Thursday, October 3 * , 19 18 • I Meeting Postponed. ________ The meeting of the Loyalty League which was scheduled for next Saturday evening, at the Douglass schoolhouse, will be called off on account of the influ­ enza. “ A Perfect Dream.” Oh! let me dream of a perfect day, O f the day when the Hun foe yields; When the Belgian orphans romp and play. In the peaceful Belgian fields. When the zeppelin raids forever stop, A s the Huns give up all hope; And the kaiser takes a six foot drop, A t the end of a perfect rope. — Exchange. M.J. KERKES Livestock Buyer and Butcher. Livestock of all kinds purchased. Phone or see H E N R Y G IT H E N S Currinsville. B o n e r ’s for FISHING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing LAUNDRY AGENCY A N ICE L IN E OF Christmas Greetings I ? NOW ON DISPLAY To reach the Boys ‘ Over There’ by Christ­ mas, they should be mailed early in Nov. Remember the United W ar Work Campaign November 11th to 18th V ♦ ♦ A The 'fC&KCLKX* Store ~ ! ? ESTACADA PHARM ACY THREE POINT CRANKSHAFT. PUMP OIL AND WATER COOLING SYSTEM. HARRISON RADIATOR. BROWN-LIPE-CHAPIN GEARS. LYNITE PISTONS. A STARTING AND L I G H T I N G SYSTEM THAT ALWAYS WORKS. THE GREAT CHEVROLET VALVE IN HEAD MOTOR, $ $ $ FOR POWER-SPEED—ECONOMY. Thste features not In any car within $100.00 of its price. CASCADE GARAGE % V EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Page Seven Various Candidates For Election Nov. 5th NEW FORD TRICKS— — (Continued from Page 1) sure to write name in full and place an X before it. For Attorney General. George M. Brown Douglaas Co Rep-Dem-Pro.; E. L. Cannon, Douglass Co., Socialist. For Superintendent o f Public In­ struction: J. A. Churchill, Baker Co., Rep.- Dem.; Inez Augusta Lusk, Coos Co., Socialist. For Commissioner o f the Bureau o f Labor Statistics and Inspector o f Factories and Workshops: C. H. Gram, o f Multnomah Co., Rep.-Dem .; August Nikula o f Clatsop Co., Socialist. For Commissioner o f the Public Service Commission o f Oregon: John E. Johnson o f Malheur Co., Socialist; Fred A. Williams of Josephine Co., Rep.-Dem. For Superintendent o f Water Division Number One: Max Burgholzer o f Lane Co., Socialist; Percy A. Cupper o f Marion Co., Rep.-Dem. For Senator, Twelfth Senatorial District, Clackamas County: Walter A. Dimick, Rep.-Dem .; Robert Ginther, Socialist. For Senator, Fourteenth Senator­ ial District, Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah Counties: W. W. Banks o f Multnomah Co., Rep.-Dem .; Dan Small o f Multnomah Co., Socialist. For Representative, Sixteenth Representative Dist., Clackamas County: Harvey E. Cross, Rep.-Dem .; Henry A. Dedham Rep.; C. Schuebel, Rep.; Joseph Neely, S oc.; Robert Schubel, S oc.; M. V. Thomas, Soc. For Representative, Seventeenth Representative District, Clack­ amas and Multnomah Counties: W. C. Aylsworth o f Mult. Co., Soc.; David E. Lofgren o f Mult. Co., Rep. COUNTY For County Commissioner: Bernhard Fredrick, S oc.; W. $100 R e w a r d , $100 The rea d ers o f this p ap er w ill be pleased to learn th a t th ere Is at least on e d re a d e d d is ea s e th at s cie n ce has been a ble to cu re In all its s ta s e s , and that Is ca ta rrh . C a ta rr h b e in g g r e a t l y Influenced by c o n s t i t u t io n a l c o n d it io n s req u ires c o n s t it u t io n a l treatm en t. H a ll’s C a ta rr h Cure Is ta k e n in t e rn a lly and a cts thru the Iilood on the M u cou s S u rfa ce s o f the System t h e r e b y d e ­ s t r o y i n g the fo u n d a t io n o f th e disease, g i v i n g th e patien t s t r e n g t h b y b u i ld i n g up the c o n s t i t u t io n and a s s is t i n g n a ­ tu re in d o in g Its w or k . T h e p r o p r i e ­ tors have s o much fa ith in the c u r a tiv e p o w e r s o f H a ll's C a ta rrh C u re th a t th ey offe r One Hundred- D o lla r s f o r a n y ca se that it fa ils to cure. Send f o r list o f testim on ia ls. Address: T. J. CHENET * CO.. ToUdo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. Tie. Second Hand Ford Touring C ars, Two Second Hand Motor Cycles, New Maxwell 18 Model 5 Passenger Tour­ ing Cars, One Second Hand One Ton Smith Form A Truck. : : : i # * OUR REPAIRING AND VULCANIZING DE­ PARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE. WE SOLICIT A LIBERAL SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND WILL TRY AND MERIT IT. » I Estacada Garage t J. W . REED, Proprietor ! ! I ! I j That Dark-ha. ' Chap from Virginia says that down South the best people won’t chew anything but Real Gravely. They know how it’ s m a d e — the Gravely way. It costs nothing extra to chew this class of plug. A small chew of Gravely holds its good taste. That’s why it lasts so much longer than a big chew of ordinary plug. • • • • It goes further—that’» why you cau got tho food taste o f this clues of tohacco without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a pouch-anc/ w orth it P D GRAVELY T O D A C C O C O ., D A N V I L L E . V A ’ Sawyer, D em .;J. Thomsen, Soc. F. Harris, Rep. For County Surveyor: For County Sheriff: H. H. Johnson. Rep.-Dem. F. H. King, Soc.; Henry W. Koehler, l)em .; Wm. J. Wilson, For County Coroner: Rep. Jas. S. Imel, Soc.; E. L. John­ son, Rep. For County Clerk: Claud Howard, Soc.; Fred A. CITY OK ESTACADA Miller, Rep. For Mayor, E. W. Bartlett; for Recorder, S. E. Wooster; for For Recorder o f Conveyances: J. G. Noe, Rep.; Emma Kay- Treasurer, Mrs. Jess. M. Bartlett; for Councilmen, L. A. Wells, ner, Soc. James Smith, U. S. Morgan, J. For County Treasurer: Alberta L. Dunn, Rep.; J. C. V. Barr and John Osborn.