Thursday, October 3 1, 1918 Page Three Never a Night Before Away From Home The whole town was gathered on the platform that morning to see the train pull out men and women and children, waving and cheering and trying hard to keep on smiling through their tears. Out of the car windows leaned the boys to wave a last good-bye. Just average clear-eyed coun­ try town boys; twenty of them altogether. And seventeen of them had never slept a night away from home before. They are dwelling in a strange land tonight, whose language they .cannot understand. But across the mud and the snow a light gleams warm from a hut on the edge of the town, and inside good cheer and happi­ ness are ready for whoever will come in to claim them. Friendship dwells in the hut; keeps its warm fires burning bright this winter. Let it be perfectly clear to the men over there that you have not forgot­ ten. To the men that only a little while ago were boys who had never slept a night away from home. —By Bruce Barton. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Do You Know that we are in a Position to Save You From 20 to 100 per cent on Every Pair of Shoes You Buy? Our Guarantee Stands Back of all These SHOES t 95 PER CENT OF OUR STOCK WAS BOUGHT A YEAR OR MORE AGO AND IT ENABLES US TO GIVE YOU A BETTER QUALITY AT A LOWER PRICE THAN IF BOUGHT TODAY. Manufacturers have notified us that they have no Shoes to sell and jobbing houses are not putting out shoes they are willing to guarantee so we have decided to purchase as few shoes as possible this winter. ~¿Día7iic7u{ ¿¡¡hand* Remember the Longer You Wait the Poorer the Quality and Higher the Price. UPPER EAGLE CREEK East Clackamas Supply Company * * Welding, Brazing, Machine Work and Repairing of Anything in Metal Branch. Battery Recharging and Repairing. • X Dodge, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac WE ARE SALES AGENTS FOR WE ARE COMPLYING WITH THE REQUEST OF THE STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE BY CLOSING AT 6 P. M. WEEK DAYS AND A LL DAY ON SUNDAYS Y ï Republic Trucks—Brunswick and U. S. Tires Cleveland Tractor s S. P. P E S Z N E C K E R -CASCADE GARAGE- •> V j\ Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke were Portland visitors last Tuesday. A. G. Dix, of Portland, was a guest at the home of J. P. Woodle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass were Estacada and Gresham visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle, of Portland, were visiting with relatives out this way Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hollander, of Portland, were the guests of A. N. Orke and wife one day last week. M. Dhulst is intending to leave this neighbornood soon, he has rented a farm near Gresham and has been moving some of his farming implements down. Notice to Correspondents Some of our country corres­ pondents have neglected us this week. We hope that they will in an extra supply next Z send week. Please see that copy gets to the office not later than Wed­ nesday morning. We take the Z opportunity here of thanking them for their help, in this most department of the . X important rural paper. , • Grove Krigbaum is home for a short furlough with his parents, X from the Naval station at Mare ? Island, California.