Steve Peszneck- er and A. Lichthorn were Esta- cada’s contingent Saturday to witness the football match be­ tween Multnomah Athletic Club and the Camp Lewis team, which resulted in a victory for the former 17 to 7. Page Five period in order to make up the i ocracy Prof. P. Bar- work. The lessons will also have rows. to be lengthened slightly, but in 12:00 m. Luncheon. such a way that no hardship will 1:30 p. m. Special music by the be worked in any case. High School. 1:30 p. m. Junior Red Cross in The school authorities have the Schools Mrs. Blanche placed an order for the Victor j Blumaner. Animatograph Model No. II to 2:30 p. m. Round Table Talks. show motion pictures for com-1 Dear Teacher you will have munity and school use. The I much war work to do this year, machine will be installed at the sp it is highly important that you High School and the entertain­ take advantage o f this opportun­ ments will b£ o f a combined edu­ ity to get some real first hand in­ cational and amusement nature. formation on war activities. It will likely be two weeks be­ Please arrange to come. Don’ t fore we can hope to receive forget the date. returns from our order, and Very truly yours, as soon thereafter as possible J. B. Calavan. the first entertainment will be given. The student body will Mammoth Spuds assist in the operation o f the machine and in furnishing enter­ In the News window will be tainment, the proceeds will go to­ seen an exhibit o f some potatoes ward paying for the outfit and o f unusual size. They average later will go to other forms o f one and a half pounds in weight school improvement. and the longer specimens eleven inches in length. They are a white variety and were raised by The parents should plan to J. W. Marrs o f Dodge. meet with the teachers meeting We were not able to ascertain at Estacada, Sat., November 23, their name but were informed 1918. that they are the result o f care­ ful selection on the part o f Mr. Program: 10:00 a. m. Duties o f Citizens Marrs. We look forward to test­ ing their baking qualities. The After the War— Supt. R. W. exhibit attracts a good deal o f Kirk. attention and has been photo­ 11:00 a. m. Education inaD em - graphed by Warren MacWillis. J. C. Hillman has just install­ ed at the Palace Meat Market a Hobart Electric Meat Chopper o f the latest model. This is for the making o f Hamburger, Veal Loaf and sausage. Customers can see the entire process while they are waiting for their order to be filled, and thus be assured as to its perfectly sanitary condition. • x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x k -*< k ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x k ~X"X~ x ~ x -- x ~ x ~ x ~X "X "X ~ x « President Wilson’s Thanksgiv­ ing Proclamation is a dignified document. In it he strikes a high note which ismaintained through­ out. It is peace as the great triumph o f right which has come to us, and with it the advent o f a new era, a new day, a new hope, new and greater duties. «These are the things for which we should give especial thanks, and also seek divine guidance that we may perform them right. Honorably and Valiantly Se­ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The next football game will be with Gresham on , the Estacada grounds, Friday Nov. 22, at 3 o ’clock. The basketball season will open with the Adelphic-Web- sterian game Dec. 6th. Estacada schools opened, Mon­ day Nov. 18th, with full attend­ ance. Half holiday vacation will be given up and half an hour added to each day as a study t . X î X That the Fullest Measure of the Blessings of a Righteous Peace Throuout the World, cured, m a y C o m e People of this to t h e Community I IS T H E E A R N E S T W ISH OF T H E Estacada State Bank D E P O S IT O R Y FOR TH E . F U N D S OF: T h e State of Oregon T h e County of Clackamas T h e City of Estacada J - x ~ x - < - :~ x - x ~ x - x ~ x - :- x ~ x ~ :~ x ~ X " X ~ x - < ~ x ~ x ~ x - X " X « - x -